In 2005, the Department of Dermatology of Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine created the Center for Ethnic Skin, a specialized center focused on the diagnosis and treatment of hair, skin, and nail disorders in patients of color, including those who identify as Black, Asian, Latinx, Indigenous and Pacific Islander, and mixed descent. In 2020, the center was renamed the Northwestern Center for Ethnic Skin and Hair (NCESH). Today we are a multidisciplinary center furthering dermatological understanding of ethnic skin, hair, and nails in the areas of patient care, research, and education.
We educate our future clinicians in the unique needs of skin of color throughout the course of their training. We have partnered with Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine to offer early and ongoing exposure for medical students to the diagnosis and treatment of skin, nails, and hair in patients of color. Our post-graduate medical residents participate in a Skin of Color Curriculum, receiving lecture and clinical training from faculty who are nationally recognized as leaders in the treatment of skin of color.
Our faculty have clinical expertise in a variety of hair, nail and skin of color disorders, including acne, alopecia, keloids, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, pseudofolliculitis barbae, vitiligo, melasma, and hidradenitis suppurativa. We offer counseling and treatment for these diseases and others, as well as cosmetic dermatology services.
The Northwestern Center for Ethnic Skin and Hair is continually endeavoring to further our understanding of dermatological disease and treatment in people of color. Since its inception in 2005, our faculty has grown by 300% and our impact has been noted locally, regionally, and nationally. Selected publications from our faculty members are listed below.
We aim to ensure that patient demographics for clinical trials and projects in dermatology are reflective of our greater population. We encourage clinical trial participation for patients of all racial and ethnic backgrounds. See a list of our current clinical trials.