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Clinical Trials


NCI 01X1: Breast Cancer Program: Tissue and Specimen Collection Facility

The purpose of this research study is to help advance the scientific understanding of breast cancer. A portion of breast or skin tissue and a sample of blood, along with clinical information, will be collected and stored in a database for research purposes only. Only tissue or fluid in excess …

The purpose of this research study is to help advance the scientific understanding of breast cancer. A portion of breast or skin tissue and a sample of blood, along with clinical information, will be collected and stored in a database for research purposes only.

Only tissue or fluid in excess of that required for clinical diagnosis and/or staging will be collected. Specific clinical data will include: treatment for cancer (surgical procedures, chemo or hormone therapy, radiation), cancer outcome (recurrence, metastases, death due to disease, and death without disease, alive, alive with disease).

Eligibility CriteriaYou may be eligible for this research study if you are a woman with breast cancer undergoing biopsy or surgical procedures for the diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of your cancer. 
Principal InvestigatorHorbinski, Craig MichaelHorbinski, Craig Michael
  • Map it 201 E. Huron St.
    Chicago, IL IdentifierNCT00898131IRB number STU00023488
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Glycemic Observation and Metabolic Outcomes in Mothers and Offspring

About the StudyGestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a type of diabetes, or high blood sugar, that starts during pregnancy and may go away after the baby is born. GO MOMs researchers want to find a better way to detect GDM, so that moms can get the care they need and …
About the StudyGestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a type of diabetes, or high blood sugar, that starts during pregnancy and may go away after the baby is born. GO MOMs researchers want to find a better way to detect GDM, so that moms can get the care they need and their babies can be healthy.We are looking for 2,150 pregnant women to join this study happening at clinics across the country. If you join you will be in the study during your pregnancy and up to three months after your baby is born.Why is this study being done?Many women get GDM during pregnancy, which can cause problems for the mother and her baby. Her baby may grow too large, which can cause problems during delivery. These babies are also more likely to become overweight or get diabetes in childhood. Moms who have GDM are more likely to get diabetes after their baby is born.Doctors need better ways to test for GDM. GO MOMs hopes to improve testing and treatment for GDM. Mothers will use a glucose sensor to track glucose levels during their pregnancy.When is GDM testing normally done?Most doctors test for GDM around 24 to 28 weeks. If you join our study, we will also test you at that time. If you have GDM then, we will share that with your doctor so your doctor can treat you.What happens if I join?You will have four study visits during your pregnancy. We will also come to see you in the hospital after you deliver your baby and call you a couple of months after you go home.
Eligibility Criteria

You may be able to join if you:

--Are 18 years or older

--Are less than 14 weeks pregnant

--Are pregnant with one baby

--Do not have diabetes

--Do not use certain medications

Principal InvestigatorYee, Lynn MYee, Lynn M
  • Map it 633 N. St. Clair St
    Chicago, IL IdentifierNCT04860336IRB number STU00213945
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