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CEPH Accreditation

The Program in Public Health is proud to have been granted full accreditation by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) through 2025.

The final Accreditation Self-Study was developed with active participation from a collaborative group of faculty, staff, students, alumni and other stakeholders.

Read CEPH's final report and visit the council website to learn more.

Thank you to all who took part in this process that is so important to the success of our program.

 Program in Public Health (PPH) Competencies

D1. Graduate-Level Professional Foundational Public Health Knowledge (MPH, MSB, MSE)

D1.1. Explain public health history, philosophy and values

D1.2. Identify the core functions of public health and the 10 Essential Services

D1.3. Explain the role of quantitative and qualitative methods and sciences in describing and assessing a population’s health

D1.4. List major causes and trends of morbidity and mortality in the US or other community relevant to the school or program, with attention to disparities among populations, e.g., socioeconomic, ethnic, gender, racial, etc.

D1.5. Discuss the science of primary, secondary & tertiary prevention in population health, including health promotion, screening, etc

D1.6. Explain the critical importance of evidence in advancing public health knowledge

D1.7. Explain effects of environmental factors on a population’s health

D1.8. Explain biological and genetic factors that affect a population’s health

D1.9. Explain behavioral and psychological factors that affect a population’s health

D1.10. Explain the cultural, social, political and economic determinants of health and how the determinants relate to population health and health inequities

D1.11. Explain how globalization affects global burdens of disease

D1.12. Explain an ecological perspective on the connections among human health, animal health and ecosystem health (eg, One Health)

 MSE Program Competencies

MS in Epidemiology Competencies

EP1. Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of study designs (e.g., cross-sectional, cohort, case-control, randomized experiments) and the appropriate measure of association for a given study design 

EP2.Describe the causes of random and non-random error in research studies, including information bias,  

selection bias, and confounding 

EP3. Conduct epidemiologic analysis using classical statistical methods such as linear, logistic, Cox, and/or Poisson regression models 

EP4. Demonstrate knowledge of ethical and regulatory requirements for research 

EP5. Describe molecular techniques commonly used in epidemiologic studies