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Program Outcomes

35 NIH-supported scholars

8 Affiliate scholars

82% PhD matriculation

Read Alumni Testimonials See all program alumni

Since its start in 2017, the Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program at Northwestern University (NU PREP) has had 35 NIH-supported scholars complete the program. Additionally, we have hosted eight affiliate scholars supported through institutional funding or partner programs.

Of the scholars who have completed the NU PREP program, 82% have matriculated into biomedical PhD programs across the country, including: 

Alumni Testimonials

"Being a part of NU PREP allotted me the unforgettable opportunity to receive supportive mentorship from influential faculty alongside an incredible cohort. NU PREP has fueled my ambitions by introducing me to graduate school and scientific careers beyond, especially through my lab that taught me about facets of science I otherwise would have not known. Certainly my time at NU PREP has equipped me for my current graduate school studies and will last me throughout my career."

Angela Trejo ('24)
PhD student, Genetics & Development, Columbia University

"NU PREP provided me with the support and skillset I needed to begin my graduate education. I had access to excellent mentorship and a variety of opportunities that helped me build my confidence as both a student and scientist. Thanks to NU PREP, my cohort and I were able to join and meaningfully contribute to the scientific community at Northwestern."

Emilia Gibes ('24)
PhD & MPH student, Northwestern University

"My goal during NU PREP was to obtain a higher level of research experience, scientific skills and mentoring for successful acceptance and matriculation into neuroscience PhD programs. I have since successfully matriculated into the Northwestern University Interdepartmental Neuroscience PhD program. NU PREP provided me with the foundations I needed for a strong and confident start into PhD program curriculum, research expectations and scientific community."

Donte Garcia ('23)
PhD student, Interdepartmental Neuroscience, Northwestern University

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