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Alphabetical Listing of Members

Below is a list of all Institute for Public Health and Medicine members. View individual profiles of our members — with publication and contact information, research and clinical specialties and more — via the links below.

 Kohli-Lynch, Ciaran Navin

Kohli-Lynch, Ciaran Navin

Postdoctoral Scholar- Center for Education in Health Sciences; Feinberg School of Med

Abdullah, Fizan

Abdullah, Fizan

Professor, Surgery (Pediatric General Surgery)

Abram, Karen

Abram, Karen

Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (General Psychiatry)

Achenbach, Chad J

Achenbach, Chad J

Professor, Medicine (Infectious Diseases), Preventive Medicine (Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention)
Professor, McCormick School of Engineering

Ackermann, Ronald T

Ackermann, Ronald T

Professor, Medicine (General Internal Medicine), Medical Social Sciences (Intervention Science), Medicine (Endocrinology)

Adams, James G

Adams, James G

Professor, Emergency Medicine

Adekola, Kehinde U.A.

Adekola, Kehinde U.A.

Associate Professor, Medicine (Hematology and Oncology)

Agrawal, Rishi K

Agrawal, Rishi K

Professor, Pediatrics (Hospital-Based Medicine)

Ahmad, Faraz S

Ahmad, Faraz S

Assistant Professor, Medicine (Cardiology), Preventive Medicine (Biostatistics and Informatics)

Alam, Murad

Alam, Murad

Professor, Dermatology (Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery), Medical Social Sciences (Outcome and Measurement Science), Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, Surgery (Organ Transplantation)

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