Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Department of Neurological Surgery
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A-Z Faculty

Below is a list of all neurological surgery faculty. View individual profiles of our faculty members — with publication and contact information, research and clinical specialties and more — via the links below.

Ahmed, Atique U

Ahmed, Atique U

Professor, Neurological Surgery

Ahuja, Christopher S

Ahuja, Christopher S

Clinical Assistant Professor, Neurological Surgery

Alden, Tord D

Alden, Tord D

Associate Professor, Neurological Surgery (Pediatric Neurological Surgery)

Ansari, Sameer A

Ansari, Sameer A

Professor, Radiology (Interventional Neuroradiology), Neurological Surgery, Neurology - Ken and Ruth Davee Department

Ault, Michael L

Ault, Michael L

Associate Professor, Anesthesiology (Critical Care Medicine), Medical Education, Neurological Surgery, Surgery (Organ Transplantation)

Balyasnikova, Irina V

Balyasnikova, Irina V

Professor, Neurological Surgery

Bebawy, John Patrick F

Bebawy, John Patrick F

Professor, Anesthesiology (Neuroanesthesia), Neurological Surgery

Bowman, Robin M

Bowman, Robin M

Associate Professor, Neurological Surgery (Pediatric Neurological Surgery)

Caron, Michael J

Caron, Michael J

Clinical Assistant Professor, Neurological Surgery

Chandler, James P

Chandler, James P

Professor, Neurological Surgery, Neurology - Ken and Ruth Davee Department, Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery

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