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Basic & Translational Science of Aging

The Center for Basic & Translational Science of Aging is the “wet bench” research component of the Potocsnak Longevity Institute dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of aging and longevity. Leveraging a multidisciplinary approach, our investigators explore the molecular mechanisms that drive the aging processes, utilizing cellular and animal models. Our aim is to translate these discoveries into actionable strategies that enhance healthspan and combat age-related diseases.

Moreover, the Center serves as a focal point for cognitive and programmatic consolidation of existing programs in aging and longevity, facilitating a unified approach to research and discovery. With a diverse assembly of graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty from varied scientific backgrounds, our collaborative environment nurtures innovative research endeavors

photo of D Vaughan

From simple cells to complex organisms, we're decoding aging's complexities. Our focus is not merely on extending lifespan, but ensuring individuals live healthier, more fulfilling lives as they age. ”

Douglas Vaughan, MD
Center Director and Institute Director

About Our Work


The Center plays a pivotal role in preparing the next generation of scientists and healthcare professionals for the challenges of aging research. Emphasizing translational science, our educational programs ensure that trainees are adept at contributing to both academic and clinical advancements. By offering a cohesive educational framework, we enhance learning and encourage interdisciplinary collaboration. 


Our research endeavors encompass a diverse array of model systems, including cells from various organs, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), worms, flies, and mice. With a focus on uncovering the fundamental causes and mechanisms of aging at the molecular level, we perform rigorous experimental studies using these models. By investigating how genetic, environmental, and pharmacological factors influence aging and longevity, we aim to identify potential targets for therapeutic intervention. The integration of various research programs within the Center facilitates streamlined efforts toward significant breakthroughs in the field of aging research. 

 Patient Care

The insights gleaned from our research directly inform patient care strategies. By delving into the cellular and molecular underpinnings of aging, we are inspired to discover innovative treatments and preventive measures for age-related diseases. Our overarching goal is to enhance healthspan, not just lifespan, thereby ensuring individuals enjoy a better quality of life as they age. Committed to translating scientific discoveries into tangible clinical applications, the Center strives to benefit patients and improve their overall well-being. Through our programs, we are better positioned to provide coherent and effective patient care strategies, ultimately leading to improved health outcomes.