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Director's Message

Mary McBride smiles near a window with greenery behind her.

Welcome to the Feinberg Academy of Medical Educators (FAME) website. FAME recognizes outstanding educators at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and helps faculty members become more effective educators in all venues – simulation-based environments, workshops, lectures and the clinical workplace.

Feinberg educators with a consistent presence in education roles and excellence in education effectiveness are eligible for application to FAME. Faculty are eligible for application to FAME, and through the same process, trainees and students are eligible for application into Almost FAME-ous. Membership provides peer recognition as well as networking and collaboration opportunities with other educators.

We aim to ensure that Feinberg faculty members have the knowledge and tools to prepare their learners to provide high-quality patient care during their clinical training and careers. Whether faculty are looking for assistance in applying robust curriculum design principles, assessing learning outcomes or providing meaningful feedback, they will find FAME resources and expertise to support them on their journey. As FAME members, educators will become part of a growing and diverse community with expertise across broad domains of healthcare and educational strategies.

For any interested faculty member, we offer a monthly grand-rounds-style session devoted to contemporary educational tools and principles in Today’s Innovation in Medical Education (TIME) series among other recurring lectures and workshops on a variety of topics related to workplace learning, technology in education, learning theories, feedback and assessment. For dedicated clinical educators seeking to advance their skills, we offer several longitudinal certificate and fellowship programs. In addition, we offer grand rounds, workshops and educational events in coordination with individual departments.

Please contact us to collaborate or for more information. We look forward to seeing you at our events!

Mary Eileen McBride, MD, MEd
Director of the Feinberg Academy of Medical Educators
Associate Professor of Pediatrics (Cardiology) and Medical Education

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