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I.AIM Past Events

Throughout the year, I.AIM hosts and collaborates on events that share the latest innovations and research while bringing people together for collaboration opportunities. Browse a selection of past event recordings and write-ups. We hope you'll join us at an upcoming event.



 Northwestern Medicine Healthcare AI Forum

Open to Northwestern Medicine professionals and the broader research and patient community within Northwestern University and the Greater Chicago area, The Forum's mission is to establish a thriving healthcare AI ecosystem that fosters collaboration and supports a network of dedicated scholars and professionals. 

View recordings and slides of past Forum events

 Crosstown Showcase: AI in Healthcare 09.14.2023

Northwestern University and University of Chicago joined forces to showcase talent at the intersection of AI, healthcare, and data. This dynamic event offered the opportunity for crosstown networking with the goal of strengthening the ecosystem of people in the world of AI and healthcare.

Keynote speakers from Northwestern and University of Chicago headlined the event with a discussion on the latest AI solutions from the university perspective.

A second panel explored AI in the context of health systems, industry, legal considerations, and more. Amit Aysola, Managing Partner of Create Health Ventures and Armando Pauker, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Tensility Venture Partners moderated the conversations.

Read more about the Showcase.

 Using Raw Audit Logs to Measure Physician Workload, Cognitive Burden, and Burnout 05.04.2023

Dr. Kannampallil discusses the use of raw audit logs—trails of clinicians’ click stream activities on an EHR—to measure physician workload, cognitive burden and burnout using a combination of statistical and machine learning approaches. In a series of studies, his team developed data pipelines and open-source tools for translating raw clickstream data into meaningful EHR use metrics that were used for (a) assessing workload, (b) creating objective measures of errors, and (c) assessing the relationship between workload (and cognitive burden) on errors. He also described new directions for research using audit logs including novel mathematical and machine learning techniques to characterize tasks, measuring interactive communication (using Epic SecureChat), and comparing audit log-based workload measures and reimbursements. 

Speaker: Thomas Kannampallil, PhD
Associate Professor of Anesthesiology Washington University School of Medicine


 Augmenting Postoperative Transitions of Care 04.13.2023

Joanna Abraham, PhD, discusses her ongoing research on postoperative patient care transitions. Informed by contextual inquiry approaches and mixed methods, she conducted a series of studies to investigate the current operating room to intensive care unit handoff workflow and to develop design requirements for a socio-technical handoff tool. Dr. Abraham will discuss the planned trial and new directions for safety research in postoperative care. Dr. Abraham is an Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and the Institute for Informatics at Washington University School of Medicine. Her research interests in clinical informatics lie at the intersection of computer science, social and organizational sciences, and implementation science.

Speaker: Joanna Abraham, PhD, FACMI, FAMIA
Associate Professor Department of Anesthesiology Institute for Informatics Washington University School of Medicine


 Revealing Hidden Biases in Face Representation via Deceptively Simple Tasks 02.02.2023

Stefan Uddenberg, PhD, presents on his research, which demonstrates how basic mechanisms of perception and memory are specialized in deep and unexpected ways for the processing of social information (such as race, gender, or perceived trustworthiness). The research uses a variety of methods, but most recently innovations in deep learning have been used to model what we think of faces with an eye to reducing appearance-based discrimination and achieving fair outcomes in society.

Speaker: Stefan Uddenberg
Principal Researcher; University of Chicago Booth School of Business

 2023 3C-AI4H Bowl Education Series

In this series we hear from world-class speakers on thought-provoking healthcare topics related to AI, computer science, ethics, and more. The series leads entrepreneurs through considerations to help jump start ideas, address social determinants of health, and ultimately improve healthcare. View the 2023 3C-AI4H Bowl Education Series YouTube Playlist here.

Speakers: Ryan Howells, Ruby Sattar, Kelly Michelson, Faith Summersett Williams, Viet Nguyen, Steven Collens, Nick Phillips, Yuan Zhang
Associate Professor UBC, UCSF

 2023 3C-AI4H Bowl Final Competition

Multi-disciplinary teams identify problems, pitch a creative solution, and present their proof of concept. Team proposals could include risk prediction, imaging analysis, augmented decision making, or mitigating bias. The top three teams will win prizes. View the 2023 3C-AI4H Bowl Final Competition YouTube Playlist.

Participating University Teams: University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, Penn State, Case Western Reserve, University of Pittsburgh- Carnegie Mellon, University of Wisconsin- Madison