Academic Day
A variety of academically oriented events occur weekly on Fridays in order to provide resident trainees and medical students the opportunity to gain exposure to facets of neurosurgery which can be difficult to acquire solely through patient care. These include:
Didactic sessions & Case-based learning
Neurosurgical faculty review a variety of neurosurgical topics with resident trainees and medical students in a didactic format.
Neurosurgical faculty review clinical cases in a case-based format with resident trainees and medical students including assessment of history and physical, radiology, clinical decision-making, surgical case review and management of post-operative course including complications.

Anatomy is the foundation of our practice, and by incorporating 3D visualizations, virtual reality, and cadaveric dissections into the department's dedicated Skull Base Lab, we are able to fully illustrate the complexities of the human brain in a way that further cements surgeons’ and residents’ visuospatial knowledge. The Skull Base Lab emphasizes a comprehensive and translational approach using real surgical techniques that better equip trainees with the skills they need in the OR. Guided skull base cadaver dissections led by departmental faculty are hosted in The Skull Base Lab.

Visiting Professor Lecture Series
Nationally recognized leaders in neurosurgery spend a day with residents and faculty in a variety of environments including lectures, small group discussions and case-based review sessions.
In the image on the right, you can see our guest Allan D Levi MD, PhD, FACS, Professor and Chairman of Neurosurgery, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.

Grand Rounds
Large forum lectures for the entire Department of Neurosurgery on a variety of topics of the speaker’s choosing. Speakers include departmental faculty and residents as well as visiting lecturers.