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Wire Transfers and Non-Preferred Vendor Orders

Please see the the guidelines below for wire transfers and non‐preferred vendor orders over $5,000.

Note: All orders that contain computer memory must be placed by IT and cannot be processed by BSA. 

 $5,000+ and All Wire Transfers 

  • Quote from supplier with agreement to Northwestern's PO Terms and Conditions
  • Add/Attach Justification in the PO Tool's comments box by answering the following questions:
    • 1. Why is this essential for the performance of the sponsored project?
    • 2. How will this item be used to benefit the aims of this project?
    • 3. What activities will this equipment or item support?
    • Alternatively, you can attach Budget Justification Document from the RA if the item is justified on the document.

All of the documents under the $5,000+ guidance above as well as the following:

Work with Senior Finance Lead if a sealed bid is required on a grant.

  • Budget Justification Document: This is the document that was submitted while applying for the grant. In case the lab has accounted for an item while applying for the grant, attach the budget justification document to the order request with the portion highlighted.
  • Multiple Project Split Form: Required only if the item(s) are being ordered on multiple grants
  • Purchasing Decision Documentation: Provides justification on why a non‐preferred vendor was chosen over one of our preferred vendors on iBuyNU

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