Video Gallery
Explore our video gallery, and learn more about the work our faculty are doing in their labs.

Ali Shilatifard’s Lab: Studying Epigenetic Basis of Cancer
Ali Shilatifard, PhD, has dedicated his career to revealing the causes of childhood leukemia and other cancers and providing detailed molecular insight into the role of epigenetics in cancer. Currently, he is working on preclinical studies focused on the deadly childhood cancer, acute myelogenous leukemia.

Elizabeth Bartom's Lab: Computational Biology
Bartom designs tools and approaches to help scientists analyze next generation sequencing data.

Clara Peek's Lab: Studying Circadian Rhythms
Peek's lab aims to uncover the physiological impact of the circadian clock on nutrient-responsive regulatory pathways, including oxygen-sensing transcriptional networks.

Arthur Prindle's Lab: Synthetic Biology in Microbial Communities
Prindle's lab combines synthetic biology, computational modeling and custom microfluidic devices.

Lihua Zou’s Lab: Linking Functions of Cancer Genomics
Zou's lab is using cancer genome data to make precision medicine a reality.

Issam Ben-Sahra's Lab: Studying Metabolism
Issam Ben-Sahra's lab investigates the regulation of metabolic pathways in cancer.

Kyle Eagen’s Lab: Studying DNA folding
The goal of Kyle Eagan's lab is to understand how DNA is folded inside our cells.

Liming Li's Lab: Investigating Yeast Mechanisms Relating to Disease
Liming Li explores complex prion diseases at the most fundamental level.

Panagiotis Ntziachristos' Lab: Pediatric Cancer Networks
Ntziachristos' focus is epigenetics and understanding mechanisms of resistance to therapy in pediatric cancers.

Joshua Meeks’ Lab: The Epigenetics of Bladder Cancer
Meeks’ research interests focus on both the epigenetics and genetic mutations associated with cancer biology.

Marc Mendillo’s Lab: Studying Stress Response Networks
Mendillo's lab aims to uncover the physiological impact of the circadian clock on nutrient-responsive regulatory pathways, including oxygen-sensing transcriptional networks.

John Crispino’s Lab: Malignant Blood Cell Development
Research in the Crispino lab is focused on investigating the regulatory mechanisms governing normal and malignant blood cell development.

Benjamin Singer’s Lab: Exploring Respiratory Failure
Singer's lab focuses on determinants of resolution and repair of acute lung inflammation and injury.

Jaehyuk Choi's Lab: Using Genomic Approaches to Study Skin Cancer
Choi's lab uses cutting-edge genomics to study incurable skin cancers with a primary focus on cutaneous T cell lymphoma.

Neil Kelleher's Lab: Studying Top Down Proteomics
The core of the Kelleher Team is built around expertise in technology development for complex mixture analysis using Fourier-Transform Mass Spectrometry for targeted applications in proteomics and metabolomics.

Navdeep Chandel’s Lab: Studying the Role of Mitochondria in Disease
Chandel’s lab is investigating how metabolism controls diseases.

Welcome to the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics
Step inside the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and meet the scientists who are investigating the biochemical, structural, enzymological, molecular and genetic bases of human disease.

Daniel Foltz's Lab: Chromosome Segregation and Epigenetics
Foltz’s lab explores epigenetic mechanisms that regulate chromosome segregation.