Flow Cytometry - Immunobiology
The Interdepartmental ImmunoBiology Flow Cytometry Core Facility's mission includes:- Establish an identifiable center for those doing research in immunobiology and offer membership and a core of common equipment
- Serve as a focus for graduate and postgraduate education in immunobiology under the auspices of the Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences and other graduate programs
- Aid recruiting outstanding immunobiology researchers in a variety of basic science and clinical departments
- Promote and coordinate interdepartmental activities in immunobiology by sponsoring journal clubs and seminar programs
- Foster the development of immunobiology-oriented collaborative research efforts such as program project and center grants
- Promote the development and optimization of interdepartmental facilities related to immunobiology research
Services Offered
- Training
Users are trained to use the flow cytometers (BD-CantoII and BD-SymphonyA1) and to understand the regulations in using the facility. If wanted to be trained, please contact Core manager. - Flow Cytometry Usage
All of the machines (CantoII and SymphonyA1) have the same hourly rate of $30.44. The use of these machines are offered interdepartmentally, as long as you are trained.
All manuscripts and grants presenting work supported by this core should include the following acknowledgement:
"This work was supported by the Northwestern University Interdepartmental ImmunoBiology Flow Cytometry Core Facility."