High-Impact-Factor Research 2021
Contractor A, Ethell IM, Portera-Cailliau C. Cortical interneurons in autism. Nature Neuroscience. 2021;24(12):1648-1659.
Cui C, Chakraborty K, Tang XA, Schoenfelt KQ, Hoffman A, Blank A, McBeth B, Pulliam N, Reardon CA, Kulkarni SA, Vaisar T, Ballabio A, Krishnan Y, Becker L. A lysosome-targeted DNA nanodevice selectively targets macrophages to attenuate tumours. Nature Nanotechnology. 2021;16(12):1394-U1122.
Dangi T, Palacio N, Sanchez S, Park M, Class J, Visvabharathy L, Ciucci T, Koralnik IJ, Richner JM, Penaloza-MacMaster P. Cross-protective immunity following coronavirus vaccination and coronavirus infection. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2021;131(24).
Davidson KW, Mangione CM, Barry MJ, Cabana MD, Caughey AB, Davis EM, Donahue KE, Doubeni CA, Krist AH, Kubik M, Li L, Ogedegbe G, Pbert L, Silverstein M, Simon M, Stevermer J, Tseng CW, Wong JB. Actions to Transform US Preventive Services Task Force Methods to Mitigate Systemic Racism in Clinical Preventive Services. JAMA. 2021;326(23):2405-2411.
Fredriksen K, Aivazidis S, Sharma K, Burbidge KJ, Pitcairn C, Zunke F, Gelyana E, Mazzulli JR. Pathological alpha-syn aggregation is mediated by glycosphingolipid chain length and the physiological state of alpha-syn in vivo. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2021;118(50):12.
Graham SE, Clarke SL, Wu KHH, et al. (including Pacheco JA, Hayes MG). The power of genetic diversity in genome-wide association studies of lipids. Nature. 2021;600(7890):675.
Grubisha MJ, Sun T, Eisenman L, Erickson SL, Chou SY, Helmer CD, Trudgen MT, Ding Y, Homanics GE, Penzes P, Wills ZP, Sweet RA. A Kalirin missense mutation enhances dendritic RhoA signaling and leads to regression of cortical dendritic arbors across development. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2021;118(49).
He CC. Chaperone-mediated autophagy on the clock. Nature Cell Biology. 2021;23(12):1220-1221.
Hogan AK, Sathyan KM, Willis AB, Khurana S, Srivastava S, Zasadzinska E, Lee AS, Bailey AO, Gaynes MN, Huang JH, Bodner J, Rosencrance CD, Wong KA, Morgan MA, Eagen KP, Shilatifard A, Foltz DR. UBR7 acts as a histone chaperone for post-nucleosomal histone H3. Embo Journal. 2021;40(24):24.
Magdy T, Jiang ZX, Jouni M, Fonoudi H, Lyra-Leite D, Jung G, Romero-Tejeda M, Kuo HH, Fetterman KA, Gharib M, Burmeister BT, Zhao MM, Sapkota Y, Ross CJ, Carleton BC, Bernstein D, Burridge PW. RARG variant predictive of doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity identifies a cardioprotective therapy. Cell Stem Cell. 2021;28(12):2076.
Morgan MAJ, Popova IK, Vaidya A, Burg JM, Marunde MR, Rendleman EJ, Dumar ZJ, Watson R, Meiners MJ, Howard SA, Khalatyan N, Vaughan RM, Rothbart SB, Keogh MC, Shilatifard A. A trivalent nucleosome interaction by PHIP/BRWD2 is disrupted in neurodevelopmental disorders and cancer. Genes & Development. 2021;35(23-24):1642-1656.
Mulcahy MF, Mahvash A, Pracht M, Montazeri AH, Bandula S, Martin RCG, Herrmann K, Brown E, Zuckerman D, Wilson G, Kim TY, Weaver A, Ross P, Harris WP, Graham J, Mills J, Esteban AY, Johnson MS, Sofocleous CT, Padia SA, Lewandowski RJ, Garin E, Sinclair P, Salem R, Investigators E. Radioembolization With Chemotherapy for Colorectal Liver Metastases: A Randomized, Open-Label, International, Multicenter, Phase III Trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2021;39(35):3897.
Schlosser P, Tin A, Matias-Garcia PR, et al. (including Greenland P, Hou LF, Lloyd-Jones DM, Zheng YN). Meta-analyses identify DNA methylation associated with kidney function and damage. Nature Communications. 2021;12(1):16.
Singh N, Ramnarine VR, Song JH, Pandey R, Padi SKR, Nouri M, Olive V, Kobelev M, Okumura K, McCarthy D, Hanna MM, Mukherjee P, Sun B, Lee BR, Parker JB, Chakravarti D, Warfel NA, Zhou MH, Bearss JJ, Gibb EA, Alshalalfa M, Karnes RJ, Small EJ, Aggarwal R, Feng F, Wang YZ, Buttyan R, Zoubeidi A, Rubin M, Gleave M, Slack FJ, Davicioni E, Beltran H, Collins C, Kraft AS. The long noncoding RNA H19 regulates tumor plasticity in neuroendocrine prostate cancer. Nature Communications. 2021;12(1):20.
Spinelli JB, Rosen PC, Sprenger HG, Puszynska AM, Mann JL, Roessler JM, Cangelosi AL, Henne A, Condon KJ, Zhang T, Kunchok T, Lewis CA, Chandel NS, Sabatini DM. Fumarate is a terminal electron acceptor in the mammalian electron transport chain. Science. 2021;374(6572):1227.
Suresh AK, Greenspon CM, He QP, Rosenow JM, Miller LE, Bensmaia SJ. Sensory computations in the cuneate nucleus of macaques. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2021;118(49):9.
Tin A, Schlosser P, Matias-Garcia PR, et al. (including Greenland P, Hou LF, Lloyd-Jones DM, Zheng YN) Epigenome-wide association study of serum urate reveals insights into urate co-regulation and the SLC2A9 locus. Nature Communications. 2021;12(1):18.
Wan ES, Balte P, Schwartz JE, Bhatt SP, Cassano PA, Couper D, Daviglus ML, Dransfield MT, Gharib SA, Jacobs DR, Jr., Kalhan R, London SJ, Acien AN, O'Connor GT, Sanders JL, Smith BM, White W, Yende S, Oelsner EC. Association Between Preserved Ratio Impaired Spirometry and Clinical Outcomes in US Adults. JAMA. 2021;326(22):2287-2298.
Wei JC, Harada BT, Lu D, Ma RH, Gao BX, Xu YN, Montauti E, Mani N, Chaudhuri SM, Gregory S, Weinberg SE, Zhang ON, Green R, He C, Fang DY. HRD1-mediated METTL14 degradation regulates m(6)A mRNA modification to suppress ER proteotoxic liver disease. Molecular Cell. 2021;81(24):5052.
Alvarez Z, Kolberg-Edelbrock AN, Sasselli IR, Ortega JA, Qiu R, Syrgiannis Z, Mirau PA, Chen F, Chin SM, Weigand S, Kiskinis E, Stupp SI. Bioactive scaffolds with enhanced supramolecular motion promote recovery from spinal cord injury. Science. 2021;374(6569):848.
Aoi Y, Takahashi YH, Shah AP, Iwanaszko M, Rendleman EJ, Khan NH, Cho BK, Goo YA, Ganesan S, Kelleher NL, Shilatifard A. SPT5 stabilization of promoter-proximal RNA polymerase II. Molecular Cell. 2021;81(21):4413.
Caughey AB, Krist AH, Wolff TA, Barry MJ, Henderson JT, Owens DK, Davidson KW, Simon MA, Mangione CM. USPSTF Approach to Addressing Sex and Gender When Making Recommendations for Clinical Preventive Services. JAMA-Journal of the American Medical Association. 2021;326(19):1953-1961.
Dasilva LF, Blumenthal E, Beckedorff F, Cingaram PR, Dos Santos HG, Edupuganti RR, Zhang AD, Dokaneheifard S, Aoi Y, Yue JY, Kirstein N, Tayari MM, Shilatifard A, Shiekhattar R. Integrator enforces the fidelity of transcriptional termination at protein-coding genes. Science Advances. 2021;7(45):15.
Gate D, Tapp E, Leventhal O, Shahid M, Nonninger TJ, Yang AC, Strempfl K, Unger MS, Fehlmann T, Oh H, Channappa D, Henderson VW, Keller A, Aigner L, Galasko DR, Davis MM, Poston KL, Wyss-Coray T. CD4(+) T cells contribute to neurodegeneration in Lewy body dementia. Science. 2021;374(6569):868.
Gonzalez-Rodriguez P, Zampese E, Stout KA, Guzman JN, Ilijic E, Yang B, Tkatch T, Stavarache MA, Wokosin DL, Gao L, Kaplitt MG, Lopez-Barneo J, Schumacker PT, Surmeier DJ. Disruption of mitochondrial complex I induces progressive parkinsonism. Nature. 2021;599(7886):650.
Halpern SD, Chowdhury M, Bayes B, Cooney E, Hitsman BL, Schnoll RA, Lubitz SF, Reyes C, Patel MS, Greysen SR, Mercede A, Reale C, Barg FK, Volpp KG, Karlawish J, Stephens-Shields AJ. Effectiveness and Ethics of Incentives for Research Participation 2 Randomized Clinical Trials. JAMA Internal Medicine. 2021;181(11):1479-1488.
Korpanty J, Parent LR, Hampu N, Weigand S, Gianneschi NC. Thermoresponsive polymer assemblies via variable temperature liquid-phase transmission electron microscopy and small angle X-ray scattering. Nature Communications. 2021;12(1):8.
Lee JB, Lim CH, Han TH, Andreani T, Moye M, Curran J, Johnson E, Kath WL, Diekman CO, Lear BC, Allada R. The E3 ubiquitin ligase adaptor Tango10 links the core circadian clock to neuropeptide and behavioral. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2021;118(47):12.
Lin CH, Chen MC, Lin LL, Christian DA, Min B, Hunter CA, Lu LF. Gut epithelial IL-27 confers intestinal immunity through the induction of intraepithelial lymphocytes. Journal of Experimental Medicine. 2021;218(11).
Loomba R, Mohseni R, Lucas KJ, Gutierrez JA, Perry RG, Trotter JF, Rahimi RS, Harrison SA, Ajmera V, Wayne JD, O'Farrell M, McCulloch W, Grimmer K, Rinella M, Wai-Sun Wong V, Ratziu V, Gores GJ, Neuschwander-Tetri BA, Kemble G. TVB-2640 (FASN Inhibitor) for the Treatment of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis: FASCINATE-1, a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Phase 2a Trial. Gastroenterology. 2021;161(5):1475-1486.
Lyman KA, Han Y, Zhou CW, Renteria I, Besing GL, Kurz JE, Chetkovich DM. Hippocampal cAMP regulates HCN channel function on two time scales with differential effects on animal behavior. Science Translational Medicine. 2021;13(621):12.
McDade E, Voytyuk I, Aisen P, Bateman RJ, Carrillo MC, De Strooper B, Haass C, Reiman EM, Sperling R, Tariot PN, Yan RQ, Masters CL, Vassar R, Lichtenthaler SE. The case for low-level BACE1 inhibition for the prevention of Alzheimer disease. Nature Reviews Neurology. 2021;17(11):703-714.
Morgan MAJ, Popova IK, Vaidya A, Burg JM, Marunde MR, Rendleman EJ, Dumar ZJ, Watson R, Meiners MJ, Howard SA, Khalatyan N, Vaughan RM, Rothbart SB, Keogh MC, Shilatifard A. A trivalent nucleosome interaction by PHIP/BRWD2 is disrupted in neurodevelopmental disorders and cancer. Genes & Development. 2021;35(23-24):1642-1656.
Nassif ME, Windsor SL, Borlaug BA, Kitzman DW, Shah SJ, Tang FM, Khariton Y, Malik AO, Khumri T, Umpierrez G, Lamba S, Sharma K, Khan SS, Chandra L, Gordon RA, Ryan JJ, Chaudhry SP, Joseph SM, Chow CH, Kanwar MK, Pursley M, Siraj ES, Lewis GD, Clemson BS, Fong M, Kosiborod MN. The SGLT2 inhibitor dapagliflozin in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: a multicenter randomized trial. Nature Medicine. 2021;27(11):1954.
Neuman MD, Feng R, Carson JL, Gaskins LJ, Dillane D, Sessler DI, Sieber F, Magaziner J, Marcantonio ER, Mehta S, Menio D, Ayad S, Stone T, Papp S, Schwenk ES, Elkassabany N, Marshall M, Jaffe JD, Luke C, Sharma B, Azim S, Hymes RA, Chin KJ, Sheppard R, Perlman B, Sappenfield J, Hauck E, Hoeft MA, Giska M, Ranganath Y, Tedore T, Choi S, Li J, Kwofie MK, Nader A, Sanders RD, Allen BFS, Vlassakov K, Kates S, Fleisher LA, Dattilo J, Tierney A, Stephens-Shields AJ, Ellenberg SS, Investigators R. Spinal Anesthesia or General Anesthesia for Hip Surgery in Older Adults. New England Journal of Medicine. 2021;385(22):2025-2035.
Pascual G, Dominguez D, Elosua-Bayes M, Beckedorff F, Laudanna C, Bigas C, Douillet D, Greco C, Symeonidi A, Hernandez I, Gil SR, Prats N, Bescos C, Shiekhattar R, Amit M, Heyn H, Shilatifard A, Benitah SA. Dietary palmitic acid promotes a prometastatic memory via Schwann cells. Nature. 2021;599(7885):485.
Pegg CE, Zaichick SV, Bomba-Warczak E, Jovasevic V, Kim D, Kharkwal H, Wilson DW, Walsh D, Sollars PJ, Pickard GE, Savas JN, Smith GA. Herpesviruses assimilate kinesin to produce motorized viral particles. Nature. 2021;599(7886):662.
Pieske B, Wachter R, Shah SJJ, Baldridge A, Szeczoedy P, Ibram G, Shi VC, Zhao ZQ, Cowie MR, Comm PI. Effect of Sacubitril/Valsartan vs Standard Medical Therapies on Plasma NT-proBNP Concentration and Submaximal Exercise Capacity in Patients With Heart Failure and Preserved Ejection Fraction The PARALLAX Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA-Journal of the American Medical Association. 2021;326(19):1919-1929.
Smith LM, Agar JN, Chamot-Rooke J, Danis PO, Ge Y, Loo JA, Pasa-Tolic L, Tsybin YO, Kelleher NL, Consortium Top-Down P. The Human Proteoform Project: Defining the human proteome. Science Advances. 2021;7(46):8.
Weissbourd B, Momose T, Nair A, Kennedy A, Hunt B, Anderson DJ. A genetically tractable jellyfish model for systems and evolutionary neuroscience. Cell. 2021;184(24):5854.
Yang QL, Walker E, Cotton RJ, Tolias AS, Pitkow X. Revealing nonlinear neural decoding by analyzing choices. Nature Communications. 2021;12(1):13.
Yang QS, Wei T, Yin RT, Wu MZ, Xu YM, Koo J, Choi YS, Xie ZQ, Chen SW, Kandela I, Yao SL, Deng YJ, Avila R, Liu TL, Bai WB, Yang YY, Han MD, Zhang QH, Haney CR, Lee KB, Aras K, Wang T, Seo MH, Luan HW, Lee SM, Brikha A, Ghoreishi-Haack N, Tran L, Stepien I, Aird F, Waters EA, Yu XG, Banks A, Trachiotis GD, Torkelson JM, Huang YG, Kozorovitskiy Y, Efimov IR, Rogers JA. Photocurable bioresorbable adhesives as functional interfaces between flexible bioelectronic devices and soft biological tissues. Nature Materials. 2021;20(11):1559.
Zhang HW, Song L, Wang XT, Cheng HY, Wang CF, Meyer CA, Liu T, Tang M, Aluru S, Yue F, Liu XS, Li H. Fast alignment and preprocessing of chromatin profiles with Chromap. Nature Communications. 2021;12(1):6.
Choi YS, Yin RT, Pfenniger A, Koo J, Avila R, Lee KB, Chen SW, Lee G, Li G, Qiao Y, Murillo-Berlioz A, Kiss A, Han SL, Lee SM, Li CH, Xie ZQ, Chen YY, Burrell A, Geist B, Jeong H, Kim J, Yoon HJ, Banks A, Kang SK, Zhang ZJ, Haney CR, Sahakian AV, Johnson D, Efimova T, Huang YG, Trachiotis GD, Knight BP, Arora RK, Efimov IR, Rogers JA. Fully implantable and bioresorbable cardiac pacemakers without leads or batteries. Nature Biotechnology. 2021;39(10):1228.
Davidson KW, Krist AH, Tseng CW, Simon M, Doubeni CA, Kemper AR, Kubik M, Ngo-Metzger Q, Mills J, Borsky A. Incorporation of Social Risk in US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendations and Identification of Key Challenges for Primary Care. JAMA-Journal of the American Medical Association. 2021;326(14):1410-1415.
Desai PM, Brown J, Gill S, Solh MM, Akard LP, Hsu JW, Ustun C, Andreadis C, Frankfurt O, Foran JM, Lister J, Schiller GJ, Wieduwilt MJ, Pagel JM, Stiff PJ, Liu D, Khan I, Stock W, Kambhampati S, Tallman MS, Morris L, Edwards J, Pusic I, Kantarjian HM, Mamelok R, Wong A, Van Syoc R, Kellerman L, Panuganti S, Mandalam R, Abboud CN, Ravandi F. Open-Label Phase II Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Study of Romyelocel-L Myeloid Progenitor Cells to Reduce Infection During Induction Chemotherapy for Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2021;39(29):3261-3272.
Fishbein AB, Knutson KL, Zee PC. Circadian disruption and human health. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2021;131(19):13.
Gnanasekaran K, Korpanty J, Berger O, Hampu N, Halperin-Sternfeld M, Cohen-Gerassi D, Adler-Abramovich L, Gianneschi NC. Dipeptide Nanostructure Assembly and Dynamics via in Situ Liquid-Phase Electron Microscopy. ACS Nano. 2021;15(10):16542-16551.
Hansen KB, Wollmuth LP, Bowie D, Furukawa H, Menniti FS, Sobolevsky AI, Swanson GT, Swanger SA, Greger IH, Nakagawa T, McBain CJ, Jayaraman V, Low CM, Dell'Acqua ML, Diamond JS, Camp CR, Perszyk RE, Yuan H, Traynelis SF. Structure, Function, and Pharmacology of Glutamate Receptor Ion Channels. Pharmacological Reviews. 2021;73(4):298-487.
Hayes OG, Partridge BE, Mirkin CA. Encoding hierarchical assembly pathways of proteins with DNA. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2021;118(40).
Horwitz ME, Stiff PJ, Cutler C, Brunstein C, Hanna R, Maziarz RT, Rezvani AR, Karris NA, McGuirk J, Valcarcel D, Schiller GJ, Lindemans CA, Hwang WYK, Koh LP, Keating A, Khaled Y, Hamerschlak N, Frankfurt O, Peled T, Segalovich I, Blackwell B, Wease S, Freedman LS, Galamidi-Cohen E, Sanz G. Omidubicel vs standard myeloablative umbilical cord blood transplantation: results of a phase 3 randomized study. Blood. 2021;138(16):1429-1440.
Jeong H, Kwak SS, Sohn S, Lee JY, Lee YJ, O'Brien MK, Park Y, Avila R, Kim JT, Yoo JY, Irie M, Jang H, Ouyang W, Shawen N, Kang YJ, Kim SS, Tzavelis A, Lee K, Andersen RA, Huang Y, Jayaraman A, Davis MM, Shanley T, Wakschlag LS, Krogh-Jespersen S, Xu S, Ryan SW, Lieber RL, Rogers JA. Miniaturized wireless, skin-integrated sensor networks for quantifying full-body movement behaviors and vital signs in infants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2021;118(43).
Kass-Hout T, Lee J, Tataris K, Richards CT, Markul E, Weber J, Mendelson S, O'Neill K, Sednew RM, Prabhakaran S. Prehospital Comprehensive Stroke Center vs Primary Stroke Center Triage in Patients With Suspected Large Vessel Occlusion Stroke. JAMA Neurology. 2021;78(10):1220-1227.
Luan HW, Zhang QH, Liu TL, Wang XJ, Zhao SW, Wang HL, Yao SL, Xue YG, Kwak JW, Bai WB, Xu YM, Han MD, Li K, Li ZW, Ni XC, Ye JL, Choi DW, Yang QS, Kim JH, Li S, Chen SL, Wu CS, Lu D, Chang JK, Xie ZQ, Huang YG, Rogers JA. Complex 3D microfluidic architectures formed by mechanically guided compressive buckling. Science Advances. 2021;7(43):12.
Martinez-Reyes I, Chandel NS. Cancer metabolism: looking forward. Nature Reviews Cancer. 2021;21(10):669-680.
McGrail DJ, Pilié PG, Dai H, Lam TNA, Liang Y, Voorwerk L, Kok M, Zhang XH, Rosen JM, Heimberger AB, Peterson CB, Jonasch E, Lin SY. Replication stress response defects are associated with response to immune checkpoint blockade in nonhypermutated cancers. Science Translational Medicine. 2021;13(617):eabe6201.
Mithal DS, Chandel NS. The Gro3p factor: Restoring NAD+/NADH homeostasis to ameliorate mitochondrial disease. Cell Metabolism. 2021;33(10):1905-1907.
Shanmugapriya S, Santos da Silva E, Campbell JA, Boisjoli MP, Naghavi MH. Dynactin 1 negatively regulates HIV-1 infection by sequestering the host cofactor CLIP170. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2021;118(43).
Sharara F, Wool EE, Bertolacci GJ, Weaver ND, Balassyano S, Watson A, Dippenaar IN, Cunningham M, Fuller JE, Marczak LB, Johnson CO, Roth GA, Abedi A, Acuna JM, Advani SM, Agasthi P, Alahdab F, Al-Aly Z, Antony CM, Assari S, Awan AT, Basu S, Bell AW, Braithwaite D, Burkart K, Chew A, Cho DY, Chowdhury MAK, Dai XC, Daoud F, Dharmaratne SD, Dwyer-Lindgren L, Elgendy IY, Fares J, Farwati M, Fisher JL, Gholamrezanezhad A, Gopalani SV, Grada A, Guha A, Hafezi-Nejad N, Haider MR, Hay SI, Hossain MM, Ikuta KS, Islam JY, Jabbarinejad R, Khatab K, Khubchandani J, Kim D, Kimokoti RW, Kisa A, Krishnamoorthy V, Krohn KJ, Lawrence WR, LeGrand KE, Lim SS, Lin ZQ, Liu XF, Mahmoudi M, Martinez-Piedra R, Mehta KM, Miller TR, Moitra M, Mokdad AH, Morrison SD, Murray CJL, Napoles AM, Nsoesie EO, Odell CM, Pawar S, Perez-Stable EJ, Pilz TM, Ram P, Reiner RC, Roberts NLS, Salehi S, Sanabria J, Schwebel DC, Sheikh A, Sigfusdottir ID, Singh JA, Spurlock EE, Sykes BL, Tadbiri H, Tleyjeh, II, Tsai AC, Vos T, Wu CK, Yandrapalli S, Yunusa I, Zand R, Zhang WJ, Naghavi M, US GBDPV. Fatal police violence by race and state in the USA, 1980-2019: a network meta-regression. Lancet. 2021;398(10307):1239-1255.
Skrivankova VW, Richmond RC, Woolf BAR, Davies NM, Swanson SA, VanderWeele TJ, Timpson NJ, Higgins JPT, Dimou N, Langenberg C, Loder EW, Golub RM, Egger M, Smith GD, Richards JB. Strengthening the reporting of observational studies in epidemiology using mendelian randomisation (STROBE-MR): explanation and elaboration. BMJ-British Medical Journal. 2021;375:28.
Skrivankova VW, Richmond RC, Woolf BAR, Yarmolinsky J, Davies NM, Swanson SA, VanderWeele TJ, Higgins JPT, Timpson NJ, Dimou N, Langenberg C, Golub RM, Loder EW, Gallo V, Tybjaerg-Hansen A, Davey Smith G, Egger M, Richards JB. Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology Using Mendelian Randomization: The STROBE-MR Statement. JAMA-Journal of the American Medical Association. 2021;326(16):1614-1621.
Snoznik C, Medvedeva V, Mojsilovic-Petrovic J, Rudich P, Oosten J, Kalb RG, Lamitina T. The nuclear ubiquitin ligase adaptor SPOP is a conserved regulator of C9orf72 dipeptide toxicity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2021;118(40).
Sonobe Y, Aburas J, Krishnan G, Fleming AC, Ghadge G, Islam P, Warren EC, Gu YZ, Kankel MW, Brown AEX, Kiskinis E, Gendron TF, Gao FB, Roos RP, Kratsios P. A C. elegans model of C9orf72-associated ALS/FTD uncovers a conserved role for eIF2D in RAN translation. Nature Communications. 2021;12(1):17.
Thomson BR, Liu P, Onay T, Du J, Tompson SW, Misener S, Purohit RR, Young TL, Jin J, Quaggin SE. Cellular crosstalk regulates the aqueous humor outflow pathway and provides new targets for glaucoma therapies. Nature Communications. 2021;12(1):16.
Yasuda H, Buskohl PR, Gillman A, Murphey TD, Stepney S, Vaia RA, Raney JR. Mechanical computing. Nature. 2021;598(7879):39-48.
Aggarwal RK, Luchtel RA, Machha V, Tischer A, Zou Y, Pradhan K, Ashai N, Ramachandra N, Albanese JM, Yang JI, Wang X, Aluri S, Gordon S, Aboumohamed A, Gartrell BA, Hafizi S, Pullman J, Shenoy N. Functional succinate dehydrogenase deficiency is a common adverse feature of clear cell renal cancer. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2021;118(39).
Bomba-Warczak E, Edassery SL, Hark TJ, Savas JN. Long-lived mitochondrial cristae proteins in mouse heart and brain. Journal of Cell Biology. 2021;220(9).
Churchwell K, Lloyd-Jones DM, Frazier AL. Preemption A Threat to Building Healthy, Equitable Communities. Circulation. 2021;144(10):E194-E195.
Davidson KW, Barry MJ, Mangione CM, Cabana M, Caughey AB, Davis EM, Donahue KE, Doubeni CA, Krist AH, Kubik M, Li L, Ogedegbe G, Pbert L, Silverstein M, Simon MA, Stevermer J, Tseng CW, Wong JB, Force USPST. Screening for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement. JAMA-Journal of the American Medical Association. 2021;326(10):949-956.
Davidson KW, Barry MJ, Mangione CM, Cabana M, Caughey AB, Davis EM, Donahue KE, Doubeni CA, Kubik M, Li L, Ogedegbe G, Pbert L, Silverstein M, Simon MA, Stevermer J, Tseng CW, Wong JB. Aspirin Use to Prevent Preeclampsia and Related Morbidity and Mortality: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement. JAMA-Journal of the American Medical Association. 2021;326(12):1186-1191.
DeBerge M, Lantz C, Dehn S, Sullivan DP, van der Laan AM, Niessen HWM, Flanagan ME, Brat DJ, Feinstein MJ, Kaushal S, Wilsbacher LD, Thorp EB. Hypoxia-inducible factors individually facilitate inflammatory myeloid metabolism and inefficient cardiac repair. Journal of Experimental Medicine. 2021;218(9).
Demonbreun AR, Fallon KS, Oosterbaan CC, Vaught LA, Reiser NL, Bogdanovic E, Velez MP, Salamone IM, Page PGT, Hadhazy M, Quattrocelli M, Barefield DY, Wood LD, Gonzalez JP, Morris C, McNally EM. Anti-latent TGF beta binding protein 4 antibody improves muscle function and reduces muscle fibrosis in muscular dystrophy. Science Translational Medicine. 2021;13(610):11.
Eberhardt CS, Kissick HT, Patel MR, Cardenas MA, Prokhnevska N, Obeng RC, Nasti TH, Griffith CC, Im SJ, Wang X, Shin DM, Carrington M, Chen ZG, Sidney J, Sette A, Saba NF, Wieland A, Ahmed R. Functional HPV-specific PD-1(+) stem-like CD8 T cells in head and neck cancer. Nature. 2021;597(7875):279.
Jenkins LM, Kogan A, Malinab M, Ingo C, Sedaghat S, Bryan NR, Yaffe K, Parrish TB, Nemeth AJ, Lloyd-Jones DM, Launer LJ, Wang L, Sorond F. Blood pressure, executive function, and network connectivity in middle-aged adults at risk of dementia in late life. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2021;118(37).
Joseph P, Roshandel G, Gao P, Pais P, Lonn E, Xavier D, Avezum A, Zhu J, Liu LS, Sliwa K, Gamra H, Bangdiwala SI, Teo K, Diaz R, Dans A, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Prabhakaran D, Castellano JM, Fuster V, Rodgers A, Huffman MD, Bosch J, Dagenais GR, Malekzadeh R, Yusuf S, Polypill Trialists C. Fixed-dose combination therapies with and without aspirin for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease: an individual participant data meta-analysis. Lancet. 2021;398(10306):1133-1146.
Kanwal F, Shubrook JH, Younossi Z, Natarajan Y, Bugianesi E, Rinella ME, Harrison SA, Mantzoros C, Pfotenhauer K, Klein S, Eckel RH, Kruger D, El-Serag H, Cusi K. Preparing for the NASH Epidemic: A Call to Action. Gastroenterology. 2021;161(3):1030.
Kim BH, Li K, Kim JT, Park Y, Jang H, Wang XJ, Xie ZQ, Won SM, Yoon HJ, Lee GM, Jang WJ, Lee KH, Chung TS, Jung YH, Heo SY, Lee Y, Kim J, Cai TF, Kim Y, Prasopsukh P, Yu YJ, Yu XG, Avila R, Luan HW, Song HL, Zhu F, Zhao Y, Chen L, Han SH, Kim J, Oh SJ, Lee H, Lee CH, Huang YG, Chamorro LP, Zhang YH, Rogers JA. Three-dimensional electronic microfliers inspired by wind-dispersed seeds. Nature. 2021;597(7877):503.
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