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Parking for Special Guests & Speakers

Student organizations hosting special guests or speakers for sponsored events on campus may be eligible for discounted parking coupons. Apply by completing the form below. Review our list of parking garage addresses or the campus parking map for more information on parking locations.


Green parking coupons for the Erie-Ontario and Huron-Superior garages cost $5.75 for six hours or less. If the parker stays more than six hours but less than 24 hours, they will need to pay an additional $6.25 fee. Blue coupons for the same garages are available for $12 and are valid for 6 to 24 hours of parking.


Requests for discounted parking coupons may require approval of the Associate Dean of Student Affairs. Please submit your request five business days in advance of your guest's visit. If you are requesting more than one coupon per event, your chart string may be charged.

Discounted parking coupons are on a first-come, first-served basis and can be picked-up at the front desk of the Augusta Webster, MD, Office of Medical Education in Ward 1-003. Payment will be collected at the time of pick-up and can be made via cash or check. Make checks payable to Northwestern University.
