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Looking to expand the human healthspan.

The complex biological changes associated with aging affect nearly every aspect of a person's health, but we are learning that some people are less affected than others. Through the Potocsnak Longevity Institute, we will bring together scientists and experts across many disciplines to study those populations that seem resistant to negative consequences of aging with a goal of discovering what makes them unique. We believe that a deeper understanding of how aging works can lead to future therapies and lifestyle interventions that expand the healthspan for all people.

Our Vision for the Future


Consolidate and build the research portfolio of basic and translational science in the field of aging at Northwestern.

Learn about our research

Patient Care

Leverage and build upon the existing, excellent care and expertise available through our partners to create a dedicated clinical center for healthspan extension and longevity.

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Develop the Geroscience Academy, a first of its kind training program for physicians and scientists that focuses on the biology of aging and its measurement.

About the Geroscience Academy

Institute Membership

The Potocsnak Longevity Institute brings faculty across the medical school together to engage in collaborative discussions and projects related to longevity.


Members discuss the center's goals at a recent retreat
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