Vision, Mission and Values
The best possible health for all people
Advancing collaborative research and education that improves health and well-being for all individuals and their communities
- Impact: We aspire to having impact beyond academia, to the benefit of practice, policy, culture, community, and the health and well-being of all people and society
- Health Equity: We aspire to improve the health for all people, eliminating disparities, and advancing equity
- Respect: We value honesty, transparency, and the unique contributions made by all collaborators and partners
- Collaboration: We regard collaboration as essential for maximizing innovation and impact
- Research Excellence: We stand for exceptional and ethical science and for methodologic rigor
- Sharing Knowledge and Benefits: We value the sharing of what we know and learn with all collaborators and stakeholders
- Provide a nexus for multidisciplinary collaboration among academic and stakeholder experts
- Invest in partnerships, people, and research programs that advance population health & health equity
- Support Centers that bring together people and research programs that share common goals, methods, & partners
Methodologic Strengths
- Partnership brokering with public health & community stakeholders
- Development, measurement, & analysis of patient reported outcomes
- Harmonization & analysis of public health, clinical, & research data
- Quasi-experimental & mixed methods research to inform interventions, policy, and practice
- Practical use of the NM Enterprise Data Warehouse for planning and conducting research
- Pragmatic trials that leverage the largest academically affiliated healthcare delivery system in Illinois
- Biostatistical and econometric methods essential to rigorous comparative effectiveness research
Activities for Stimulating & Supporting Multidisciplinary Research
- Large and small group events, bringing together scientific and stakeholder communities
- Individual consultations with members and stakeholder groups
- Group consultations (studios) for partnership and proposal development purposes
- Assistance acquiring institutional pilot grants and/or vouchers
- Communication briefs for dissemination to the press and targeted stakeholder groups
- Weekly IPHAM Seminars – presentations on new research or provocative issues
- Partnering with Feinberg departmental leaders to recruit new faculty to NU/IPHAM
- Collaboration & grants management support for large center grants/contracts
Stimulating & Supportive Education & Career Development
- Educational programs for certificate or degree credit
- Health Services & Outcomes Research (certificate; MS; PhD)
- Healthcare Quality & Patient Safety (certificate; MS; PhD)
- Public Health (MPH – Generalist or concentration in Epidemiology; Community Health; or Global Health)
- Biostatistics (MS)
- Medical Humanities & Bioethics (MA)
- Post-Doctoral Fellowship Training (T32) in Health Services and Outcomes Research
- Patient-Centered Outcomes Research K12 Program (NU-PATIENT)
- Learning Health Systems Research Training K12 Program (ACCELERAT)
- Mentoring for junior faculty members on K or other career development awards