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Program Evaluation Core

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Mission Statement

The Program Evaluation Core (PEC) at Northwestern University is dedicated to enhancing higher education through comprehensive evaluation services. We collaborate with Northwestern investigators, assisting in the design of evaluation plans, data collection and analysis, interpretation, and meaningful application of results to improve programs and advance outcomes.  Our mission is to empower investigators with insights that drive excellence and equity in training, educational and research programs.

Services Offered

PEC provides all Northwestern affiliated investigators with an initial one-hour free consultation to discuss their evaluation needs.

All pre-award proposal development services are provided at no cost as they are subsidized by the Office of Research, Feinberg, McCormick and Weinberg schools.

Post-award services are supported via two mechanisms. PEC services written into grants that allow a budget for evaluation are grant funded. For T32’s/KL1’s/TL2’s and other programs that do not allow a budget for evaluation, PEC services are provided at no cost through the subsidy.

Pre-Award Services

Proposal writing: We collaborate closely with principal investigators (PIs) to develop detailed evaluation plans and proposal text that resonate with the funding agency’s expectations and align with the specific goals of the PI, program, center, or institute involved.

Post-Award Services

Our post-award offerings include general evaluation services for research and education and specialized evaluations for training programs (e.g., T32, KL1, TL2). We employ a range of methods such as surveys, focus groups, interviews, and document reviews to measure program impact and inform improvements. Additionally, we offer specialized services tailored to the unique needs of training programs, from the design of program-specific surveys to the identification of key competencies for trainees.

General evaluation services: PEC staff collaborate with program PI’s and staff on designing and implementing evaluations to collect data for measuring the impact of a program and for program improvement. PEC staff have expertise with the following evaluation methods.

  • Surveys: design, administration, and data analysis
  • Focus groups: design, facilitation, and data analysis
  • Interviews: design, implementation, and data analysis
  • Document review: analysis of recruitment and educational materials
  • Strategies for quality improvement: co-development of strategies with PI’s to improve programs based on evaluation findings
  • Implementation and change mechanisms: work with key stakeholders to use evaluation data to shift policies and procedures as well as values and perspectives of decision-makers.

Specialized evaluation services for T32/KL1/TL2 and other training programs: PEC staff collaborate with training program PI’s and staff to design and implement comprehensive evaluations. Services include:

  • REDCap surveys: A library of online surveys about trainee skills, development and experience in the training program that are deployed in REDCap by PEC. Questions are broad and apply to all training programs.
  • Program-specific surveys: Online surveys designed and administered by PEC staff in collaboration with PI’s. Questions are tailored to the unique goals of individual training programs.
  • Focus groups: Online or in-person small group discussions with trainees designed and facilitated PEC staff to obtain data on trainee experience, program outcomes and suggestions for program improvement.
  • Interviews: Interviews designed and conducted by PEC staff to obtain in-depth information on trainee experience in the program and outcomes.
  • Competencies for trainees: PEC staff work with program PIs to identify the key competencies that trainees will develop during the program and methods for assessing their progress and achievement



Denise Drane PhD, MPH
Executive Director

Bennett Goldberg, PhD
Faculty Director


Suite 2300
1801 Maple Ave
Evanston Il 60201

For scholarly publications utilizing PEC evaluation data and results, we request the opportunity to contribute directly through authorship.



All manuscripts and grants presenting work supported by this core should include the following acknowledgement:

"This work was supported by the Program Evaluation Core at Northwestern University."