By supporting scholarships, donors foster the promising futures of deserving and exceptional students. Through scholarship commitments made through outright and planned gifts, donors have a lasting impact on today’s students and their future medical careers.
At Feinberg, we want to offer a medical education to individuals who dream of helping others through a career in medicine — regardless of their financial means. Along with an outstanding faculty, meaningful clinical experiences and top-notch research opportunities that already exist, we must bolster our scholarship funding to attract and retain these exceptional students. Scholarship funds allow us to offer financial assistance to top prospects, ensuring that financial barriers will not deter top applicants from pursuing a Northwestern University medical degree.
- 401, or approximately 69%, of our medical students received scholarships for the 2023-2024 academic year
- $254 million is the current value of Northwestern's scholarship endowment (as of October 2024)
- $800+ million is our scholarship endowment goal
Scholarship Gifts
Scholarship gifts can be designated for immediate use or endowed for long-term scholarship support.
These expendable gifts create new scholarship funds and last until all principal funds are distributed to students. With a commitment of $50,000 or more, donors are invited to name the scholarship.
View List of Expendable Scholarships
Robert Babbs Jr. Endowed Scholarship Fund
Feinberg School of Medicine Scholarship
Dr. David Grganto Scholarship
The Physical Therapy Scholarship
Satter Foundation Scholarship
Wendell G. Venerable Scholarship
Endowed scholarships stipulate that your gift will be invested and the principal will remain intact. Each year, a percentage of the interest earned on the endowment is awarded as scholarship support. Endowed funds are held in perpetuity by Northwestern University, forever supporting medical scholars:
- $100,000 is the minimum gift to create a named scholarship fund at the medical school.
- $250,000 is the preferred gift to create a named scholarship fund that will provide important financial assistance to our students.
- $1.5 million will create a named scholarship fund that will provide full-tuition support for a medical school.
View List of Endowed Scholarships
Dr. Whitney Addington Scholarship
Kenneth D. Allweiss, MD Scholarship
Alpha Omega Alpha Scholarship
Medical Alumni Scholarship
The Alfreda Scholarship
George D. Amromin Medical Student Scholarship
Anonymous Feinberg Scholarship
Kathleen Patterson Appel Memorial Scholarship
Steven A. and Elaine K. Azuma Scholarship
Dr. Ralph E. Balch Medical Scholarship
Frederick G. Barr Medical Student Scholarship
Edwin G. and Nona C. Barton Scholarship
George E. and Maude C. Baxter Scholarship
Benzon Family Scholarship
George and Bon E. Berner Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Ira and Susan Bernstein Scholarship
Grace Malstrom Besser Scholarship
James F. Bishop Scholarship
Olympia Asimacopoulos and Thomas E. Bournias, MD Family Scholarship
Ashley M. Brand Scholarship in Medicine
Richard A. Brickley, MD Scholarship
Dr. Jerome Brown Medical Scholarship
William F. and Hazel Buckley Memorial Scholarship
J. Reuben and Corolyn Budd Scholarship
Dr. and Mrs. Alfred S. Burdick Scholarship
Burton Scholarship Fund
Stanley Burton, MD Scholarship
Lawrence H. Caplan, MD & Dorlene V. Kaplan Scholarship
Robert H. Choplin and Marjorie A. Bowman Scholarship
Class of 1955 Bruno Epstein Scholarship
Class of 1957 Scholarship
Class of 1958 Scholarship
Class of 1959 Scholarship
Class of 1960 Scholarship
Class of 1961 Scholarship
Class of 1962 Scholarship
Class of 1963 Scholarship
Class of 1964 Scholarship
Class of 1966 Scholarship
Class of 1967 Dean Lewis Landsberg, MD, Scholarship
Class of 1968 Scholarship
Class of 1969 Scholarship
Class of 1970 Scholarship
Class of 1971 Scholarship
Class of 1972 Scholarship
Class of 1973 Scholarship
Class of 1974 Scholarship
Class of 1975 Scholarship
Class of 1987 Scholarship
Class of 1989 Scholarship
Lynda Singshinsuk Class of 1991 Scholarship
Dr. Meyer Chapman Scholarship
Thorwald N. Christiansen Scholarship
Dr. John A.D. Cooper Scholarship
Thomas Corbridge Scholarship Fund to Honor Excellence in Teaching
Ginny Darakjian Scholarship
Noel A. DeBacker, MD Endowed Scholarship
Richard G. Dedo MD Scholarship
Charles D. Dillon, MD Scholarship for Primary Care
Doll-McEwen Scholarship
Edna L. Dunning Scholarship
Sally Edelsberg Scholarship in Physical Therapy
Gurli and Oscar Ekstedt Sr. Scholarship
The George L. Englert Scholarship
Alma R. Everett Scholarship
Jerome Falk Medical Student Scholarship
Dr. Louis E. Fazen Sr. Memorial Scholarship
Feinberg Promise Scholarship
Dr. Richard D. and Michelle Ferkel Scholarship
Antone Cosmo Fina Scholarship
Richard Henry Fisk Scholarship
John R. Flanagan Charitable Foundation Medical Scholarship
Dr. Edson Brady Fowler Scholarship
Jack and Mary Ann Frable Medical Student Scholarship
Mary Ann Frable, MD Dean's Scholarship
Rogers and Mace Garrison Foundation Scholarship
Eve Gaymont Sparberg Scholarship
Dr. Margaret Gerber Scholarship
Dr. Gerard M. and Mary L. Smerge Goshgarian Scholarship
J. Douglas Gray Scholarship
Leslie J. and Ruth F. Greenwald Scholarship
B. Herold Griffith, MD Scholarship
Terri and Joseph Gugenheim, MD Scholarship
Terri and Joseph Gugenheim, MD Scholarship #2
Anna Gulick Scholarship
Bernice and Herbert Gustavson Scholarship
Meryl H. Haber, MD Scholarship
Betty M. Hahneman, MD, MPH Scholarship
Oliver Cromwell Hargreaves, MD Scholarship
Edward R. Hays Scholarship
Janet L. Hemzacek Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Arnold and Fern Heyman Scholarship
Doris Hicks Scholarship
The Sam U. and Helen T. Ho Scholarship in Memory of Raymond and Emma Tong
Dr. DeWayne and Barbara Hofer Endowed Scholarship
Dr. John H. Hollister and Dr. Franklin H. Martin Scholarship
Dr. Walter W. and Lindsay Huurman Scholarship
George and Marguerite Irwin Scholarship
Mark and Mary Ann Kaufman Enrichment Fund Scholarship
Beatrice Joyce Kean Scholarship
Olga Kellenberger Memorial Scholarship
James P. and Christine M. Kelly Family Medical Scholarship
Herbert Kilgore Scholarship
Ruth D. Killips Scholarship
Dr. David J. and Deborah Y. Kim Family Scholarship
William Kleinschmidt, MD Scholarship
Susan Anderson Kline, MD Scholarship
Laurel and Clarence Koennecke Scholarship
Sandra and Dennis Kontra, MD Scholarship
Helen Kozlowski Scholarship
Joseph and Elizabeth Kratina Scholarship
Katherine Kurtz Endowed Scholarship
Robert A. and Charlene M. Kyle Scholarship
Jack Lageschulte and Wendy Lageschulte Physical Therapy Scholarship
Adolf Frederick Lange Scholarship
Alexander Lapacz Scholarship
Jerold A. Lein Scholarship
Lenke Family Scholarship
Levin Family Scholarship
Harry W. Linde Honors Program Research Fellowship Fund
Dr. Jay and Penny Lusche Family Scholarship
Mildred Dawson Lusk Scholarship
Irving Charles Marcus Memorial Scholarship
Dr. David M. and Mary Pim Margulies Scholarship
Dr. Philip W. and Sally Marin Scholarship
Hazel Turner McNeal Scholarship
McNicol-Flair-Sheldon Scholarship
MD Endowed Scholarship
Sylvia M. Milberg Family Scholarship
A. Merrill Miller, MD Scholarship
Dr. Stephen H. Miller Scholarship
Mills Family Scholarship
Dr. David Monash Scholarship
Waldo P. Mudgett Scholarship
Earl M. Mumford, MD and Ann Mumford Family Scholarship
D. Muralidhar Family Scholarship Fund
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Murphy Memorial Scholarship
Simon K. Myint, MD Scholarship
Julie Y. Namkung Memorial Summer Scholar Fund
Dr. Edward A. Newman Family Scholarship
Clarence A. Neymann Scholarship
Sean D. O'Connor, MD Scholarship
Harold C. Olausson Scholarship
Dr. Gordon Oldham Scholarship
Mrs. Lizzie Walser Oliphant, MD Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Clinton B. Olney Scholarship
Gordon and Ann Palais Scholarship
Dr. James W. Packard Jr. Scholarship
Morris L. Parker Scholarship
Dr. Susan Perlman Scholarship
Dr. Freddie Peterson Scholarship
Edward K. and Vivian J. Ploner Medical Scholarship and Loan Fund
Charles A. Poindexter Scholarship
Daisy R. Poindexter Scholarship
Dr. Bradford S. and Adrienne V. Prokop Family Scholarship
Department of Radiation Oncology Endowed Scholarship
Carole M. and Clifford C. Raisbeck Jr., MD Scholarship
Fredrick Rawson, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Camille Lange Rathbun Scholarship
Mary Beth Richmond, MD Scholarship
Vera A. Riebel Scholarship
Nasreen and Imtiaz Rizvi Travel Scholarship
Dr. Jadwiga Roguska-Kyts Scholarship
Dr. Peter A. Rosi Scholarship
Wilma and Jacob Sacks Memorial Scholarship
Rufus H. Sage Scholarship
David R. and Evelyn L. Sanderson Endowed Scholarship
Benjamin L. Sargent Scholarship
Dr. John M. Scantleton Scholarship
Peggy S. Crawford, MD and Bruce F. Scharschmidt, MD Merit Scholarship
Lewis and Alice Schimberg Scholarship
Olga Sederstram Scholarship
Dr. Arthur and Mrs. Elaine Sherman HPME International Travel Fund
Sidra Medical Scholarship
Jack Snarr Scholarship
Snorf Medical Student Scholarship
Craig Snyder Scholarship
Dr. Gregory A. and Mary V. Stainer Scholarship Fund
Dr. Frederick Stenn Memorial Award for Humanism in Medicine
Dr. Neil Stone Award
Neil J. Stone, MD Scholarship
Anne Stronberg Memorial Scholarship
Patrick Sullivan, MD Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Tim and Jeanie Sullivan Scholarship
Jack Thompson, MD Scholarship
William W. Ting, MD and Flora H. Ting Scholarship
Dr. Howard S. and Regina G. Traisman Scholarship
Trinh Family Scholarship
George C. Turnbull, MD Scholarship
Dr. and Mrs. George C. Turnbull Medical Fellowship
Theodore Turnbull, MD Scholarship
Magnus Peter Urnes, MD Scholarship
Paul D. Urnes, MD Scholarship
Theodore R. and Janet W. Van Dellen Memorial Scholarship
Vavra-Silverman Scholarship
Eve and Arthur Veis, PhD Scholarship
Vernon C. Voltz, MD, Scholarship
Marjorie Walker Scholarship
Ernest E. Walkes Scholarship
Dr. Jeffrey and Meredith Conn Watters Scholarship
Walter B. and Arlene B. Wildstein Scholarship
Dr. Nathaniel and Helen Wisch Scholarship
Drs. Louis and Paul Wolf and Rose Wolf Scholarship
Wolf-Saltiel Scholarship
Edna Foster Wright Scholarship Fund
Walter Robert Yates Scholarship
J. Howard Young Scholarship
Drs. Jennifer H. T. Young and George T. Ho Family Scholarship
Zell Family Foundation Scholarship
Norval F. Zimmerman Scholarship
Justin A. Zivin, MD, PhD Memorial Award
Contact Us
Contact Larry Kuhn to discuss naming a scholarship fund at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Development & Alumni Relations
420 E. Superior St.
Arthur J. Rubloff Building, 9th Floor
Chicago, IL 60611