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Applying for New Funding

A core requesting Feinberg funding for the first time will apply in one of two ways, depending on its history. For existing cores that are not currently funded by FSM, the process is similar to that for cores already receiving FSM funds (see Renewal of FSM Funded Cores).

A proposal to establish a new core requires different information. Most importantly, the applicant must provide a business plan for the core. The plan must document a need for the proposed services and include projected use of these services over the first year. Projections may be based on work currently being outsourced that could be performed in-house, letters of support describing committed usage of the core, or a strategic plan or recruiting effort that will require the establishment of the new core. Documentation of need is a critical part of the application.

The deadline for fiscal year 2026 funding requests is May 1, 2025. Completed applications should be returned to

Application for FY26 Funding