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How Are Core Facilities Funded?

Every core, by definition, will receive recharge income in return for its services. Some cores also receive subsidies from their host department or center or have grant funding, either of which can offset the cost of providing services. Nonetheless, many cores set their rates below cost to allow investigators to purchase products and services that they could not otherwise afford. The resulting deficit must be covered by other funds.

Given the critical contribution of cores to the success of its research program, Feinberg runs an annual funding competition open to facilities that benefit primarily, but not exclusively, Feinberg investigators. Applications are due on May 1 for the fiscal year that begins on Sept. 1. Applications are reviewed by the Research Cores Committee in May/June, and award announcements are typically distributed in late July or in August.

Feinberg primarily funds operating expenses. Requests are expected to be proportional to the cost and quantity of services provided, and facilities do not have to be wholly dedicated to providing core services to request funding. A larger organization that leverages its resources to provide limited core services to Feinberg investigators may request funding related to those services. However, core funding may not be used to subsidize other activities of the organization.

Funding in one year does not imply a future commitment. Every core competes annually, and previously funded cores will be evaluated based on the amount of service provided in the previous year, continued strategic need and user satisfaction. Requests exceed available funds, so funded cores must demonstrate efficiency to ensure that Feinberg invests its limited resources in a way that allows the highest possible return to its investigators.