FIRST-DailyLife Resources
Research Tools
Grant Writing
- Northwestern University Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (NUCATS) Grants Repository serves as a centralized resource for grant writers and investigators at various career stages, and allows access to training, research and career development awards from various funding agencies. The repository includes templates and other resources, all housed in Prism, an institutional repository maintained by Galter Library. If you have any questions, email
“Grant Writing: Art, Science, Skill Mastery through Application of Deliberative Approaches to Teaching and Learning”:Presentation by Rick McGee, PhD
- Review the PowerPoint slides
- To view the full Zoom recording with slides, contact Abbey Dahl
- Writing a Successful Grant Application in D&I Research, slides from a presentation by J.D. Smith, Ph.D.
Specific Aims
- "Specific Aims 101," slides from a presentation by Dr. Leena Sharma MD
- Aims Review Committee, led by Dr. Leena Sharma MD and comprised of a core group of investigators and invited investigators who are closely matched to your field, all with a strong track record of NIH funding success. At the meeting, we will identify strengths and weaknesses, in a format similar to a study section – the big difference is that we will help you to improve the application. After the meeting, we will prepare a summary of comments for you.
- Nigrovic P (2017) Building an ARC to Grant Success: The Aims Review Committee. Arthritis Care Res. 69(4): 459-461.
Significance and Innovation
- "Significant and Innovative Proposals," slides from a presentation by Dr. Dorothy Dunlop PhD
Writing Guides
- Northwestern Collaborative Learning and Integrated Mentoring in Biosciences (CLIMB):
- Guides to Written Communications
Exceptional communication skills are crucial for successful research. Northwestern’s CLIMB is home to multiple resources and events regarding learning and mentorship in the biosciences.
- Guides to Written Communications
Sample Text
- Sample grant text provided by CE-ASSIST-DailyLife Resource Core:
- Description of accelerometers
- Including a patient-reported outcome measure
NIH Plans and Policies
- NIH-Wide Strategic Plan
- The Strategic Plan outlines NIH’s vision for biomedical research direction, capacity, and stewardship, by articulating the highest priorities of NIH over the next 5 years. In addition, it provides illustrative examples of accomplishments under the previous plan and new initiatives under the current plan. Read all about the plan.
- NIH Early Stage Investigator Policies
- This page provides information on the NIH Next Generation Researchers Initiative policies that support early-stage investigators (ESIs). See the policies.
Research Methods
Implementation Science Methodology
- Northwestern’s Center for Dissemination & Implementation Science is a hub for resources to “bridge the gap” between public health knowledge and practice. Resources include:
- Northwestern’s Center for Prevention Implementation Methodology provides a wide range of resources including:
- Recorded presentations on the Implementation Research Logic Model and other aspects of dissemination and implementation science.
- Tools including a sustainment measurement system, interview tool, and information extraction tool.
- Implementation Science health equity resources include:
- Equitable Implementation Guide from the Collaborative for Implementation Practice
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis
- Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions
- Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement
- Guyatt G, et al. (2008) GRADE: an Emerging Consensus on Rating Quality of Evidence and Strength of Recommendations. BMJ;336:924
- Gurevitch et al. (2018) Meta-analysis and the Science of Research Synthesis. Nature 555: 175-182.
Instrumental Variables
- "Instrumental Variables & Other Methods for Addressing Unmeasured Confounding in Observational Studies," slides from a presentation by Dr. Neil Jordan PhD
- Additional Readings relevant to Dr. Neil Jordan's Presentation:
- Wang PS, Schneeweis S, Avorn J et al (2005). Risk of death in elderly users of conventional vs. atypical anti-psychotic medications. N Engl J Med 353:2335-2341.
- Angrist JD, Pischke JS (2008). Mostly Harmless Econometrics: An Empiricist's Companion. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. pp. 227–243.
- Hadley J (2003). An exploratory instrumental variable analysis of the outcomes of localized breast cancer treatments in a Medicare population. Health Econ 12(3):171-186.
- Lin NX, Henley WE (2016). Prior event rate ratio adjustment for hidden confounding in observational studies of treatment effectiveness: a pairwise Cox likelihood approach. Stat Med 35:5149-5169.
- McClellan M, McNeil BJ, Newhouse JP (1994). Does more intensive treatment of acute myocardial infarction in the elderly reduce mortality? JAMA 272(11):859-866.
- Stock JH, Watson MW (2011). Introduction to Econometrics (3rd Edition). Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley. (Chapter 12: Instrumental Variables Regression)
- Streeter AJ, Liu NX, Crathorne et al (2017). Adjusting for unmeasured confounding in nonrandomized longitudinal studies: a methodological review. J Clin Epidemiol 87:23-34.
- Stukel TA, Fisher ES, Wennberg DE et al (2007). Analysis of observational studies in the presence of treatment selection bias effects of invasive cardiac management on AMI survival using propensity score and IV methods. JAMA 297:278-285.
Challenges and Opportunities in Observational Studies
- "Challenges and Opportunities in Observational Studies," slides from a presentation by Dr. Adin-Cristian Andrei PhD
- Additional Readings relevant to Dr. Adin-Cristian Andrei's Presentation:
- Imbens GW, Rubin DB (2015). Causal Inference for Statistics, Social, and Biomedical Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- The Challenges of Sharing Data in an Era of Politicized Science: Editorial by Howard Bauchner, MD and Phil Fontanarosa, MD/MBA
NUCATS (CTSA) Resources
- NUCATS Faculty & Staff Directory
- NUCATS On-Demand is a digital tool that allows research staff and faculty to find training and other educational resources whenever they need them. This resource is continually updated with tools and guidance for you and your team, so we recommend bookmarking the landing page and making NUCATS On-Demand a part of your onboarding toolkit.
Coordination of Multi-Site Studies
- Northwestern University’s Data Analysis & Coordinating Center offers consultation and collaboration on study design and development, grant writing, data coordination and analysis, and development of procedures for multicenter clinical research.
- The Center for Clinical Research has launched a Recruitment Toolkit to provide resources for research recruitment.
Appropriateness Research
- Hassan Ghomrawi, Ph.D./MPH - "Unpacking the Black Box of Appropriateness Criteria: The Case of Total Knee Replacement"
- To view this talk, contact Abbey Dahl
Social Determinants of Health
- The publication shared by Drs. Khan and Blanco during our March CCCR-CTRIS can be accessed here: Measuring disadvantage systemic comparison of US small area disadvantage indices.pdf
Statistical Resources
Statistical Analysis
- Biostatistics Collaboration Center's Statistically Speaking Lecture Series
Analysis Plans
- DeMets DL et al. (2017) Guidelines for Statistical Analysis Plans. JAMA 318 (23):2301-2303.
- Gamble C, et al. (2017) Guidelines for the Content of Statistical Analysis Plans in Clinical Trials JAMA 318(23):2337-2343.
Other Statistical Issues
- JAMA Guide to Statistics and Methods: Odds Ratios - Current Best Practice and Use
- JAMA Guide to Statistics and Methods: When Can Intermediate Outcomes be Used as Surrogate Outcomes
- JAMA Guide to Statistics and Methods: Estimating Risk Ratios and Risk Differences: Alternatives to Odds Ratios
- JAMA Guide to Statistics and Methods: Overlap Weighting: A Propensity Score Method That Mimics Attributes of a Randomized Clinical Trial
- JAMA Annals of Internal Medicine: Bayesian Interpretation of the EXCEL Trial and Other Randomized Clinical Trials of Left Main Coronary Artery Revascularization
- JAMA Guide to Statistics and Methods: Causal Directed Acyclic Graphs
- JAMA Guide to Statistics and Methods: Collider Bias
- JAMA Guide to Statistics and Methods: Instrumental Variables and Heterogeneous Treatment Effect
- Jamie Collins, PhD | "Statistical Methods to Machine Learning: Methods for Learning from Data"
- Patrick Heagerty, PhD/MS: "Evidence-Based Analysis of Longitudinal Data"
- Annals of Internal Medicine:Uses and Limitations of the Restricted Mean Survival Time
- Annals of Internal Medicine: Finding the Pathway: Mediation Analyses in Randomized Controlled Trials
- Annals of Internal Medicine: Understanding Clinical Research: Studies Using Randomized Trial Data to Compare Nonrandomized Exposures
- Alyssa Bilinski, PhD, MS, AM; Ishani Ganguli, MD, MPH - "Methodological Considerations for Difference-in-Differences"
- Lutfiyya N. Muhammad, PhD, MPH - "Guidelines for repeated measures statistical analysis approaches with basic science research considerations"
Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs)
- Free access to paper versions of PROMIS, Neuro-QoL, and NIH Toolbox self-report measures
- Sample text for describing a measure’s evidence for validity in a grant proposal
- Measure selection aids including
- White paper and screencast on how to select a PRO measure
- Measure recommendations for patients with specific conditions such as
- Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
- Orthopaedic surgery
- Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
- Score interpretation guidelines for PROMIS, Neuro-QoL, and NIH Toolbox including thresholds (e.g., mild, moderate, severe), norms, important change over time, G-code severity modifiers, and sample completed short forms
- Free online scoring service for PROMIS, Neuro-QoL, and self-report NIH Toolbox measures
- Tables for conversion of PRO measure scores to PROMIS metric to facilitate comparisons across studies or clinics
- Web-based training in PRO science including
- Conceptual review of item response theory and computer adaptive tests
- Estimating meaningful change
American College of Rheumatology Recommendations
- 2019 Patient-Reported Functional Status Assessment Measures in Rheumatoid Arthritis
- 2019 Update of Recommended Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease Activity Measures
- 2019 Guideline for the Management of Osteoarthritis of the Hand, Hip, and Knee
- 2022 American College of Rheumatology/European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology Classification Criteria for Granulomatosis With Polyangiitis
- 2022 American College of Rheumatology/European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology Classification Criteria for Microscopic Polyangiitis
- 2022 American College of Rheumatology/European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology Classification Criteria for Eosinophilic Granulomatosis With Polyangiitis
Assessment Software
- NIH Toolbox iPad apps
- Free eLearning modules for learning NIH Toolbox test administration
- Descriptions of off-the-shelf software applications available for research data collection
- Assessment Center API
Additional Resources
- Publicly available datasets that include PROMIS, Neuro-QoL, and NIH Toolbox measures
- Online community for PRO researchers and users
- Network of measurement scientists with wide ranging expertise in specific conditions
Professional Development and Team Building
Team Science
- Learn more about the Team Science program and its many resources available here.
- Impact of Teams Receiving NIH Funding
- Team Science Training
Mentorship, Collaboration and Career Development
- NUCATS On-Demand
- NUCATS On-Demand is a digital tool that allows research staff and faculty to find training and other educational resources whenever they need them.
- NUCATS Series on Developing and Enhancing Mentoring Relationships
The NUCATS series on Developing and Enhancing Mentoring Relationships is a monthly set of 90-minute workshops for faculty that rely on an open-discussion format, breakout groups, and hypothetical case scenarios as the impetus for participants to reflect on their own experiences in mentoring — as a mentee and/or as a mentor. For more information or to sign up to participate, click HERE.
- NUCATS Mentor Training Certificate Program
- The Mentor Training Certificate Program consists of in-person and online workshops designed to train faculty in becoming effective clinical and translational research mentors. This program is open to faculty who hold appointments in the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. Faculty in other colleges may participate if they are engaged in biomedical research. See more details or to enroll in this program.
- Health Equity Footprint
- The Center for Health Equity Transformation has collected information from Northwestern faculty to highlight the depth and breadth of their health equity-related work, programming, and research. This "Health Equity Footprint" is an online catalog intended to raise visibility and collaboration among Northwestern scholars, trainees, students, community members, and other interested stakeholders to help catalyze further work that lifts health for all. This catalog may also help students, trainees, and researchers identify potential mentors and collaborators with shared experiences or research interests.
- For more information or to sign up to participate, click HERE.
- Northwestern Scientific Careers Research and Development Group led by Dr. Richard McGee PhD
- Navigating the Research Enterprise (First Mondays):
- “Navigating the Research Enterprise (First Mondays). This seminar series is a training activity, available to all NU K scholars, that occurs monthly and is required during the initial year on a KL2 award. This series is led by Richard McGee, PhD, Associate Dean for Faculty Recruitment and Professional Development, and William Lowe, MD, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs. The program sessions are 1 hour in length and feature presentations from experts from across the institution. The sessions cover issues involved in developing the key skills early-stage investigators require in order to progress. Over 540 faculty and post-doctoral fellows have participated in this series since tracking began in 2010. Formal evaluations from participants are reviewed periodically to determine how the program can best meet needs. This series provides an introduction to FSM research resources and tools, potential sources of research funding, strategies for writing effective grants, and building a professional network. After the 1st year, participants are invited to joint one of several grant-writing collaboratives supervised by Dr. McGee.
- Tools for Better Mentoring: A Career Advancement Plan
- Career Advancement Plan for Research Team Members
- Career Advancement Plan for Junior Faculty
- NUCATS Assistance
- There is a new navigator portal to request help from NUCATS in a variety of different areas, which include NUCATS membership, grant development, letter of support from the director, access to updated facilities and resources, communications highlights, and other general inquiries.
- Access the navigator portal
Zeeshan Butt, PhD - "Successful Early Career Development in an Academic Health Center"
- To view the full Zoom recording with slides, contact Abbey Dahl
- NIH Loan Repayment Programs Accepting Applications
- To help relieve some of the financial burden on scientists and researchers, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Loan Repayment Programs repay up to $50,000/year of debt, for two years, in exchange for a commitment to engage in NIH mission-relevant research. Applicants can apply for renewal awards until all educational debt is repaid. For more information or to apply, click HERE.
- Northwestern Faculty Wellness Program
- This program offers assistance to faculty experiencing difficulties stemming from stress, mental health concerns, substance abuse or other personal issues. For more information, please visit their website or view the informative brochure.
- Prism
- Prism is an institutional repository for the research and scholarly output of Northwestern Medicine. Prism preserves intellectual works created by the Northwestern Medicine scholarly community, enhances the visibility of Northwestern Medicine scholarship, and promotes authors by enabling discovery and accessibility of works by the international scientific community. For more details or to access the repository.
Engagement of Community and Affected/Interested Groups
Northwestern's Center for Community Health
- Northwestern’s Center for Community Health offers resources for building research capacity, dissemination & communication, research education, sample proposals & case studies, relationship development, anti-racist reflective practices, and partnership evaluation
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)
PCORI offers web-based training in the fundamentals of patient-centered research including building effective multi-stakeholder teams and being an effective partner.
Their Engagement Rubric provides guidance on methods for engaging stakeholder partners throughout each phase of a research study.
NIH Community Engagement Alliance (CEAL) YouTube Channel for Community-Engaged Resources
- The NIH CEAL has launched a YouTube channel to share promising practices for community-engaged research and to amplify the work of NIH CEAL teams on the ground. Subscribe to the channel to find features like the CEAL Consultative Resource Speaker Series playlist, which includes webinars promoting inclusive participation in research and more.
Association of American Medical Colleges
- The Association of American Medical Colleges provides a community engagement toolkit, webinars, and a reference list.
Tufts University online course
Community-Engaged Research: Key Considerations for Involving Patients and Stakeholders (Presentation Slides, Darius Tandon, PhD)
Taxonomy for stakeholder engagement
- Concannon, T. W., Meissner, P., Grunbaum, J. A., McElwee, N., Guise, J. M., Santa, J., Conway, P. H., Daudelin, D., Morrato, E. H., & Leslie, L. K. (2012). A new taxonomy for stakeholder engagement in patient-centered outcomes research. Journal of general internal medicine, 27(8), 985–991.
Community Tool Box
Translating Research Into Policy
Presentation Archive
Clinical and Translational Research Incubator SeminarSee video recordings of presentations by our CCCR-CTRIS speakers.
See video recordings of presentations by our CCCR-CTRIS speakers.
To view any of the following presentations, please contact Abbey Dahl
1/14/2020: Cardiovascular Disease Risk Prediction: Lessons for Arthritis, slides from a presentation by Donald Lloyd-Jones, MD/ScM
8/19/2020: Dr. Faraz Ahmad and Kristina Davis from the Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute at Northwestern Memorial Hospital delivered presentation on their launch of an AI program to help diagnose and treat cardiac illnesses. To see the presentation slides, use the following links: 9/8/2020: David Conroy, PhD - "Person-Specific Messaging Algorithms to Promote Physical Activity"12/8/2020: Peter Grayson, MD/MSc - "Discovering VEXAS: The Science of Team Science1/12/2021: Whitney Welch, PhD - "Factors Influencing Physical Activity Participation: Implications for Intervention Development"
2/9/2021: Madhu Reddy, PhD/FACMI - "Designing Health Technologies: A User-Centered Approach
3/9/2021: Lucia Petito, Ph.D. - "Target Trials: A Gentle Introduction to Causal Inference Concepts for Clinicians"
4/13/2021: Hassan Ghomrawi, Ph.D./MPH - "Unpacking the Black Box of Appropriateness Criteria: The Case of Total Knee Replacement"
5/11/2021: Patricia Franklin, MD/MPH/MBA - "Implementing a Complex Health Intervention in Health Systems: Lessons from the Arthritis Care through Shared Knowledge (A.S.K.) Study6/8/2021: Zeeshan Butt, PhD - "Successful Early Career Development in an Academic Health Center"
10/19/2021: Mike Bass, MS - "Recruiting and Consenting through the EDW in REDCap"
11/16/2021: Lutfiyya Muhammad, PhD - "Repeated Measures Survival Analysis: Comparison of Intraarticular Therapies for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis"
12/21/2021: Kichul Ko, MD - "Tubulointerstitial Inflammation in Lupus Nephritis: How Does this Affect Our Patients?"
1/18/2022: Kathy Reid, PhD & Yvonne Lee, MD/MMSc - "Assessment of Sleep/Wake Patterns in Rheumatic Disease"
2/15/2022: Darius Tandon, PhD - "Community-Engaged Research: Key Considerations for Involving Patients and Stakeholders"
3/15/2022: Yuan Luo, PhD - "Natural Language Processing to Identify Lupus Nephritis Phenotype in Electronic Health Records"
4/19/2022: Carla Cuda, PhD & Rosalind Ramsey-Goldman, MD - "Neuropsychiatric Lupus, from Mouse to Human: A Success Story of P30 Support for Clinical Aims Proposed by Translational Scientists"
5/17/2022: Christine Rini, PhD - "Web-Based Pain Coping Skills Training for Musculoskeletal Pain: Current Work and Future Directions"
6/21/2022: Abel Kho, MD & Theresa Walunas, PhD - "A Pragmatic Approach to Modeling Human Disease Using Real-World Clinical Data"
7/19/2022: Miriam Rafferty, DPT/PhD - "Implementing Exercise Tracking into Physical Therapy: BYODevice"
9/20/2022: Joseph Feinglass, PhD - "Social Epidemiology and Social Determinants of Health"
11/15/2022: Andrew Berry, PhD - "Human Centered Design: Introduction and Examples"
Challenges and Solutions in Community-Engaged Research to Address Disparities in Rheumatology
Methodology Work at Partner Core Centers
Reducing Barriers Toward Health Equity: The Interface of Public Health and Academic Medical Institutions (Video)
Please remember to cite FIRST-DailyLife in any work that has benefited from our resources.