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Epigenetics, Metabolism and Cancer Training Program

Our primary focus for the Epigenetics, Metabolism and Cancer Training Program (EMTP) T32 is to train postdoctoral fellows in the conceptual framework, techniques and methods of analysis that are needed to carry out rigorous and reproducible research programs in epigenetics and metabolism in the context of cancer. To this end, we have developed a training program that requires participation in the Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics journal club that covers epigenetics and metabolism, and participation in the BEaM data club (Biochemistry, Epigenetics and Metabolism). Other training activities include a monthly seminar series, a two-day symposium that brings in experts in epigenetics and metabolism, and a Research Day that will be attended by our internal and external advisory boards. In addition, the trainees will greatly benefit from the excellent team of preceptors that we have assembled. Each trainee will be co-mentored, with one preceptor coming from a research perspective of epigenetics and another from a metabolism research perspective. Lastly, to best prepare trainees for having successful and rewarding research careers, they will receive training in the aforementioned rigor and reproducibility in research, training in the responsible conduct of research, and additional training in how to be an effective mentor.

The EMTP is funded by the National Cancer Institute as an Institutional National Research Award (NRSA T32). In addition to the NRSA stipend, trainees receive an allocation for supplies, travel and health insurance. For information, contact Bercin Cenik, MD PhD

Program Directors

Ali Shilatifard, PhD
Program Director
Director, Simpson Querrey Institute for Epigenetics
Chairman, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics
Epigenetic mechanisms of cancer progression
Navdeep Chandel, PhD
Professor, Departments of Medicine & Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics
Cancer metabolism
Bercin Cenik, MD PhD
Administrative Director
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics

Program Faculty

Junior Preceptors

Current Trainees


Ariana Kupai, PhD
Mentor (Metabolism): Clara Peek, PhD
Mentor (Epigenetics): Lillian Eichner, PhD


Saeid Mohammad Parast, PhD 
Mentor (Epigenetics): Ali Shilatifard, PhD
Mentor (Metabolism): Issam Ben-Sahra, PhD

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