Administrator Resources
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NUPlans Annual Budgeting is used between April and July to prepare operating budgets for the upcoming fiscal year.
Find budget resources on SharePoint (NetID required).
Budget Request Form
Also see Forms on Sharepoint (NetID required).
Contract Requests
The purpose of the FSM contract review process is to protect you, your department, the Feinberg School of Medicine and Northwestern University from liability. For the Feinberg School of Medicine, only the Dean's Office is authorized to sign contracts and agreements on behalf of the University. End users within departments do NOT have the authority to sign ANY contracts or agreements with outside parties in the name of the University or one of its departments/schools.
Review the FSM Contract Request Process on SharePoint (NetID required).
Corporate Card
Northwestern’s Corporate Credit Card offers our University community members greater purchasing flexibility and a more efficient and streamlined experience for small dollar,
Find corporate card resources on SharePoint (NetID required).
Corporate Card Application
Also see Forms on Sharepoint (NetID required).
Find out what signatures are needed and how to request an expense policy exception.
Expense Policy Exception Request Form
Also see Forms on Sharepoint (NetID required).
Expense Reimbursement
It is the policy of Northwestern to reimburse faculty and staff for appropriate and approved travel, entertainment, courtesy and other expenditures. In order to obtain reimbursement for personal funds expended for travel or other expenses, and to account for any amounts expended using an advance, all expenses must be documented on the NUFinancials Expense Report, including pre-paid and direct-billed expenses.
Northwestern University also reimburses individuals who are not University faculty or staff, for University-approved travel expenses, including transportation, lodging, and other travel-related costs.
Find expense reimbursement resources on SharePoint (NetID required).
Financial Structure Maintenance
NUFinancials Financial Structure Maintenance Requests supports requests to Add, update or Inactivate Fund Codes, Department IDs, Project IDs (non-sponsored) or ChartField1 values. Supported updates include Status changes (Active/Inactive), Description changes and in limited cases, changes to Effective Dates.
Find financial structure maintenance resources on SharePoint (NetID required).
NUPlans Forecasting is used throughout the year to develop fiscal year–based forecasts.
Find forecasting resources on SharePoint (NetID required).
Independent Contractor Forms
Also see Forms on Sharepoint (NetID required).
Journal Processing
Journals are created following the business rules and Chart of Accounts architecture for valid values to record and order financial information for management and reporting. Journals should contain adequate supporting information or documentation (such as system generated reports, supporting calculations, emails) for an approver to verify the appropriateness of the amount and transaction.
Find journal processing resources on SharePoint (NetID required).
Medical School Events
Monthly Payroll Calendar
- FSM Monthly Payroll Calendar (NetID required)
Office of Finance and Administration Important Dates
- Office of Finance and Administration Important Dates (NetID required)
Over 90-Day Cost Transfer Justification Memo
Also see Forms on Sharepoint (NetID required).
Payment Forms
Also see Forms on Sharepoint (NetID required).
A purchase transaction is complete only after the goods or services have been received and the supplier has been paid. Accounts Payable pays invoices for the University including those for external vendor purchases, employee reimbursements, and payments to U.S. independent contractors.
Find payment resources on SharePoint (NetID required).
Payments to Foreign Vendors
The University is required to establish the tax status of foreign entities with which it conducts business. Transactions that may trigger tax withholding include services performed in the US, and US-sourced royalties and rents. Foreign vendors are placed on a payment "hold" to ensure that all requests for payments are reviewed for compliance prior to payment being processed.
Find more information at Procurement and Payment Services.
Payroll Administration
See all the codes, forms and how-tos for working in myHR, including access to training for my HR Administration, new hire paperwork, and payroll information.
Find payroll administration resources on SharePoint (NetID required).
Position Management
The university's Position Management Process reviews position requests for regular staff as well as temporary workers and contractors to ensure budget availability, enhance organizational effectiveness and strengthen alignment of positions to school/unit strategy. Also see Position Management.
Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing
If there is no Northwestern Preferred Vendor for a product or service needed or if a Preferred Vendor does not meet the needs of a department or school, competitive bids may need to be solicited.
Find more information at Procurement and Payment Services.
Purchasing Decision Documentation Form
Also see Forms on Sharepoint (NetID required).
Reports for Northwestern's Finance, Facilities & Research Administration (FFRA) are available via Cognos, which is accessible via the NUPortal.
Find budget resources on SharePoint (NetID required).
- Data Management and Analytics Catalog
- Financial Monitoring & Reporting Training & Resources
- Financial Monitoring & Reporting Video Playlist
- Guide for GL068 Financial Summary
- Knowledge Base: Cognos Resources
- myHR Learn: Cognos Curriculum
- Office of Finance and Administration Ad Hoc Reports
- Reporting
- Tips for Reading the GL068 Financial Summary
Room Reservation Request Form
Also see Forms on Sharepoint (NetID required).
School Policies
See Feinberg School of Medicine Policies for a complete list.
Security Access Request Form
Also see Forms on Sharepoint (NetID required).
Security Access Requests
To access administrative systems such as NUFinancials, Cognos, CERES, and myHR, users must complete the appropriate security access request form. All security access request forms require Dean's Office approval which can be obtained by submitting via the FSM Security Access Request Form.
For forms and resources, also see FOIT: Financial Systems Access.
Space Reservation Policies
See Scheduling and Events or Reserve a Space for more information.
Sponsored Project & Research Catalyst (SPARC)
The Sponsored Project & Research Catalyst (SPARC) collaborates with departments, centers, cores and institutes in the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine to provide comprehensive services at essential intervals in the research lifecycle.
Staff Engagement
At Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, we aspire for employees to find their niche and feel motivated to do their best work. While our staff are connected in our shared mission to improve human health, the Staff Engagement Committee was formed to deepen that connection and address professional needs specific to Feinberg staff.
Visit Staff Engagement for more information.
Staff Engagement Events
Supplier Processing
Procurement and Payment Services manages supplier processing and maintenance for the University, including the addition of new suppliers and modification to existing suppliers.
Also see Vendor File Management.
- Knowledge Base: Add New Supplier – Independent Contractor - in NUFinancials
- Knowledge Base: Adding a New Supplier - Refund and Reimbursements in NUFinancials
- Knowledge Base: Review or Edit a Supplier Request in NUFinancials
- Knowledge Base: Submit a Supplier Change Request in NUFinancials
- Supplier Processing Resources, Forms and Other Information
University Policies
See University Policies for a complete list.
Workplace Strategies
Workplace Strategies (commonly known as flexible work arrangements) are alternative approaches to traditionally-structured in-person work in an employer-designated location. Such strategies include, but are not limited to remote work, and support a variety of goals related to staff engagement and well-being, and recruitment and retention.
For more information and resources, see Workplace Strategies.
Workplace Strategies Proposal Form
Also see Forms on Sharepoint (NetID required).
NUPlans Annual Budgeting is used between April and July to prepare operating budgets for the upcoming fiscal year.
Find budget resources on SharePoint (NetID required).
Contract Requests
The purpose of the FSM contract review process is to protect you, your department, the Feinberg School of Medicine and Northwestern University from liability. For the Feinberg School of Medicine, only the Dean's Office is authorized to sign contracts and agreements on behalf of the University. End users within departments do NOT have the authority to sign ANY contracts or agreements with outside parties in the name of the University or one of its departments/schools.
Review the FSM Contract Request Process on SharePoint (NetID required).
Corporate Card
Northwestern’s Corporate Credit Card offers our University community members greater purchasing flexibility and a more efficient and streamlined experience for small dollar,
Find corporate card resources on SharePoint (NetID required).
Find out what signatures are needed and how to request an expense policy exception.
Expense Reimbursement
It is the policy of Northwestern to reimburse faculty and staff for appropriate and approved travel, entertainment, courtesy and other expenditures. In order to obtain reimbursement for personal funds expended for travel or other expenses, and to account for any amounts expended using an advance, all expenses must be documented on the NUFinancials Expense Report, including pre-paid and direct-billed expenses.
Northwestern University also reimburses individuals who are not University faculty or staff, for University-approved travel expenses, including transportation, lodging, and other travel-related costs.
Find expense reimbursement resources on SharePoint (NetID required).
Financial Structure Maintenance
NUFinancials Financial Structure Maintenance Requests supports requests to Add, update or Inactivate Fund Codes, Department IDs, Project IDs (non-sponsored) or ChartField1 values. Supported updates include Status changes (Active/Inactive), Description changes and in limited cases, changes to Effective Dates.
Find financial structure maintenance resources on SharePoint (NetID required).
NUPlans Forecasting is used throughout the year to develop fiscal year–based forecasts.
Find forecasting resources on SharePoint (NetID required).
Journal Processing
Journals are created following the business rules and Chart of Accounts architecture for valid values to record and order financial information for management and reporting. Journals should contain adequate supporting information or documentation (such as system generated reports, supporting calculations, emails) for an approver to verify the appropriateness of the amount and transaction.
Find journal processing resources on SharePoint (NetID required).
A purchase transaction is complete only after the goods or services have been received and the supplier has been paid. Accounts Payable pays invoices for the University including those for external vendor purchases, employee reimbursements, and payments to U.S. independent contractors.
Find payment resources on SharePoint (NetID required).
Payments to Foreign Vendors
The University is required to establish the tax status of foreign entities with which it conducts business. Transactions that may trigger tax withholding include services performed in the US, and US-sourced royalties and rents. Foreign vendors are placed on a payment "hold" to ensure that all requests for payments are reviewed for compliance prior to payment being processed.
Find more information at Procurement and Payment Services.
Payroll Administration
See all the codes, forms and how-tos for working in myHR, including access to training for my HR Administration, new hire paperwork, and payroll information.
Find payroll administration resources on SharePoint (NetID required).
Position Management
The university's Position Management Process reviews position requests for regular staff as well as temporary workers and contractors to ensure budget availability, enhance organizational effectiveness and strengthen alignment of positions to school/unit strategy. Also see Position Management.
Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing
If there is no Northwestern Preferred Vendor for a product or service needed or if a Preferred Vendor does not meet the needs of a department or school, competitive bids may need to be solicited.
Find more information at Procurement and Payment Services.
Reports for Northwestern's Finance, Facilities & Research Administration (FFRA) are available via Cognos, which is accessible via the NUPortal.
Find budget resources on SharePoint (NetID required).
- Data Management and Analytics Catalog
- Financial Monitoring & Reporting Training & Resources
- Financial Monitoring & Reporting Video Playlist
- Guide for GL068 Financial Summary
- Knowledge Base: Cognos Resources
- myHR Learn: Cognos Curriculum
- Office of Finance and Administration Ad Hoc Reports
- Reporting
- Tips for Reading the GL068 Financial Summary
Security Access Requests
To access administrative systems such as NUFinancials, Cognos, CERES, and myHR, users must complete the appropriate security access request form. All security access request forms require Dean's Office approval which can be obtained by submitting via the FSM Security Access Request Form.
For forms and resources, also see FOIT: Financial Systems Access.
Sponsored Project & Research Catalyst (SPARC)
The Sponsored Project & Research Catalyst (SPARC) collaborates with departments, centers, cores and institutes in the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine to provide comprehensive services at essential intervals in the research lifecycle.
Staff Engagement
At Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, we aspire for employees to find their niche and feel motivated to do their best work. While our staff are connected in our shared mission to improve human health, the Staff Engagement Committee was formed to deepen that connection and address professional needs specific to Feinberg staff.
Visit Staff Engagement for more information.
Supplier Processing
Procurement and Payment Services manages supplier processing and maintenance for the University, including the addition of new suppliers and modification to existing suppliers.
Also see Vendor File Management.
- Knowledge Base: Add New Supplier – Independent Contractor - in NUFinancials
- Knowledge Base: Adding a New Supplier - Refund and Reimbursements in NUFinancials
- Knowledge Base: Review or Edit a Supplier Request in NUFinancials
- Knowledge Base: Submit a Supplier Change Request in NUFinancials
- Supplier Processing Resources, Forms and Other Information
Workplace Strategies
Workplace Strategies (commonly known as flexible work arrangements) are alternative approaches to traditionally-structured in-person work in an employer-designated location. Such strategies include, but are not limited to remote work, and support a variety of goals related to staff engagement and well-being, and recruitment and retention.
For more information and resources, see Workplace Strategies.
Medical School Events
Monthly Payroll Calendar
- FSM Monthly Payroll Calendar (NetID required)
Office of Finance and Administration Important Dates
- Office of Finance and Administration Important Dates (NetID required)
Staff Engagement Events
School Policies
See Feinberg School of Medicine Policies for a complete list.
Space Reservation Policies
See Scheduling and Events or Reserve a Space for more information.
University Policies
See University Policies for a complete list.
Budget Request Form
Also see Forms on Sharepoint (NetID required).
Corporate Card Application
Also see Forms on Sharepoint (NetID required).
Expense Policy Exception Request Form
Also see Forms on Sharepoint (NetID required).
Independent Contractor Forms
Also see Forms on Sharepoint (NetID required).
Over 90-Day Cost Transfer Justification Memo
Also see Forms on Sharepoint (NetID required).
Payment Forms
Also see Forms on Sharepoint (NetID required).
Purchasing Decision Documentation Form
Also see Forms on Sharepoint (NetID required).
Room Reservation Request Form
Also see Forms on Sharepoint (NetID required).
Security Access Request Form
Also see Forms on Sharepoint (NetID required).
Workplace Strategies Proposal Form
Also see Forms on Sharepoint (NetID required).