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News & Announcements

Read the latest news from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine’s Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. The links below take you to articles where you can learn more about our faculty’s latest achievements, awards and honors.

  • 10.23.2024

    Targeting a specific neural circuit through noninvasive neuromodulation may reduce symptoms in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), according to a recent study published in Nature Neuroscience.

  • 10.18.2024

    Faculty, staff, trainees and students came together to share educational research and best teaching practices during Feinberg’s 14th annual Medical Education Day on October 15.

  • 08.20.2024

    Get to know Steven P. Cohen, MD, who recently joined Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine as the inaugural Edmond I. Eger Professor of Anesthesiology and vice chair of Research and Pain Medicine.

  • Dr. Allen Heinemann to Receive ACRM’s Highest Honor
    The American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) has announced that Allen Heinemann, PhD, director, Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research (CROR), will receive the 2024 ACRM Gold Key Award, its highest honor for lifetime achievement.
    Dr. Heinemann will be honored on Nov. 2 at the 2024 ACRM annual conference in Dallas.
    Dr. Heinemann’s career at SRAlab began in 1985. Today, under his leadership, CROR commands a nearly $10 million portfolio of research projects, and manages the Rehabilitation Measures Database (RMD), a free online resource with more than 570 summarized rehabilitation measures as well as educational resources.
    In addition to his role as a researcher, administrator and mentor at SRAlab, Dr. Heinemann is a leader in rehabilitation nationally and internationally. He is a fellow of ACRM and served as the organization's president in 2004-2005. Additionally, he served as president of the Rehabilitation Psychology Division of the American Psychological Association (APA); and is a diplomate in Rehabilitation Psychology (ABPP).
    He serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation Psychology. He is the recipient of the APA Division 22 Roger Barker Distinguished Career Award. He also serves on the Standing Committee of Medical and Vocational Experts for the Social Security Administration's Disability Programs.
    "This award is a complete surprise," Dr. Heinemann said. "I feel most honored and privileged to have worked at an organization that translates research into clinical care and values the contributions of its scientists — and which has allowed me to conduct the work that led to this recognition for more than 39 years."


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