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With the help of our donor partners, we hope to increase knowledge about the spectrum of urologic cancers and develop new strategies to treat them. Your commitment could help us advance a promising research study, recruit a talented physician-scientist, develop a new educational program for our trainees, or purchase a key piece of equipment or technology.

For your convenience, a number of giving options are available, including outright gifts of cash, tribute gifts, corporate-matched gifts, planned gifts or pledges payable over a three- to five-year period. You can donate online through Northwestern University, or send a check made out to either of these 501c3 organizations using the addresses listed below. Please note, either on the check or in an accompanying letter, that we are the intended recipient of your gift.

Northwestern University


Terri Dillon
Associate Dean for Development
Northwestern University
420 E. Superior St.
Arthur J. Rubloff Building, 9th Floor
Chicago, IL 60611


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