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A-Z Members

Below is a list of all Center for Community Health members. View our members' individual Feinberg faculty profiles via the links below to see their recent publications, contact information and research and clinical specialties. Please see the Members section of the Institute for Public Health and Medicine site to learn how to become a member.

Ackermann, Ronald T

Ackermann, Ronald T

Professor, Medicine (General Internal Medicine), Medical Social Sciences (Intervention Science), Medicine (Endocrinology)

Agrawal, Rishi K

Agrawal, Rishi K

Professor, Pediatrics (Hospital-Based Medicine)

Bailitz, John M

Bailitz, John M

Professor, Emergency Medicine, Medical Education

Balbale, Salva

Balbale, Salva

Assistant Professor, Medicine (Gastroenterology and Hepatology), Medical Social Sciences (Determinants of Health), Medical Social Sciences (Implementation Science), Medical Social Sciences (Intervention Science), Surgery

Barnard, Cynthia

Barnard, Cynthia

Lecturer, Medicine (General Internal Medicine), Medical Social Sciences (Implementation Science)

Becker, Adam B

Becker, Adam B

Associate Professor, Pediatrics, Preventive Medicine

Becker, Sara J

Becker, Sara J

Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (General Psychiatry), Medical Social Sciences (Implementation Science)

Beidas, Rinad S

Beidas, Rinad S

Professor, Medical Social Sciences (Implementation Science)
Professor, Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences

Berry, Andrew B L

Berry, Andrew B L

Assistant Professor, Medical Social Sciences (Intervention Science)

Bilaver, Lucy Ann

Bilaver, Lucy Ann

Associate Professor, Pediatrics

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