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Harnessing fundamental discoveries to correct dysfunction.

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Dr. Ertuğrul Özbudak was one of eight newly endowed professors honored at Feinberg's investiture ceremony this September. The award recognizes the most distinguished leaders in science. 

Read the faculty feature

We are excited to welcome Dr. Ertuğrul Özbudak who recently joined the Cell & Developmental Biology department. His lab opened at Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine in June 2024.

Visit his lab website

Congratulations to Dr. Yogesh Goyal who was named Pew-Stewart Scholar in June 2024, resulting from his research on cell plasticity. Read the full press release below.

Press Release

Join us in welcoming Dr. Saba Parvez to the Cell & Developmental Biology department. His lab opened its doors at Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine in February 2024.

Read the faculty feature

We extend a very warm welcome to Dr. Lisandra Vila Ellis, who was recently recruited to the Cell & Developmental Biology department. Her lab opened at Feinberg School of Medicine in October 2023.

Read the faculty feature

Thrilled to celebrate Dr. Congcong He's promotion to Associate Professor with tenure! Visit her lab website to learn more about her research and drop a congratulatory note.

Learn more about the He Lab

Who We Are

The Department of Cell & Developmental Biology is home to investigators who wish to understand the principles that govern cell organization and function. We are working to clarify the processes involved in cell differentiation and organ formation. We also aim to grow in quantitative and new computational approaches to understand and predict biological outcomes associated with normal development and responding to pathological stresses. We partner with colleagues in multiple departments and institutes to realize the potential of our discoveries and improve human health.

Where We Are Going

Our Department is in the process of acquiring new talent! For the next 2-5 years, we will recruit 5-7 tenure-track investigators of all ranks (1-2 positions per year). Our vision is to create an intellectually and culturally diverse environment. We are looking to expand our constituency of cell and developmental biologists and to identify investigators in quantitative/computational biology whose interests center on cellular and developmental questions.

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Our department is supported by the Basic Science Administration group. The team provides assistance related to research and financial administration, professional affairs, facilities and communications.

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