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BSA Org Chart and Functional Areas Guide

  • Organizational Chart
    Learn more about the structure of the Basic Science Administration (BSA).
  • Functional Areas
    Explore the key roles of the five functional areas and who to contact for assistance with communication and outreach, facilities, financial administration, professional affairs and research administration.

Conference/Event Space Reservations

Investigator Resources


The Office for Sponsored Research reviews, negotiates and endorses sponsored agreements. Learn more about funded vs. unfunded agreements, and find information about the most commonly used and other types of agreements.

View resources

Unfunded or non-sponsored agreements should be directed to the BSA Procurement Team

NIH Grants - Document Setup Guidance


BSA Entertainment Guidelines

Please review the BSA Entertainment Guidelines for guidance on Northwestern policies and spending limits for travel, activities and events.

Review Guidelines

BSA Communications and Outreach Guide

Explore the BSA Communications and Outreach Guide for information on Feinberg brand and style, BSA listservs, HTML email, events planning and promotion, website development and maintenance, social media and more.

View Guide

Feinberg Brand Guidelines and Templates

Brand Guidelines

The Feinberg Brand Identity Guidelines include usage, sizing and color to help us effectively and consistently share messaging across Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine websites.


Download templates on Northwestern Sharepoint for:

  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Brochures
  • Elevator signs
  • Flyers
  • Meeting agendas
  • Name plaques and tags
  • Reports
  • Research posters
  • Room cards

Templates are available in PowerPoint, InDesign and Microsoft Word formats, provided by the Feinberg Office of Communications. Please contact, if you experience issues with accessing assets.

Laboratory Website Platforms

Faculty can build and manage a laboratory website at no cost via the following services:


The Feinberg-branded website template, fully supported by the Feinberg Office of Communications, utilizes a content management system called Cascade. These sites are hosted on Feinberg servers, built by the Communications Web Team and maintained by a full-time lab staff member. The Feinberg Office of Communications regularly holds training sessions and offers technical support, as needed.


Offered in partnership with CampusPress, NUSites is a WordPress publishing platform owned by Northwestern IT and hosted on Northwestern servers. Plugins and themes are limited to ensure maximum security and compatibility. These sites are built and maintained by a lab staff member or other support staff. (If you do not have experience in WordPress or with building websites, Cascade may be a better option).

To discuss laboratory website options, please contact Yesenia Navarro

Photo and Multimedia Release Forms

All photographers and videographers taking photos and/or videos on University property or of University events must obtain appropriate signed release forms from any student, faculty member, staff person or member of the public who is visibly recognizable in the photo or video. Crowd scenes where no single person is the dominant feature are exempt.

These rules govern photographs and multimedia content intended for use in any University publication of a marketing or a public relations nature, such as newsletters, brochures, viewbooks, promotional items or other such material. Releases also must be obtained for photos used on the web. These rules are not in effect when photos or videos are taken of news events, but photos or videos taken for news purposes require a release for reuse in marketing materials.

The following forms have been approved by the University’s Office of General Counsel.

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