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Diversity & Inclusion


McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern is committed to cultivating an inclusive environment that integrates a broad range of perspectives for our trainees, because diversity and inclusion is integral to effective training across specialties. In alignment with McGaw's beliefs that a culturally competent atmosphere promotes excellence, we strongly encourage all of our residents and prospective trainees to familiarize themselves with the assorted resources available to them, including the programs listed below.

  • McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University - Diversity & Inclusion Overview of Northwestern's diversity and inclusion initiatives and resources
  • LGBTQ OutList - Public and voluntary listing of members of the Feinberg community who identify as LGBTQ. The OutList serves as a resource for students and community members alike.
  • LGBTQ AllyList - Public and Voluntary listing of members of the Feinberg community who support and promote the well-being of LGBTQ community members. The AllyList serves as a resource for students and community members alike.

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