Med Ed Day Recognition
Feinberg’s Medical Education Day, held this year on September 24-25 via Zoom, is an annual event dedicated to examining and advancing the future of medical education and celebrating outstanding educators at Feinberg. The event is presented by the Feinberg Academy of Medical Educators (FAME) in collaboration with the Department of Medical Education. During this year’s event, winners of the John X. Thomas, Jr. Best Teachers of Feinberg Awards were announced, and faculty and staff were recognized for their efforts creating new virtual electives during the transition to remote learning in the spring. Students were also recognized for their contributions to developing innovative curriculum. See a full list of the award recipients below.
John X. Thomas, Jr. Best Teachers of Feinberg Awards
- Lee Freedman, ’86 MD, clinical assistant professor of Medicine in the Division of General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics
- Muriel Jean-Jacques, MD, assistant professor of Medicine in the Division of General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics
- Allison Kessler Vear, ’12 MD, ’16 ’17 GME, assistant professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Whitney Liddy, ’10 MD, ’15 GME, assistant professor of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery
- Matthew Potts, MD, assistant professor of Neurological Surgery
- Aaron Quarles, MD, ’19 GME, instructor of Emergency Medicine
- Kristin Van Genderen, ’13 MD, ’16 GME, instructor of Pediatrics in the Division of Hospital-Based Medicine
- Craig Hensley, PT, DPT, assistant Professor of Physical Therapy and Human Movement Sciences
- Michael Fotis, Medical Education lecturer in the Physician Assistant Program
Special Recognition for Creation of Virtual Electives
- Virtual Humanities
- Tod Chambers, ’92 PhD, associate professor of Medical Education and of Medicine in the Division of General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics.
- Catherine Belling, PhD, associate professor of Medical Education.
- Katie Watson, JD, associate professor of Medical Social Sciences, of Medical Education and of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
- Sarah Rodriguez, PhD, ’11 GME, lecturer of Medical Education
- Megan Crowley-Matoka, PhD, associate professor of Medical Education
- Joshua M Hauser, MD, associate professor of Medicine in the Division of Hospital Medicine and of Medical Education
- Elizabeth A Scharle, MD, MS, assistant professor of Medicine in the Division of General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics.
- Sue Ann Tae, curriculum coordinator in the Augusta Webster, MD, Office of Medical Education (AWOME)
- Virtual Pathology
- Luis Blanco, Jr., MD, ’13 GME, associate professor of Pathology in the Division of Breast Pathology and Gynecologic Pathology
- Kristy Wolniak, MD, PhD, ’09 ’13 ’14 GME, associate professor of Pathology in the Division of Hematopathology and of Medical Education
- Raven Rodriguez, residency program coordinator in the Department of Pathology
- Medical Students as Educators
- Mary McBride, MD, MEd, associate professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Cardiology and of Medical Education, and co-director of FAME
- Walter Eppich, MD, PhD, professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Emergency Medicine, of Medical Education and director of FAME.
- Kristine Casman, operations program manager for the Department of Medical Education and Northwestern Simulation
- COVID-19
- Robert Tanz, MD, ’79 GME, professor emeritus of Pediatrics in the Division of Community-Based Primary Care
- Michael Angarone, DO, ’09 GME, associate professor of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases and of Medical Education
- Bridget Murdoch, program assistant in the Department of Medicine
- Medical Spanish
- Pilar Ortega, adjunct lecturer of Medical Education
- Maggie Sullivan, program assistant
- Virtual Radiology
- Cecil Wood, MD, ’05 ’06 GME, assistant professor of Radiology in the Division of Body Imaging
- Lori Goodhartz, MD, associate professor of Radiology in the Division of Body Imaging
- Michelle Bolivar, education coordinator for the residency program in Diagnostic Radiology
- Virtual Surgery
- Nitin Katariya, ’03 MD, ’11 GME, associate professor of Surgery in the Division of Organ Transplantation
- Katie Crylen, fellowship coordinator for the Transplant Surgery Fellowship program
- Virtual Biomedical Health Informatics
- Amy Wang, ’96 MD, MBI, adjunct associate professor of Preventive Medicine in the Division of Health and Biomedical Informatics
- David Liebovitz, MD, associate vice chair for Clinical Informatics in the Department of Medicine, associate professor of Medicine in the Division of General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics and co-director of the Center for Medical Education in Data Science and Digital Health at the Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
- Maddison Peterson, program assistant at the Center for Health Information Partnerships (CHIP)