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Feinberg Faculty Portal: Guidance for Faculty

The Feinberg Faculty Portal, powered by Interfolio, is designed to support faculty throughout their careers at Feinberg, providing a central location for managing your professional accomplishments to support processes that include performance review, promotion and tenure review, and mentoring. Public faculty profiles are also managed through the Feinberg Faculty Portal.

The Feinberg Faculty Portal launched in July 2019. If you used the prior faculty profile database, your data have been transferred into the Portal, and new data imports from campus source systems are also included to reduce the amount of data entry you need to complete. 


The Feinberg Faculty Portal is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive so that you can use its core functionality without need for extensive training.

  1. Log in to the Feinberg Faculty Portal
    Use your Northwestern University netID and password. If you have trouble logging in, contact Feinberg IT at
  2. Add or edit data in the Career Activity Module
    Locate the Career Activity Module in the left navigation menu. You will perform data entry in its Profile and Activities pages. Consult the Quick Reference on Data Entry for help.
  3. Maintain your Feinberg Faculty Profile
    The Feinberg Faculty Portal is one of the primary tools used to maintain your public Feinberg Faculty Profile; these profiles are viewed frequently by Northwestern community members and the public at large. When you are new to campus, you may want to prioritize entering the data that display there, and you are encouraged to keep your public profile updated throughout your career. View the Quick Reference on Feinberg Faculty Profiles to understand the data source for each component of the Feinberg Faculty Profile.

  4. Generate Your CV, Promotion/Tenure Packet, or Other Reports of Career Activity
    After completing data entry, use this guide to export your CV or other reports of achievement.

  5. Staff Support
    If you need assistance using the Portal, updating your imported publication list, or maintaining your public faculty profile, contact the staff support address designated for your primary Feinberg department.

Implementation of the Feinberg Faculty Portal included the goal of importing data from more campus source systems to reduce the amount of manual data entry required by faculty. Below is a list of sections in the Career Activity Module that receive ongoing data imports. Imported data can't be deleted or edited in the Feinberg Faculty Portal; corrections need to be made in the source system. In most cases, imported records have additional fields called "activity classifications" appended in the Feinberg Faculty Portal, and these can be edited in the Portal to provide supplementary information or affect how records display on reports and CVs.

Profile: Personal Information, Contact Information, and Current Appointment
Content in these three profile sections is imported from the Faculty Affairs Office

The Faculty Affairs Office (FAO) maintains the system of record on Feinberg faculty appointments. Data from FAO are refreshed nightly in the following three profile sections. If updates to any of these sections is needed, first contact your department administrators so that they can work with you to coordinate any necessary paperwork and/or communicate the changes to additional offices (e.g., hospital, clinic) that may also need to know.

  1. Personal Information
    • Locked fields: first name, middle initial, last name, suffix
    • Editable fields: honorific suffix, country of origin, languages
  2. Contact Information (for communication from FSM)
    • Locked fields: mailing address and email address (FAO will only record email addresses that use approved domains as identified in Feinberg's Email Auto-forwarding Policy)
    • Editable fields: phone and fax number
  3. Current Appointment
    • This section is locked and shows you the details of your faculty appointment as recorded by the FAO. It is important to understand your appointment type because it establishes the expectations for your career at Feinberg, including the criteria for reappointment and/or promotion. For information about faculty career tracks, review the Information Guide for Appointments, Promotion and Tenure.

Activities: Internal Institutional Service
Service as a Feinberg APT committee member or an ad hoc reviewer for promotion/tenure is imported from the Faculty Affairs Office; other institutional service should be manually entered

Most of the records in the Internal Institutional Service section will be manually entered by faculty. However, service to the Feinberg Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure (APT) committee or as an ad hoc reviewer of promotion/tenure cases is tracked centrally by the Faculty Affairs Office. These service records are imported to the Feinberg Faculty Portal in the fall, after the APT committee roster for the new academic year is established and in the spring, after ad hoc review of promotion/tenure cases has concluded.

Activities: Teaching (imported)
Medical student teaching is imported from FOCUS, a system maintained by the Augusta Webster Office of Medical Education (AWOME)

  • This section contains teaching contributions to the MD program that are tracked by the Augusta Webster Office of Medical Education (AWOME) and is not editable.
  • Teaching data from AWOME are loaded monthly; however, there are some exceptions. AWOME updates the following teaching activities twice a year (around January 1 and August 1), so there will be more lag time before faculty see these teaching activities loaded in the Feinberg Faculty Portal:
    1. ECMH precepting
    2. M1 MDM small group teaching
    3. M1 and M2 clinical skills precepting
    4. Ultrasound small groups
    5. Case Based Learning (CBL) small groups
    6. DOC small group leaders
    7. Intro Track leaders
  • The teaching tracked by AWOME is generally limited to didactic teaching delivered in the first two years of the medical school curriculum. Clinical teaching delivered in clerkships needs to be self-reported by faculty in the Clinical Teaching section.
  • Faculty should self-report additional teaching activity in other sections: Classroom Teaching, Clinical Teaching, Curriculum Development, and Advising/Mentoring of Students and Trainees.

Activities: Grant Proposals Submitted
Grant proposals are imported monthly from InfoEd, Northwestern University's system of record

  • Grant proposals are imported from InfoEd (the Northwestern University system of record) on a monthly basis; only records for grant proposals submitted within the last three years are refreshed.
  • Grant details for imported records are locked for editing, but you can update the activity classification fields (e.g., Percent Effort) and upload documents.
  • Grants are imported only if your role in InfoEd matches one of the following exactly: PD/PI, Principal Investigator, PI, Co-PD/PI, Subproject PI, Co-Investigator, Co-I, Co-Inv.  If your InfoEd role does not match one of these options, you can manually enter the grant.
  • InfoEd only contains external grants administered by Northwestern University. Grant proposals submitted to internal units of the University (e.g., NUCATS) and those submitted through clinical affiliates (e.g., Lurie Children's Hospital, Shirley Ryan AbilityLab) can be entered manually.
  • When entering records manually, the fields pertaining to direct costs and total costs are important only if you have a Principal Investigator role.

Activities: Grants and Sponsored Awards
Grants and sponsored awards are imported monthly from InfoEd, Northwestern University's system of record

  • Grants are imported from InfoEd (the Northwestern University system of record) on a monthly basis. Grant details for imported records are locked for editing, but you can update the activity classification fields (e.g., Percent Effort) and upload documents.
  • Grants are imported only if your role in InfoEd matches one of the following exactly: PD/PI, Principal Investigator, PI, Co-PD/PI, Subproject PI, Co-Investigator, Co-I, Co-Inv.  If your InfoEd role does not match one of these options, you can manually enter the grant.
  • Grants that ended prior to 2009 are not imported from InfoEd; you may enter those manually. 
  • InfoEd only contains external grants administered by Northwestern University. Grants from internal units of the University (e.g., NUCATS)  and those administered by clinical affiliates (e.g., Lurie Children's Hospital, Shirley Ryan AbilityLab) can be entered manually.
  • When entering records manually, the fields pertaining to direct costs and total costs are important only if you have a Principal Investigator role.

Activities: Publications and Scholarly Works
Journal articles, books, chapters, and conference proceedings are imported from Northwestern Elements, a system overseen by the Galter Health Sciences Library

Do not manually enter journal articles, books, chapters, or conference proceedings in the Feinberg Faculty Portal!

Journal articles, books, chapters, and conference proceedings are imported from a source system called Northwestern Elements, which is overseen by the Galter Health Sciences Library. Staff in each department have been trained in use of Northwestern Elements and are working in collaboration with Galter librarians to curate publication lists. If you notice issues with your publication list, please contact your department administrators for assistance. 

Journal articles, books, and chapters only display on your public faculty profile if they are entered in Northwestern Elements. The Feinberg Faculty Portal receives a data import from Northwestern Elements once each week. Public faculty profiles receive data updates from Northwestern Elements daily, so journal articles, books, and chapters might appear on your public profile before you see them in the Feinberg Faculty Portal. Conference proceedings do not display publicly on faculty profiles.

Northwestern Elements automatically claims publications that it can identify as yours when it searches various publication databases. To reduce the need for manual curation of your publication list and improve the ability of the system to correctly match publications to you, please obtain and publish with an ORCID ID. This unique identifier for researchers can be stored in Northwestern Elements and improves the automated searching and claiming of your publications.

You may manually enter these other types of scholarly works directly in the Feinberg Faculty Portal, but they do not display on public profiles:

  • Peer-reviewed educational materials
  • Congressional Hearings and Legislative Testimony
  • Patents and Intellectual Property
  • Data Set
  • Software / Code
  • Oral Abstracts / Presentations
  • Poster Abstracts / Presentations
  • Media
  • Other Scholarly Works

Activities: Academic Appointments
Feinberg appointment history is imported from the Faculty Affairs Office; additional appointments may be added manually

  • Academic appointments, leadership positions, and endowed professorships that are managed or tracked by the Faculty Affairs Office (FAO) are imported to this section and locked for editing.  
  • When records are locked, you may edit activity classifications and upload documents, but otherwise you are unable to edit or delete records.
  • Other academic appointments--those held at other institutions (e.g., adjunct appointments), or those held at Northwestern that are not managed by FAO--may be self-reported in this section and remain editable.
  • Records you manually enter will not appear on your public faculty profile, but you may wish to record them for the purpose of constructing your CV.

Feinberg has partnered with an external vendor named Interfolio, licensing three of its modules for inclusion in the Feinberg Faculty Portal. Each module is described below with links to relevant resources.

Career Activity Module
Record professional accomplishments, generate CVs, and search for collaborators

The Career Activity Module is where you record your professional accomplishments, generate CVs and biosketches, and search for faculty collaborators. Of the three modules included in the Feinberg Faculty Portal, you will likely use this one the most frequently.

Feinberg Resources

  • Go-Live Checklist for Faculty
    This checklist highlights sections needing your attention when reviewing your data for the first time.
  • Quick Reference on Data Entry
    Obtain an overview of how to enter profile and activity data in the Feinberg Faculty Portal.
  • Generate CV
    Learn how to generate your CV out of the Feinberg Faculty Portal in multiple formats

Interfolio Resources
Feinberg partnered with an external vendor named Interfolio to implement the Feinberg Faculty Portal.

Case Review Module
Use for electronic submission and online review of documents (e.g., promotion and tenure cases)

The Case Review Module facilitates paperless workflow processes, enabling electronic submission and online review of documents. Feinberg is initially using this module for review of promotion and tenure cases, so at this time, only faculty on departmental and school appointments, promotion, and tenure (APT) committees are interacting with this module. Over time, Feinberg will convert more processes to electronic workflows using this module, and we are planning for promotion and tenure applicants to submit their promotion/tenure applications online beginning in 2020.

Feinberg Resources

  • Quick Reference on Reviewing Cases
    This one-page reference provides an overview of the materials viewer used to read and review cases. At this time, it is only relevant to departmental and school APT committee members.

Interfolio Resources
Feinberg partnered with an external vendor named Interfolio to implement the Feinberg Faculty Portal.

Interfolio Dossier
Your personal, private document repository

Interfolio Dossier is a personal, private document repository included with your Feinberg Faculty Portal account. School administrators and administrative proxies cannot access your Dossier account, and this module should not be used to store research data, patient data, or HIPAA-protected information.

Documents stored in Dossier can be added to packets that are prepared electronically and submitted for review through the Case Review Module. This will become relevant once Feinberg asks faculty to apply for promotion/tenure online, which is expected to occur in 2020, and establishes more paperless review processes. For example, you could store a personal statement or your CV in Dossier. You might also store letters of reference that you write for colleagues. If you have ever received a reference letter request from an institution that uses Interfolio, you might have already used Dossier to submit the letter and could find it stored in your account.

Interfolio Resources
Feinberg partnered with an external vendor named Interfolio to implement the Feinberg Faculty Portal.

  • Help for Interfolio Dossier
    Dossier is a product that can be licensed by individuals, so some of the help pertains to that scenario. Feinberg faculty do not incur a cost for using Dossier as part of the Feinberg Faculty Portal.
  • Help for Letter Writers
    These resources may be helpful if another institution has asked you to submit a letter of reference via Interfolio.
  • Scholar Services
    Interfolio's Scholar Services team is available to provide technical assistance to faculty and staff users. Contact

Feinberg conducted needs assessment to obtain feedback from faculty and administrators prior to implementing the Feinberg Faculty Portal. Needs of the faculty were prioritized in selecting the vendor and configuring the system, which includes several enhancements that you requested. 

Using the Feinberg Faculty Portal, you can:

  • Manage content that displays on your public Feinberg Faculty Profile
  • Generate CVs in various formats, including Feinberg's standard format for promotion and tenure
  • Search for collaborators using different parameters, such as skills, interests, or publications
  • Connect to career development resources relevant to different aspects of your career
  • Obtain visibility into data from campus source systems on teaching, grants, and publications; data from these systems have been imported into the Feinberg Faculty Portal to reduce the need for manual data entry
  • Allow an administrative proxy to update your profile and edit career activity on your behalf, further reducing your need to enter data manually
  • Minimize the number of requests you receive from administrators to provide similar information in different formats for various purposes; if you keep the Feinberg Faculty Portal up to date, administrators can report on and format the information for purposes such as accreditation reporting and program review 
As the Feinberg community interacts with the Feinberg Faculty Portal, answers to common questions will be posted here.

What is Northwestern Interfolio vs. the Feinberg Faculty Portal?

Northwestern University has implemented Interfolio modules under the name Northwestern Interfolio, but that implementation is not configured for Feinberg. If you are cross-appointed in another school along with Feinberg, you will likely have accounts in both Northwestern Interfolio and the Feinberg Faculty Portal, and you can toggle between them. After logging into either one, click on your name in the upper right corner of the screen and select either Northwestern University (to access Northwestern Interfolio) or Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine (to access the Feinberg Faculty Portal).

How do I update my publication list?

Do not manually enter journal articles, books, or chapters in the Feinberg Faculty Portal!

Journal articles, books, and chapters are imported from a source system called Northwestern Elements, which is overseen by the Galter Health Sciences Library. Staff in each department have been trained in use of Northwestern Elements and are working in collaboration with Galter librarians to curate publication lists. If you notice issues with your publication list, please contact your department's staff contacts for academic appointments (or the department administrator if no other staff are listed) for assistance. 

Journal articles, books, and chapters only display on your public faculty profile if they are entered in Northwestern Elements. The Feinberg Faculty Portal receives a data import from Northwestern Elements once each week. Public faculty profiles receive data updates from Northwestern Elements three times each week, so journal articles, books, and chapters might appear on your public profile before you see them in the Feinberg Faculty Portal.

Northwestern Elements automatically claims publications that it can identify as yours when it searches various publication databases. To reduce the need for manual curation of your publication list and improve the ability of the system to correctly match publications to you, please obtain and publish with an ORCID ID. This unique identifier for researchers can be stored in Northwestern Elements and improves the automated searching and claiming of your publications.

You may manually enter these other types of scholarly works directly in the Feinberg Faculty Portal, but they do not display on public profiles:

  • Peer-reviewed educational materials
  • Congressional Hearings and Legislative Testimony
  • Patents and Intellectual Property
  • Data Set
  • Software / Code
  • Conference Proceedings
  • Oral Abstracts / Presentations
  • Poster Abstracts / Presentations
  • Media
  • Other Scholarly Works