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Health Equity Resources

The collection of resources below provides educators at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine with practice-based, peer-reviewed content. The goals of this content are to teach anti-bias knowledge and clinical skills and to elevate the educational scholarship of anti-bias curricula. Selected and reviewed by Feinberg Academy of Medical Educators (FAME) experts, these resources support our community of collaborators dedicated to the elimination of bias in medical education based on factors such as race, ethnicity, ability and LGBTQ+ status. Some of these resources were curated by the Association of Medical Colleges.

Feinberg Resources

  • Office of Health Equity Resources
    Browse a list of assessments, readings and other media that address racism and other biases in medicine, compiled by the Office of Health Equity.
  • Curriculum Materials on Social Determinants of Health
    The National Collaborative for Education to Address the Social Determinants of Health hosts an indexed database of curricula and assessment resources for educators. Search for resources including courses, standard patient cases and experimental learning opportunities.

External Resources

 Creating Anti-Bias Curricula

 Addressing Bias and Microaggressions in Academic Medicine

 Addressing Bias in Assessment

 Creating an Inclusive Environment for Learners

 Additional Resources

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