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Delivering outstanding care while imparting medical, surgical and research education to our trainees.



Our four-year program features a fully integrated internship year that prepares the medical school graduate to become a physician by immersing the intern into an experience tailor-made for ophthalmology training.

Ophthalmology residents gain experience in all major subspecialties, including cornea and external disease, glaucoma, neuro-ophthalmology, ophthalmic plastic surgery, ophthalmic pathology, pediatric ophthalmology, uveitis, cataract & refractive surgery, and surgical & medical retinal disease.

 Program Aims

Our Program Aims Include:

  1. To recruit high-achieving ophthalmology resident candidates with a proven record of academic accomplishment, leadership, and/or social service.
  2. To create and maintain a supportive culture of professionalism and resident wellness.
  3. To utilize the elective rotations to develop an individualized residency experience for each trainee in order to broaden the capabilities of the graduating residents and to maximize the yield of residency training.
  4. Provide a training environment that fosters and encourages the practice of evidence-based medicine, scholarly endeavors, quality improvement, social advocacy, and patient safety.
  5. To prepare residents to be lifelong learners, educators, and leaders.
  6. To train excellent ophthalmologists who are well-prepared for both comprehensive clinical and surgical practice and subspecialty fellowship training, as well as careers in both academic practice and private practice settings.

 Director's Message

Welcome to the website for the ophthalmology residency program through Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine’s Department of Ophthalmology. As the program director, I feel particularly privileged to work at Northwestern, and I'm excited to share with you the many strengths or our program.

On a day-to-day basis, the leadership of a residency program can be quite a balancing act— delivering outstanding patient care while imparting the necessary medical, surgical and research education to our trainees. It is this balancing act that I think is done so well here at Northwestern. As you consider this program, I want to highlight the diversity of the patient population seen in our tertiary care primary site, Northwestern Medicine; our brand new clinic located in the Lavin Pavilion; the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago; our busy clinical and surgical service at the Jesse Brown Veterans Affairs Medical Center; and finally our practice in the community, including several different federally qualified healthcare clinics. Combining these varied clinical rotations with expert teachers and a robust didactic program provides a setting for outstanding residency training.

In each of these different environments, you will be exposed to full-time faculty members with a tested commitment and interest in resident education. You will be lectured, mentored and work in small-group settings. You will have ample opportunity to interact with our attending ophthalmologists as they treat the most complicated patients and have them supervise your care of patients with common and uncommon eye problems. You'll work with these same attendings in the operating rooms at all of our major training sites.

In addition to a robust clinical environment, you will find that our academic program, with its dedicated weekly lecture times and stimulating conference schedules, will provide you with ample opportunity to learn outside of the clinic. Our outstanding surgical curriculum is described in detail throughout the website. All residents participate in research and are encouraged to develop either clinical or basic science projects. You will be immersed in a scientific environment that will stimulate you to think about questions that you would like to try to answer.

I view my role primarily as one to develop the perfect balance of all these activities. To spend just enough time in lectures and small-group discussions, just enough time being the primary provider of eye care with supervision and just enough time watching our great subspecialties perform the art that they have perfected. There is much more to see here. Welcome, and we look forward to having you learn as much about our program as possible.


Dmitry Pyatetsky, MD Dmitry Pyatetsky, MD
Program Director
Associate Professor,
Ophthalmology & Medical Education

Resident Resources

Current Residents & Alumni

Learn more about the people in our program.

Meet our residents

Our Locations

Our base and training sites are located along the shores of Lake Michigan and throughout the vibrant city of Chicago.


Wellness & Benefits

Visit the McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University site for trainee benefits and resources information.


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