Types of Scholarships
Philanthropy supports many types of scholarships at Feinberg. Some are tailored for students at specific stages of their medical school careers. Others are unique for whom they honor or memorialize at their inception.
M4 Post-Match Day Scholarships
Post-Match Day scholarships are very special as they are awarded to exceptional fourth-year medical students immediately after Match Day in mid-March, which is when graduating medical students learn where they will serve their residencies in primary care and specialty areas.
Class Scholarships
Class Scholarships are often created by a medical school class that is celebrating a milestone reunion year. Many classmates come together to support and fully endow these scholarships, and they continue to support them through estate plans and annual giving. Feinberg is proud to have more than 20 class scholarships that support students and their education.
Scholarships Honoring Physicians
Scholarships that honor Northwestern physicians are often established and supported by patients and families that are grateful for that physician’s compassionate and expert care. The scholarship often carries the physician’s name to recognize them and their wonderful care over the decades.
Scholarships Honoring a Loved One
Scholarships that honor a loved one are a very special way to celebrate that person and their place in people’s hearts and lives while supporting a medical student who benefits from this crucial support of their medical education.
Legacy Scholarships
Legacy Scholarships often carry and honor a family’s name or a medical alumnus’s name and are in families for generations. These special scholarships are often supported by the children and grandchildren of those who established them as a way to further strengthen their bright legacy at Northwestern.
Scholarships Established via an Estate Plan
Scholarships established by generous alumni and friends through their estate plans ensure that future classes of medical students at Feinberg will have scholarships available so they can pursue their dreams of becoming Northwestern-trained physicians.
Scholarships for Physical Therapy Students
Scholarships for Physical Therapy students recognize the essential role these future healthcare professionals play in improving patients’ quality of life. These scholarships are often funded by individuals passionate about rehabilitation sciences or alumni who value their own transformative education.
Scholarships for Physician Assistant Students
Scholarships for Physician Assistant students provide crucial support for those pursuing careers in this high-demand field. These scholarships are typically supported by alumni, donors, and patients who believe in the vital contributions of PAs to modern healthcare and want to alleviate the financial burden for these dedicated students.
Contact Us
Contact Larry Kuhn to learn more about scholarships at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Development & Alumni Relations
420 E. Superior St.
Arthur J. Rubloff Building, 9th Floor
Chicago, IL 60611