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Alliance for Research in Chicagoland Communities Seed Grant Program

The Alliance for Research in Chicagoland Communities (ARCC) and Northwestern University Clinical & Translational Sciences Institute (NUCATS) in partnership with Northwestern Memorial Hospital (NMH) fund seed grants that support the development and capacity of community-driven partnerships to improve health equity. Honoring and centering the expertise and lived experience of communities increases the trustworthiness, relevance, quality, and impact of health research. The Seed Grant program includes a focus on racial equity and addressing root causes of inequities.

Learn about the funded 2024 ARCC Community Partnership & Research Seed Grants here and scroll down to see all ARCC Past Recipients since 2008. 

2025/Round 18 ARCC Community Research Seed Grants 

Learn about the funded Cycle 1 Seed Grant recipients by scrolling down on this page to Past Recipients. 

Cycle 2 Application Deadline: April 22, 2025

Recorded Info Sessions for Community Research Capacity-Building & Partnership Development Grants: October 14 and October 29

Virtual Info Session for Research Pilot Grants: January 29, 2025. Recording here

In-Person Info Session & Learning Exchange for all seed grant types: March 20, 2025 (Time/location TBD)

To learn about the grant awards for our previous rounds of funding, please scroll down to Past Recipients.

Additional Resources

Past Recipients

 Round 18/2025

In Round 18 Cycle 1, ARCC awarded $39,000 for 8 seed grants. Summaries for each funded grant are available here.

Cycle 2 Grant Applications are due April 22, 2025.

Community Research Capacity Building Grants

CQLC for Latine Transformative Research. Emily Jade Aguilar, Chicago Queer Latine Collaborative (CQLC) NFP

Where my girls at? Exploring Black girls’ knowledge, availability and access to mental wellness resources in their communities. Brittney Autry, Cent(HER)ed Collective Girls, NFP

Bridging the Gap: A Heal TogetHER Initiative Using Focus Groups to Promote Mental Wellness Among Black Women in Chicago. Camesha Jones-Brandon, Sista Afya Community Care NFP

Empowering Communities for Maternal Health Equity: Building Research Capacity Through Training, Collaboration, and Community. Maryam Muhammad, Heal Thy Life Center

Girls in the Game: Research with Purpose, Jess Larson, Girls in the Game

Partnership Development Grants

Building Capacity for a Community Based Research Partnership for LGBTQ Health and Wellbeing. Joli Robinson, Center on Halsted, and alithia zamantakis, Medical Social Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine

Addressing Lung Cancer Disparities for the Latinx Community on Chicago’s South and West Sides. Erika Flores, Erie Neighborhood House, and Marquita Lewis, Medical Social Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine 

Building a Community Advisory Board to Address Vicarious Trauma and Burnout Among Advocates Against Gender-based Violence. Colleen Norton, The Network: Advocating Against Domestic Violence, and Maia Jacobs, Computer Science, McCormick School of Engineering

 Round 17/2024

In Round 17 Cycle 1, ARCC awarded $36,000 for 7 seed grants. Summaries for each funded partnership are available here.

In Round 17 Cycle 2, ARCC awarded $185,000 for 19 seed grants. Summaries for each funded partnership are available here.

Community Research Capacity Building Grants

Increasing Capacity for Vulnerable Patients to Access Culturally Humble Care, Improve Medical Relationships, & Address Expectations of Wellness. Mai Heath, NDoula Community Alliance

BUILD Youth Participatory Research and Capacity-Building Initiative. Khaliah Marsh, BUILD, Inc.

Building Capacity to Open New Paths with Leadership and Autonomy. Rosa E. Martínez Colón, Instituto ANCLA, and Omar N. López, CALOR

Project Brotherhood - The Common Ground Foundation Community Research Capacity-Building. Marcus Murray, Project Brotherhood, and Karl Kemp, The Common Ground Foundation

Beyond the Gift Card Community Conversations. Ede Crittle, Healthy Communities Coalition, Inc.

All the Same Girl: Using Research to Create Cultural Competency in Latinx Girl Serving Programs. Kelly Fair, Polished Pebbles

Girls Like Me Project’s Quest to Establish Advisory Council that Positions Black Girls as Expert Partners in Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR). La'Keisha Gray-Sewell, Girls Like Me Projec

Coalition on Urban Girls Revitalization Initiative. Ayeshia Garrett-Johnson, Coalition on Urban Girls (CUG)

Girls Inc. of Chicago addresses the State of Girls on the Southside. Lona Slaughter, Girls Inc. of Chicago

Project Yaku Community Research Capacity-Building. Edith Freeze, Pachacamak Foundation

Recovery and Functional Medicine. Lilia Shrayfer, Above And Beyond Family Recovery Center

A Partnership for Healing and Hope on Chicago’s South Side. Shelli Strickland, African Lotus Wellness

Develop Behavioral Health Integration Program in Chinese Community. Chunping Huang, Chinese American Service League

Rapport Building through Runs/Walks with Researcher. Jackie Hoffman, Peace Runners 773

PLAN2THRIVE Initiative. Nicole Brookens, PLAN4SUCCESS

Partnership Development Grants

Using community-engagement for building research partnership to improve the health and wellbeing of Black immigrants in the Chicagoland Area. Fasika Alem, United African Organization, and Tiwaloluwa Ajibewa, Preventive Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine

BQAC Got Yo Back: Bisexual Inclusive Therapy and Education (BITE) Partnership Development Grant. Augusto Rodriguez, Bisexual Queer Alliance Chicago, and Lauren Beach, Medical Social Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine 

Healthy Hood and ARISE Health Lab Community-Academic Partnership for Adolescent Mental Health Innovation. Joline Lozano, Healthy Hood Chicago, and Nia Heard-Garris, Pediatrics, Feinberg School of Medicine/Lurie Children’s Hospital

Promoting Empowerment among Individuals with Cancer and Other Complex Health Conditions to Optimize Health Outcomes and Survivorship through a Community-Academic Partnership. Ann Jackson, Center for Food Equity in Medicine, and Callie Walsh-Bailey, Medical Social Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine

Building a Partnership for the Betterment of Chicago Chinatown Community Health. Chunping Huang, Chinese American Service League, and Jennifer Young, Medical Social Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine 

Assessing Cardiovascular Health Needs and Social Determinants of Health in Low-Income Asian American Communities through Community-Research Partnership. Hong Liu, Midwest Asian Health Association, and Jenny Jia, General Internal Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine

Developing a Community Advisory Board for Research Focused on Improving Urinary Incontinence Treatment Access and Adherence in Older Black Women in Chicago. Sista Yaa Simpson, TACTS- (The Association of Clinical Trials Services), and Oluwateniola (Teni) Brown, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Feinberg School of Medicine

Research Pilot Grants

Building a Community-Engaged Research Program to Improve Far South Side Neighborhoods. Laura Bailey, Phalanx Family Services, and Kiarri Kershaw, Preventive Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine

User-Centered, Community-Engaged Design of a Text Message Library to Promote HPV Vaccination among Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Populations. Ella Berry, Chinese Mutual Aid Association, and Ha Ngan (Milkie) Vu, Preventive Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicin

Exploring Access to And Quality of Obstetric Care for Racially and Ethnically Minoritized People With Disabilities. Amber Smock, Access Living, and Carol Haywood, Medical Social Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine

Advancing Immunization Equity on Chicago’s South and West Sides: Assessing the Impact of EverThrive Illinois’ Community-Centered National Infant Immunization Campaign. Andie Baker, EverThrive Illinois, and Marquita Lewis-Thames, Medical Social Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine

 Round 16/2023

In Round 16 Cycle 1, ARCC awarded $30,000 for 6 seed grants. Summaries for each funded partnership are available: Cycle 1 Partnership Summaries.

In Round 16 Cycle 2, ARCC awarded $109,000 for 9 seed grants. Summaries for each funded partnership are available: Cycle 2 Partnership Summaries

Community Research Capacity Building Grants

Increasing the capacity of Community Health Workers to become leaders in community-engaged research through development of orientation and training modules. Kim Downing and Kandis Draw, The HAP Foundation, in collaboration with Sista Yaa Simpson, The Association of Clinical Trials Services (TACTS)

Building Capacity for the Healthy Southwest Coalition for Food Security (HSCFS). Priyanka Reddy, Southwest Organizing Project (SWOP)

Barbershop Based Health Equity with The Shop Docs. Bobby Price, Principle Barbers and Annette Grotheer, The Shop Docs

Development of Community Advisory Board in Chicago’s South Side Maternal Health Desert. Star August Ali, Holistic Birth Collective

Impact of Megafestivals on Pilsen. Claudia Galeno-Sanchez, Women for Green Spaces (Working Family Solidarity)

TACTS Accessing Complementary/Integrative Alternatives Medicines Among Black Chicagoans. Sista Yaa Simpson, TACTS (The Association of Clinical Trials Services)

Partnership Development Grants

TaskForce 4 Evaluation, Data Integration and Technical Assistance. Christopher Balthazar, Taskforce Prevention and Community Services and Gregory Phillips II, Medical Social Sciences and Preventive Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine

Partnership Development to Increase HPV Vaccination Knowledge, Acceptance, and Uptake among Asian American Parents and Youths. James Wilson, Chinese Mutual Aid Association and Ha Ngan (Milkie) Vu, Preventive Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine 

Partnership to Enhance Minority Participation in Clinical Trials (EMPACT Chicago). Kimberly Richardson, Black Cancer Collaborative, and Dario Roque, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Feinberg School of Medicine

A Partnership to Improve LGBTQ+ Affirming Care for Spanish-speaking Communities. Oscal Ivan Zambrano, Medical Organization for Latino Advancement (MOLA), and Gregory Phillips II, Medical Social Sciences & Preventive Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine

Data Activism for Birth Justice on Chicago's South Side. Callan Jaress, Holistic Birth Collective, and Kiarri Kershaw, Preventive Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine

Developing Partnerships Toward Community-Based, Culturally Responsive Mental Health Promotion among Chicago Latinxs. Esther Sciammarella, Chicago Hispanic Health Coalition, and Mark Driscoll, The Family Institute and Psychology, Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences

Research Pilot Grants

The Taskforce-EDIT Partnership Study. Christopher Balthazar, Taskforce Prevention and Community Services, and Gregory Phillips II, Medical Social Sciences & Preventive Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine

Co-Development of a Community-Based Program for Black Caregivers of Loved Ones with Dementia in Far South Chicago. Tonya Roberson, Helping Communities Help Themselves and Rachel O’Conor, General Internal Medicine & Geriatrics, Feinberg School of Medicine

A Collaborative Planning Framework for the Implementation of Family-Focused SBIRT within School-Based Health Centers for Students with Chronic Illness . Kenneth Papineau, Chicago Public Schools, and Faith Summersett Williams, Pediatrics, Feinberg School of Medicine/Lurie Children’s Hospital

 Round 15/2022

In Round 15, ARCC awarded $136,500 for 10 seed grants.

Community Research Capacity Building Grants

Summaries for each funded partnership are available here.

'Your Opinion Matters,' Phyllis Rodgers, Peer Plus Education and Training Advocates

Community Workshop Intensive - Post Support, Glenance Green, Black Researchers Collective

Research Pilot Grants

Summaries for each funded partnership are available here.

Evaluating the Health Impacts of a Home Repair Program for Older Adults. Gail Schechter, H.O.M.E. – Housing Opportunities & Maintenance for the Elderly, and Rachel O'Conor, General Internal Medicine & Geriatrics, Feinberg School of Medicine

Assessing cultural appropriateness in food pantries of Cook County. Taryn McCook, Greater Chicago Food Depository, and Jenny Jia, Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine

Adapting a psychological intervention for implementation through a faith-based community-academic partnership. Diana Ingram, Pastors 4 PCOR and Allison Carroll, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences & Preventive Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine

Frame Running for fitness in young people with mobility challenges using an afterschool sport-based youth development model. Rebecca Hanks, Chicago Run, and Theresa Sukal-Moulton, Physical Therapy & Human Movement Sciences & Pediatrics, Feinberg School of Medicine

Partnership Development Grants

Abstracts for each funded partnership are available here.

Bringing Healthy Equity to Southwest Chicago. Sarah Elizabeth Ippel, Academy for Global Citizenship and Melinda Ring, Medicine and Medical Social Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine

Development of a community-academic partnership to promote racial equity in cardiovascular health. Laura Bailey, Phalanx Family Services, and Bonnie Spring, Preventive Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine 

Hughes Who Technologies Studio-Northwestern: Community-Academic Partnership Building Grant. Darryl Hughes and Edye Deloch-Hughes, Hughes Who Technologies Studio-NFP, and Ashley Knapp, Psychiatry, Feinberg School of Medicine

 Round 14/2021

In Round 14, ARCC awarded $170,000 in seed grants to support the development and growth of 14 community-engaged research partnerships to improve health equity. Each award supports a partnership that includes a community lead from a local community organization and an academic lead from Northwestern University.

Research Pilot Grants

Abstracts for each funded partnership are available here.

Rebuilding Black Girlhood!: Nurturing Resistance, Cultivating Identities and Relationships with Black Girls. Gloria Dotson-Lewis, Distinctively Me, and Leoandra Onnie Rogers, Psychology, Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences

Adaptation of Written Exposure Therapy for PTSD Protocol for Transgender Women in a Community Setting. Kevin Pleasant, Chicago House and Social Service Agency, and Claire Coyne, Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, Feinberg School of Medicine

The Bayanihan Project: Filipinx/a/o Community Networks of Care in COVID-19. Melissa Palma, Filipino Young Leaders Program, and Namratha Kandula, General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, Feinberg School of Medicine

Exploring Park Use & Health in Big Marsh & Surrounding Neighborhoods. Paul Fitzgerald, Friends of Big Marsh, and Adam Becker, Pediatrics, Feinberg School of Medicine/Lurie Children’s Hospital

Gardening for Recovery & Optimal Wellbeing (GROW): A Feasibility Study of PhotoVoice as a Therapeutic Tool. Daniel Hostetler, Above and Beyond Family Recovery Center, and Teresa Horton, Anthropology, Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences

Partnership Development Grants

Cycle 1

Summaries for each funded partnership are available here

It’s a Family Affair: Establishing a Community-Based Research Partnership to Develop a Culturally Tailored, Family-Centered Dementia Caregiving Program. Tonya Roberson, Helping Communities Help Themselves, and Rachel O'Conor, General Internal Medicine & Geriatrics, Feinberg School of Medicine

Exploring possibilities of nature as medicine in Humboldt Park to develop a sustainable patient-centered outcomes research program. Lucy Gomez-Feliciano, Chicago Park District, and Gloria Redondo, Family & Community Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine

Bolstering a Latinx Community Research Partnership to End the HIV/AIDS Epidemic. Luis Roman, Association Of Latina/o/x Motivating Action, and Gregory Phillips II, Medical Social Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine

Building a multisector coalition to explore research opportunities that address food insecurity and health disparities in South Asian communities. Margaret Clauson, Skokie-Morton Grove School District 69, and Namratha Kandula, Preventive Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine

Building a Chicago-area Research Partnership to Improve Family Supports for Parents with Different Abilities (POC-focus) - From Lived Experience Research to Practice. Kimberly Svevo-Cianci, Changing Children's Worlds Foundation, and Heather Risser, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine

Cycle 2

Abstracts for each funded partnership are available here.

The Black Queer Equity Index. Jamie Frazier, Lighthouse Foundation, and Gregory Phillips II, Medical Social Sciences and EDIT Program, Feinberg School of Medicine

Building a lasting community –academic partnership to investigate the root causes of community violence and design empirically supported interventions. Nichole Carter, Bright Star Community Outreach, and Michael Brook, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine

Promoting psychological wellbeing through a faith-based community-academic partnership. Diana Ingram, Pastors4PCOR, and Allison Carroll, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine

Building an employment pipeline for young adults of color living with disabilities. Kimberly L. Johnson, Chicagoland Autism Connection, and Heather Risser, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine

 Round 13/2020

In Round 13, ARCC awarded $125,000 in seed grants to support the development and growth of 11 community-engaged research partnerships to improve health equity. Each award supports a partnership that includes a community lead from a local community organization and an academic lead from Northwestern University

Research Pilot Grants

Abstracts for each funded partnership are available here.

A Youth-Led Response to COVID-19: Research and Public Health Focus
Chelsea Ridley, Mikva Challenge, and Tara Gill, Psychiatry, Feinberg School of Medicine and Lurie Children’s Hospital

Connecting communities with pediatric focused bereavement support resources
Kristin James, Greater Illinois Pediatric Palliative Care Coalition, and Kelly Michelson, Pediatrics, Feinberg School of Medicine and Lurie Children’s Hospital

Project Hustle Mommy: Examining the Emotional Wellness of Chicago’s Inner City Mom
Ariel DeNey Rainey, Hustle Mommies, and Inger Burnett-Zeigler, Psychiatry, Feinberg School of Medicine

Partnership Development Grants

Cycle 1

Abstracts for each funded partnership are available here

Building a Community-Research Partnership to Implement an Ethically Sound APOL1 Genetic Testing Program for African American Living Donors
Jacqueline Burgess-Bishop, National Kidney Foundation of Illinois, and Elisa Gordon, Surgery, Feinberg School of Medicine

Cultivating PEAs: A Partnership to Develop Positive Emotion Ambassadors in Violence Prevention Programs on the South and West Sides of Chicago
Soren Larsen-Ravenfeather, READI Chicago (Rapid Employment & Development Initiative), and Elizabeth Addington, Medical Social Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine

Language and Culture as barriers and opportunities to improving the health of refugee women
Suzanne Akhras Sahloul, Syrian Community Network, and Melissa Simon, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Feinberg School of Medicine and Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center

Cycle 2

Abstracts for each funded partnership are available here.

Engaging recovery communities of color: a partnership promoting health equity through addressing co-morbidity disparities
Mary Roberson, Northern Illinois Recovery Community Organization, and Maryann Mason, Emergency Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine

Partnership to Explore and Address Equitable Access to Big Marsh Park
Paul Fitzgerald, Friends of Big Marsh, and Adam Becker, Pediatrics, Feinberg School of Medicine and Lurie Children’s Hospital

Mind Wellness Compass Program: Understanding mental health stigma and increasing access to mental health services among African Americans and Black immigrants in Chicago
Nancy Asirifi-Otchere, United African Organization, and Aderonke Bamgbose Pederson, Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, Feinberg School of Medicine

Filling the gaps of institutional and communal sexual health resources and services in Chicago
Angela Townsend, Sexpectations Chicago, and Claire Coyne, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine and Lurie Children’s Hospital

Technology-Enabled Prevention Service for At-Risk Youth: Community-Academic Partnership and Advisory Board
Robert Simmons, Oak Park Public Library, and Ashley Knapp, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine

 Round 12/2019

In Round 12, ARCC awarded $150,000 in seed grants to support the development and growth of 10 community-engaged research partnerships to improve health equity.

Abstracts for Each Funded Partnership (PDF)

Partnership Development Grants

  • Creating a Community-Based Participatory Research Partnership to Improve Disparities for African Americans and Kidney Disease: Melvin Thompson, The Endeleo Institute, and Dinee Simpson, Surgery, Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Creating a Partnership between the Above and Beyond Family Recovery Center Healing Garden and Northwestern University Academic Researchers: Daniel Hostetler, Above and Beyond Family Recovery Center, and Teresa Horton, Anthropology, Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences
  • Evaluating the Health Benefits to Older Adults of Community-Based Housing Support Services: Gail Schechter, Housing Opportunities & Maintenance for the Elderly, and Rachel O’Conor, General Internal Medicine & Geriatrics, Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Launching an Advisory Council to Combat Stigma and Improve Access to Mental Health Care for Immigrant Youth and Seniors: Taneka Jennings, HANA Center, and Darby Morhardt, Mesulam Center for Cognitive Neurology & Alzheimer’s Disease, Feinberg School of Medicine
  • (Re)Building the Foundation of Black Girlhood: A Partnership to Promote Black Girls’ Socio-Emotional and Cultural Development: Gloria Dotson-Lewis, Distinctively Me, and Leoandra Onnie Rogers, Psychology, Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences

Research Pilot Grants

  • Exploring and Addressing the Role of the Transportation Environment in Health and Resilience: Esteban Rodriquez, Northwest Side Housing Center, and Adam Becker, Pediatrics, School of Medicine/Lurie Children’s Hospital
  • Developing Best Practices to Identify Sexual and Gender Minority Youth in Foster Care through Community-Research Partnership: Juliana Harms, Illinois Department of Children & Family Services, and Kirsten Simonton, Pediatrics, Feinberg School of Medicine/Lurie Children’s Hospital
  • Breast Cancer Survivors and Their Caregivers: Evaluating Health Literacy and Health-Related Quality of Life in Underserved Community Members: Judy Guitelman, ALAS-Wings, and Elizabeth Hahn, Medical Social Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine
  • I Am Enough: An Empowerment Group for Survivors: Lisa D. Daniels, The Darren B. Easterling Center for Restorative Practices, and Tracy Fehrenbach, Psychiatry, Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Implementing organizational changes to provide gender-responsive, trauma-informed sport-based youth development programming for girls: Elizabeth Tumiel, Girls in the Game, and Linda Lesondak, Psychiatry, Feinberg School of Medicine

 Round 11/2018

common-threads.jpgIn Round 11, ARCC awarded $100,000 in seed grants to support the development and growth of eight community-engaged research partnerships to improve health equity. 

Abstracts for Each Funded Partnerships (PDF)

Partnership Development Grants

  • Building a Partnership to Enhance Trauma-Informed Recovery Services for Women in Englewood Impacted by the Loss of a Child to Gun Violence or Incarceration: Lisa D. Daniels, Darren B. Easterling Center for Restorative Practices and Tracy Fehrenbach, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Building a Research Partnership to Address the Relationship between Housing, the Environment, and Health: Vanessa Valentin, Northwest Side Housing Center, and Adam Becker, Pediatrics, Feinberg School of Medicine/Lurie Children’s Hospital
  • Exploring the viability of evaluating a trauma informed approach into Sport Based Youth Development Program with high risk teen girls: Elizabeth Tumiel, Girls in the Game, and Doreen Salina, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Improving Access and Perceptions of Mental Health Care through Integrative Mind-Body Practices: Laura Craig, Howard Brown Health 63rd, and Inger Burnett-Zeigler, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine

Research Development Grants

  • Cooking Up Health: Docs and Kids in the Kitchen Research Initiative: Neile Edens, Common Threads, and Melinda Ring, General Internal Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Advancing Biomedical Adherence in HIV Care for Men of Color through Community-Research Partnership: Ariq Cabbler, Brothers Health Collective, and Lisa Kuhns, Pediatrics, Feinberg School of Medicine/Lurie Children’s Hospital
  • Identifying best practices to support pregnant and parenting youth in Chicago Public Schools: Jamie Tully, Chicago Public Schools, and Amy Johnson, Pediatrics, Feinberg School of Medicine/Lurie Children’s Hospital
  • Employment Services for Transition Aged Foster Youth with Disabilities: Developing a Process Map and Identifying Barriers: E-Shawn Spencer, Thresholds, and Lucy Bilaver, Pediatrics, Feinberg School of Medicine/Lurie Children’s Hospital

 Round 10/2017

In Round 10, ARCC awarded $75,000 in seed grants to support the development and growth of six community-engaged research partnerships.

Abstracts for Each Funded Partnership (PDF)

Partnership Development Grants

Research Development Grants

  • The Courage to Love: Social Support and Social Cohesion to Help Infants Thrive: Dominca McBride, Courage to Love Collaborative, Become: Center for Community Engagement & Social Change and Matt Davis, Pediatrics, Feinberg School of Medicine and Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital
  • Understanding Health Literacy and Self-reported Health Outcomes in a Spanish-speaking Community of Southwest Chicago: Elio DeArrudah, Universidad Popular and Elizabeth Hahn, Medical Social Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine
  • REACH to Faith 2.0: Building faith based community capacity to disseminate and implement culturally appropriate dementia friendly resources, research evidence and program interventions in Woodson Library: Melvin Thompson, Endeleo Institute and Darby Morhardt, Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer’s Disease Center, Feinberg School of Medicine

 Round 9/2016

In Round 9, ARCC awarded $57,000 in seed grants to support the development and growth of six community-engaged research partnerships.

Abstracts for Each Funded Partnerships

Partnership Development Grants

  • Partnerships In Ongoing, New Exploratory Engagement Research (PIONEER) Project: Melissa Maguire, The Night Ministry, and Stephen Schueller, Preventive Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Building & Enhancing Capacity for Conducting HIV Research w Latino Men Who Have Sex w Men in Chicago through a Community-Academic Partnership: Alredo Flores, CALOR, and Gregory Phillips, Medical Social Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Cooking Up Health: Docs and Kids in the Kitchen: Neile Edens, Common Threads, and Melinda Ring, Osher Center for Integrative Health
  • Implementing a CBPR Partnership Approach to Stress Remediation: Megan Hinchy, West Humboldt Park Community Development Council, and Maryann Mason, Pediatrics, Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Partnership for PCOR in Aging and Disability Research: Amy Eisenstein, CJE Senior Life, and Elliot Roth, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Partnership Building with Barbers to Improve Mental Health Barriers to Health Promotion: Development of the REHAB Consortium: Nataka Moore, Chicago Global Health Alliance, and Adam Murphy, Urology, Feinberg School of Medicine

 Round 8/2015

In Round 8, ARCC awarded $20,000 for projects to support community-engaged research partnership development, foster the development of community-engaged research projects/proposals for external funding and to support the dissemination of research findings contributing to community health. 

Abstracts for Each Funded Partnership (PDF)

Partnership Development Grants

  • Developing a promotora model to address community-defined mental health and metabolic health needs in Little Village: Helius DeArrudah, Universidad Popular, and Matt O’Brien, General Internal Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Community-Academic Partnership to improve outcomes for HIV+ /at risk Female Torture Survivors: Mary Lynn Everson, Heartland Alliance Marjorie Kovler Center, and Sarah Sutton, Infectious Diseases, Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Developing a Community-Based Approach to Stress Remediation: Interrupting Chronic Disease Processes in Chicago Children and Families: Chet Jackson, West Humboldt Park Development Council (WHPDC), and Maryann Mason, Pediatrics, Feinberg School of Medicine

Proposal Development Grant

  • Urban Youth Cafe: Building an Understanding of Programs and Services that Connect InRisk Youth to the Mainstream: Lori Crowder, Alliance of Local Service Organizations (ALSO), and Karen Sheehan, Pediatrics, Feinberg School of Medicine

Research Dissemination Grant

  • Implementing and Disseminating Youth-led Community-Based Participatory Research: Nikki Zaleski, Illinois Caucus for Adolescent Health (ICAH), and Michael Fagen, Preventive Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine

 Round 7/2014

p4p.jpgIn Round 7, ARCC awarded $20,000 for projects to support community-engaged research partnership development, foster the development of community-engaged research projects/proposals for external funding and to support the dissemination of research findings contributing to community health.

Abstracts for Each Funded Partnership (PDF)

Partnership Development Grants

  • Pastors for Patient Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR): Developing Partnership Infrastructure to Facilitate Engagement in PCOR Research Projects: Bishop Gordon, Southlands Ministers Health Network/Pastor4PCOR, and Rebecca Johnson, Buehler Center on Aging, Health, and Society, Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Community-Academic Partnership to Promote Integration of Health Promotion and Prevention Efforts Benefiting Girls of Color: Laurel Crown, Youth Guidance and Rebecca Ford-Paz, Pediatrics/Psychiatry, Feinberg School of Medicine

Proposal Development Grant

  • Developing a care coordination model for substance with co-occurring HIV who are high users of Emergency department: Proposal Development between Northwestern Memorial Hospital and Haymarket Center: Jessica Dubuar, Haymarket Center and Robert Turelli, Emergency Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine

Research Dissemination Grant

  • Barriers to HIV Testing in African American Men: Marcus Murray, Project Brotherhood and Adam Murphy, Urology, Feinberg School of Medicine

 Round 6/2013

In Round 6, ARCC awarded $90,000 for projects focusing on community-academic partnership building and Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) implementation.

Abstracts for Each Funded Project (PDF)

Partnership-Building Grants

  • Building a Community-Academic Partnership to Formulate Research on the Outcomes of the Global Gardens Refugee Training Farm: Marta Pereya, Coalition of Limited English Speaking Elderly, and Madelyn Iris, Preventive Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine
  • The Courage to Love: Developing Relational Approaches to Eliminating Disparities in Preterm Birth and Infant Mortality: Kirsten Peachey, The Center for Faith and Community Health Transformation (Advocate Health Care and University of Illinois at Chicago), and Craig Garfield, Pediatrics, Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Reach to Faith: Research and Education for African American Caregiver Health: Etta McGregor-Jones, Amani Trinity United Community Health Corporation, and Darby Morhardt, Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer's Disease Center, Feinberg School of Medicine

CBPR Implementation Grants

  • Evaluating the Dissemination of Community-level HIV Prevention Information Using a Social Networks Approach: Dianna Manjarrez, MPH, Vida/SIDA-Puerto Rican Cultural Center, and George Greene, Medical Social Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Partnership for a Better Roseland - Choose Life Project: Sherida Morrison, Demoiselle 2 Femme, and Virginia Bishop, Preventive Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine

 Round 5/2012

In Round 5, ARCC awarded $90,000 in Round Five for projects focusing on community-academic partnership building and CBPR implementation.

Abstracts for Each Funded Project (PDF)

Partnership-Building Grants

  • Building a Community-Academic Partnership to Identify and Eliminate Barriers to HPC Vaccination in African Americans: Tonya Roberson, Sisters Working It Out and Rebecca Wurtz, Preventive Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine

CBPR Implementation Grants

  • Increasing Clinician Understanding Regarding the Needs of Children with Life-Limiting Illnesses and Their Families: Kimberly Downing, Greater Illinois Pediatric Palliative Care Coalition, and Kelly Michelson, Pediatrics, Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Improving Asthma Verification and medication Access in the Chicago Public Schools: Lilliana DeSantiago-Cardenas, Chicago Public Schools and Ruchi Gupta, Pediatrics, Feinberg School of Medicine
  • KARE - Korean Alzheimer's Research and Education: Hyeyoung Lee, Korean Community Services and Darby Morhardt, Cognitive Neurology & Alzheimer's Disease Center, Feinberg School of Medicine

 Round 4/2011

In Round 4, ARCC awarded $90,000 for projects focusing on community-academic partnership building and CBPR implementation.

Abstracts for Each Funded Project (PDF)

Partnership-Building Grants

  • Barriers to Prostate Cancer and HIV Screening in African American Men in Chicago: Marcus Murray, Project Brotherhood, and Adam Murphy, Department of Urology, Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Refugee Communities: Disability, Health, & Inclusion Partnership Project: Rene Luna, Access Living of Metropolitan Chicago, and Mansha Mirza, Institute for Healthcare Studies, Feinberg School of Medicine
  • KARE- Korean American Alzheimer’s Research and Education: Hyeyoung Lee, Korean American Community Services, and Darby Morhardt, Cognitive Neurology & Alzheimer’s Disease Center, Feinberg School of Medicine

CBPR Implementation Grants

  • Evaluating Coordination of Care for the Suburban Uninsured: The Access Du Page Cohort Study: Kara Murphy, Access DuPage, and Melissa Simon, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Feinberg School of Medicine
  • People with Disabilities Speak Out on Health Care Disparities: A Qualitative Study of Medicaid Beneficiaries’ Primary Care Experiences: Judy Panko-Reis, Access Living of Metropolitan Chicago, and Susan Magasi, Medical Social Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine

 Round 3/2010

In Round 3, ARCC awarded $130,000 for projects focusing on community-academic partnership building and CBPR implementation. 

Abstracts for Each Funded Project (PDF)

Partnership-Building Grants

  • Building Bridges to Connect Faith to Community Health: A Capacity Building Partnership between a Faith-Based Organization and Academic Partner: Horace Smith, Apostolic Faith Church, and Virginia Bishop, Assistant Professor of Preventive Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Community Partnership for Healthy Behaviors in a Latino Community: Abel Nunez, Centro Romero, and Adolfo Ariza, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Feinberg School of Medicine/Children's Memorial Hospital
  • Community-Academic Partnership to Prevent Depression in Latino Youth: Marco Jacome, Healthcare Alternative Systems, and Rebecca Ford-Paz, Instructor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine/Children's Memorial Hospital
  • Partnership for a Better Roseland: Sherida Morrison, Demoiselle 2 Femme, and Virginia Bishop, Assistant Professor of Preventive Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine

Implementation Grants

  • Evaluation of Park-Based Promotion of Healthy Vending: Lucy Gomez, Logan Square Neighborhood Association, and Maryann Mason, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Feinberg School of Medicine/Children's Memorial Hospital
  • Developing and Implementing a CBPR Partnership to Find Solutions to Physical Inactivity in Chicago's South Asian Community: Santosh Kumar, Metropolitan Asian Family Services, and Namratha Kandula, Assistant Professor of General Internal Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Chicago Community Health Worker/Promotor Survey and Mapping Project: Community-Based Analysis of Rogers Park Pilot Data: Laura Bahena, Chicago Community Health Worker Local Network, and Daniel Block, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Preventive Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Breast Cancer Disparities in the Hispanic/Latina Community in Chicago: Judith Guitelman, Network of Strength, and Judith Abramson, Instructor, Preventive Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine

 Round 2/2009

Partnership-Building Grants

Implementation Grant

 Round 1/2008

In Round 1, ARCC awarded $80,000 in seed grant funds for projects focusing on community-academic partnership building and CBPR implementation.

Grant Recipients & Project Titles

  • A Community-Academic Partnership for Asthma Control in Humboldt Park: Juana Ballesteros, Humboldt Park Community of Wellness, and Ruchi Gupta, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Partnering Research to Preempt Disease Among Asian Community Members in Chicago: Hong Liu, Asian Health Coalition of Illinois, and Melissa Simon,Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Feinberg School of Medicine
  • NuFit: Nutrition and Fitness Peer Education: Jessica Claudio, Wildcats Student Health Center/Roberto Clemente Community Academy, and Virginia Bishop, Assistant Professor of Preventive Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Uptown Immigrant and Refugee Senior Center: Steve Brunton, Chinese Mutual Aid Association, and Margaret Gadon, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Madelyn Iris, Associate Professor of Psychiatry/Preventive Medicine/Anthropology, Feinberg School of Medicine

Contact Us

For information on partnerships or the application process, contact Jen Brown, MPH, AARC director, at or 312-503-2942.

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