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Renewal of Funded Cores

Cores that receive Feinberg funding in a given fiscal year are reviewed as part of their request for the subsequent fiscal year. It is important to recognize that funding in one year does not imply a commitment by Feinberg to continue support of a core. Most years one or more cores are not renewed and other cores receive new funding.

Funding requests are reviewed by the Feinberg Research Cores Committee. Funding recommendations are based on information provided in the application as well as on the perceived strategic need for the core’s services. The committee may fund all or part of the request, provide funding contingent upon requirements detailed in a letter to the core director and advisory committee, or decline funding.

The funding application is in three parts, detailed below. The committee will also receive the results of the annual user satisfaction survey for each core as well as the prior year's funding letter, which may contain requests for action that should have been addressed this past year.

NOTE: The FSM funding application and the NU Office for Research annual report share the Budget and Activity templates but use different Narratives. The Narrative for the FSM funding application is provided below. Cores that both apply for FSM funding and file an OR Annual Report (which is required to qualify for OR equipment funds) may submit the FSM funding application in lieu of the OR Narrative, but in this case they must also complete an OR Supplement. The FSM funding application should be sent to

The deadline for fiscal year 2026 funding requests is May 1, 2025.

Application for FY26 FSM Funding