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Below is a list of Center for Epidemiology & Population Health members. View individual profiles for publication and contact information, research and clinical specialties and more. If you are interested in joining our center, complete the membership form on the IPHAM site.

Achenbach, Chad J

Achenbach, Chad J

Professor, Medicine (Infectious Diseases), Preventive Medicine (Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention)
Professor, McCormick School of Engineering

Agrawal, Rishi K

Agrawal, Rishi K

Professor, Pediatrics (Hospital-Based Medicine)

Alexandria, Shaina J

Alexandria, Shaina J

Assistant Professor, Preventive Medicine (Biostatistics and Informatics)

Allen, Norrina Bai

Allen, Norrina Bai

Professor, Preventive Medicine (Epidemiology), Medical Social Sciences (Determinants of Health), Pediatrics

Alpern, Elizabeth R

Alpern, Elizabeth R

Professor, Pediatrics (Emergency Medicine), Medical Social Sciences (Intervention Science)

Balbale, Salva

Balbale, Salva

Assistant Professor, Medicine (Gastroenterology and Hepatology), Medical Social Sciences (Determinants of Health), Medical Social Sciences (Implementation Science), Medical Social Sciences (Intervention Science), Surgery

Barnard, Cynthia

Barnard, Cynthia

Lecturer, Medicine (General Internal Medicine), Medical Social Sciences (Implementation Science)

Becker, Sara J

Becker, Sara J

Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (General Psychiatry), Medical Social Sciences (Implementation Science)

Beidas, Rinad S

Beidas, Rinad S

Professor, Medical Social Sciences (Implementation Science)
Professor, Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences

Birkett, Michelle A

Birkett, Michelle A

Associate Professor, Medical Social Sciences (Determinants of Health), Preventive Medicine (Epidemiology)