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PhD in Neuroscience - Movement and Rehabilitation Science Program

The PhD in Neuroscience with specialization in Movement and Rehabilitation Science (NUIN-MRS) program combines a solid training in fundamental neurobiology with training in basic quantitative methods to help development the scientific knowledge base required for the construction of more effective rehabilitation interventions. Students in the NUIN-MRS program receive a broad education, from cellular/molecular to systems neuroscience, and are expected to approach the study of movement disorders in a rigorous and fundamental way, whether the work is focused on basic, translational or clinical research.

We encourage students to apply if they are interested in pursuing a career in Movement and Rehabilitation Science research with an emphasis on quantitative methods and techniques. We welcome applications from individuals with diverse professional backgrounds, including physical therapy, occupational therapy and other health professions, exercise science, biomechanics, engineering and the basic sciences. Prior research experience is highly valued in the admissions process.

Interested students need to apply directly to The Graduate School. Visit the Northwestern University Interdepartmental Neuroscience (NUIN) website for more information.


All NUIN students admitted into the program receive a fellowship that covers tuition costs and a stipend for living during the first year. Students in good standing can apply for two years of funding through our National Institutes of Health training grant program, Research Training in Sensorimotor Neuroscience (RT-SNR). Access more information on this and other training programs available for NUIN students here.

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