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Browse the list below to see the latest scientific publications stemming from our institute faculty’s work. To view publications of specific AI faculty, please visit Membership and select a profile link.

  1. Kim M, Wang X, Li Y, Lin Z, Collins CP, Liu Y, Ahn Y, Tsal HM, Song JW, Duan C  et al.  Personalized composite scaffolds for accelerated cell- and growth factor-free craniofacial bone regeneration.  Bioact Mater  2024 Nov;41:427-439. doi:10.1016/j.bioactmat.2024.07.029
  2. Munsell EGS, Bui Q, Kaufman KJ, Tomazin SE, Regan BA, Lenze EJ, Lee JM, Mohr DC, Fong MWM, Metts CL  et al.  Intraindividual variability in post-stroke cognition and its relationship with activities of daily living and social functioning: an ecological momentary assessment approach.  Top Stroke Rehabil  2024 Sep;31(6):564-575. doi:10.1080/10749357.2024.2307203
  3. Wu Y, Iorga M, Badhe S, Zhang J, Cantrell DR, Tanhehco EJ, Szrama N, Naidech AM, Drakopoulos M, Hasan ST  et al.  Precise Image-level Localization of Intracranial Hemorrhage on Head CT Scans with Deep Learning Models Trained on Study-level Labels.  Radiol Artif Intell  2024 Aug 28;:e230296. doi:10.1148/ryai.230296
  4. Verma S, Butler J, Borlaug BA, Davies M, Kitzman DW, Shah SJ, Petrie MC, Barros E, Rönnbäck C, Vestergaard LS  et al.  Efficacy of Semaglutide by Sex in Obesity-Related Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction: STEP-HFpEF Trials.  J Am Coll Cardiol  2024 Aug 27;84(9):773-785. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2024.06.001
  5. Sorimachi H, Obokata M, Omote K, Reddy YNV, Burkhoff D, Shah SJ, Borlaug BA  Racial Differences of Cardiac Structure and Function in Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction.  J Card Fail  2024 Aug 23;. pii:S1071-9164(24)00356-7
  6. Yang M, Kondo T, Anand IS, de Boer RA, Campbell RT, Køber L, Lam CSP, Maggioni AP, Martinez FA, O'Meara E  et al.  Clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients aged 80 years and over with heart failure: Need for better treatment.  Eur J Heart Fail  2024 Aug 21;. doi:10.1002/ejhf.3417
  7. Amagai S, Vonesh E, Adams J, Luo Y  Closing the gap: addressing telehealth disparities across specialties in the sustained pandemic era.  NPJ Digit Med  2024 Aug 21;7(1):217. pii:217
  8. Xiang G, He X, Giardine BM, Isaac KJ, Taylor DJ, McCoy RC, Jansen C, Keller CA, Wixom AQ, Cockburn A  et al.  Interspecies regulatory landscapes and elements revealed by novel joint systematic integration of human and mouse blood cell epigenomes.  Genome Res  2024 Aug 20;34(7):1089-1105. doi:10.1101/gr.277950.123
  9. Bramante CT, Beckman KB, Mehta T, Karger AB, Odde DJ, Tignanelli CJ, Buse JB, Johnson DM, Watson RHB, Daniel JJ  et al.  Favorable Antiviral Effect of Metformin on SARS-CoV-2 Viral Load in a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial of COVID-19.  Clin Infect Dis  2024 Aug 16;79(2):354-363. doi:10.1093/cid/ciae159
  10. Hamo CE, DeJong C, Hartshorne-Evans N, Lund LH, Shah SJ, Solomon S, Lam CSP  Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.  Nat Rev Dis Primers  2024 Aug 14;10(1):55. doi:10.1038/s41572-024-00540-y
  11. Kitzman DW, Voors AA, Mentz RJ, Lewis GD, Perl S, Myte R, Kaguthi G, Sjöström CD, Källgren C, Shah SJ  Verinurad Plus Allopurinol for Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction: The AMETHYST Randomized Clinical Trial.  JAMA Cardiol  2024 Aug 14;. pii:e242435
  12. Luo Y, Meng X, Zhou G, Zhou J, Luo YJ, Ai H, Zelano C, Chen F, Xu P  Oscillatory mechanisms of intrinsic human brain networks.  Neuroimage  2024 Aug 08;298:120773. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2024.120773
  13. Campos C, Magwire M, Butler J, Hoovler A, Sabharwal A, Shah SJ  Diagnostic and therapeutic challenges for PCPs regarding heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and obesity: results of an online internet-based survey.  BMC Prim Care  2024 Aug 08;25(1):288. pii:288
  14. Li Y, Luo Y  STdGCN: spatial transcriptomic cell-type deconvolution using graph convolutional networks.  Genome Biol  2024 Aug 05;25(1):206. pii:206
  15. Sadeghpour A, Jiang Z, Hummel YM, Frost M, Lam CSP, Shah SJ, Lund LH, Stone GW, Swaminathan M, Weissman NJ  et al.  An Automated Machine Learning-Based Quantitative Multiparametric Approach for Mitral Regurgitation Severity Grading.  JACC Cardiovasc Imaging  2024 Aug 02;. pii:S1936-878X(24)00247-X
  16. Gustafsson F, Petrie MC, Komtebedde J, Swarup V, Winkler S, Hasenfuß G, Borlaug BA, Mohan RC, Flaherty JD, Sverdlov AL  et al.  2-Year Outcomes of an Atrial Shunt Device in HFpEF/HFmrEF: Results From REDUCE LAP-HF II.  JACC Heart Fail  2024 Aug;12(8):1425-1438. doi:10.1016/j.jchf.2024.04.011
  17. Kondo T, Campbell R, Jhund PS, Anand IS, Carson PE, Lam CSP, Shah SJ, Vaduganathan M, Zannad F, Zile MR  et al.  Low Natriuretic Peptide Levels and Outcomes in Patients With Heart Failure and Preserved Ejection Fraction.  JACC Heart Fail  2024 Aug;12(8):1442-1455. doi:10.1016/j.jchf.2024.04.027
  18. Ladner DP, Manski CF, Mehrotra S  New Liver Allocation Policy and National Liver Transplant Volume.  JAMA Surg  2024 Aug 01;159(8):947-948. doi:10.1001/jamasurg.2024.1209
  19. Gao J, Giro P, Delaney JA, Rasmussen-Torvik L, Taylor KD, Thorp EB, Doyle MF, Feinstein MJ, Sitlani CM, Olson N  et al.  Immune cell profiling of the ICAM1 p.K56M heart failure with preserved ejection fraction risk variant.  ESC Heart Fail  2024 Jul 22;. doi:10.1002/ehf2.14983
  20. Shimbo D, Shah RU, Abdalla M, Agarwal R, Ahmad FS, Anaya G, Attia ZI, Bull S, Chang AR, Commodore-Mensah Y  et al.  Transforming Hypertension Diagnosis and Management in The Era of Artificial Intelligence: A 2023 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Workshop Report.  Hypertension  2024 Jul 16;. doi:10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.124.22095
  21. Schou M, Petrie MC, Borlaug BA, Butler J, Davies MJ, Kitzman DW, Shah SJ, Verma S, Patel S, Chinnakondepalli KM  et al.  Semaglutide and NYHA Functional Class in Obesity-Related Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction: The STEP-HFpEF Program.  J Am Coll Cardiol  2024 Jul 16;84(3):247-257. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2024.04.038
  22. Doiron JE, Xia H, Yu X, Nevins AR, LaPenna KB, Sharp TE, Goodchild TT, Allerton TD, Elgazzaz M, Lazartigues E  et al.  Adjunctive therapy with an oral H2S donor provides additional therapeutic benefit beyond SGLT2 inhibition in cardiometabolic heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.  Br J Pharmacol  2024 Jul 09;. doi:10.1111/bph.16493
  23. Simon GE, Moise N, Mohr DC  Management of Depression in Adults: A Review.  JAMA  2024 Jul 09;332(2):141-152. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.5756
  24. Zhang D, Stein R, Lu Y, Zhou T, Lei Y, Li L, Chen J, Arnold J, Becich MJ, Chrischilles EA  et al.  Pediatric Gastrointestinal Outcomes During the Post-Acute Phase of COVID-19: Findings from RECOVER Initiative from 29 Hospitals in the US.  medRxiv  2024 Jul 09;. pii:2024.05.21.24307699
  25. Maimone C, Dolan BM, Green MM, Sanguino SM, O'Brien CL  Using Natural Language Processing to Visualize Narrative Feedback in a Medical Student Performance Dashboard.  Acad Med  2024 Jul 03;. doi:10.1097/ACM.0000000000005800
  26. Wittbrodt M, Klug M, Etemadi M, Yang A, Pandolfino JE, Keswani RN  Assessment of colonoscopy skill using machine learning to measure quality: Proof-of-concept and initial validation.  Endosc Int Open  2024 Jul;12(7):E849-E853. doi:10.1055/a-2333-8138
  27. Petrie MC, Borlaug BA, Butler J, Davies MJ, Kitzman DW, Shah SJ, Verma S, Jensen TJ, Einfeldt MN, Liisberg K  et al.  Semaglutide and NT-proBNP in Obesity-Related HFpEF: Insights From the STEP-HFpEF Program.  J Am Coll Cardiol  2024 Jul 02;84(1):27-40. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2024.04.022
  28. Bermea KC, Lovell JP, Hays AG, Goerlich E, Vungarala S, Jani V, Shah SJ, Sharma K, Adamo L  A Machine Learning-Derived Score to Effectively Identify Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction.  JACC Adv  2024 Jul;3(7):101040. pii:101040
  29. Abdollahi A, Kato Y, Bakhshi H, Varadarajan V, Chehab O, Zeitoun R, Ostovaneh MR, Wu CO, Bertoni AG, Shah SJ  et al.  Differential Stroke Volume between Left and Right Ventricles as a Predictor of Clinical Outcomes: The MESA Study.  Radiology  2024 Jul;312(1):e232973. pii:e232973
  30. Luo Y, Mao C, Sanchez-Pinto LN, Ahmad FS, Naidech A, Rasmussen L, Pacheco JA, Schneider D, Mithal LB, Dresden S  et al.  Northwestern University resource and education development initiatives to advance collaborative artificial intelligence across the learning health system.  Learn Health Syst  2024 Jul;8(3):e10417. pii:e10417
  31. Patel RB, Shah SJ  Left Atrial Myopathy in Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection: Don't Raise the Roof!  Circ Cardiovasc Imaging  2024 Jul;17(7):e017137. doi:10.1161/CIRCIMAGING.124.017137
  32. Lassen MCH, Ostrominski JW, Inzucchi SE, Claggett BL, Kulac I, Jhund P, de Boer RA, Hernandez AF, Kosiborod MN, Lam CSP  et al.  Effect of dapagliflozin in patients with diabetes and heart failure with mildly reduced or preserved ejection fraction according to background glucose-lowering therapy: A pre-specified analysis of the DELIVER trial.  Eur J Heart Fail  2024 Jul;26(7):1539-1548. doi:10.1002/ejhf.3269
  33. Jani VP, Strom JB, Gami A, Beussink-Nelson L, Patel R, Michos ED, Shah SJ, Freed BH, Mukherjee M  Optimal Method for Assessing Right Ventricular to Pulmonary Arterial Coupling in Older Healthy Adults: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis.  Am J Cardiol  2024 Jul 01;222:11-19. doi:10.1016/j.amjcard.2024.03.043
  34. Fudim M, Litwin SE, Borlaug BA, Mohan RC, Price MJ, Fail P, Zirakashvili T, Shaburishvili T, Goyal P, Hummel SL  et al.  Endovascular Ablation of the Right Greater Splanchnic Nerve in Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction: Rationale, Design and Lead-in Phase Results of the REBALANCE-HF Trial.  J Card Fail  2024 Jul;30(7):877-889. doi:10.1016/j.cardfail.2023.12.010
  35. Shah KP, Khan SS, Baldridge AS, Grady KL, Cella D, Goyal P, Allen LA, Smith JD, Lagu TC, Ahmad FS  Health Status in Heart Failure and Cancer: Analysis of the Medicare Health Outcomes Survey 2016-2020.  JACC Heart Fail  2024 Jul;12(7):1166-1178. doi:10.1016/j.jchf.2023.10.003
  36. Kitzman DW, Lewis GD, Pandey A, Borlaug BA, Sauer AJ, Litwin SE, Sharma K, Jorkasky DK, Khan S, Shah SJ  A novel controlled metabolic accelerator for the treatment of obesity-related heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: Rationale and design of the Phase 2a HuMAIN trial.  Eur J Heart Fail  2024 Jun 26;. doi:10.1002/ejhf.3305
  37. Edmonston D, Lydon E, Mulder H, Chiswell K, Lampron Z, Marsolo K, Goss A, Ayoub I, Shah RC, Chang AR  et al.  Concordance With Screening and Treatment Guidelines for Chronic Kidney Disease in Type 2 Diabetes.  JAMA Netw Open  2024 Jun 03;7(6):e2418808. pii:e2418808
  38. Marrero N, Jha K, Razavi AC, Boakye E, Anchouche K, Dzaye O, Budoff MJ, Tsai MY, Shah SJ, Rotter JI  et al.  Identifying People at High Risk for Severe Aortic Stenosis: Aortic Valve Calcium Versus Lipoprotein(a) and Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol.  Circ Cardiovasc Imaging  2024 Jun;17(6):e016372. doi:10.1161/CIRCIMAGING.123.016372
  39. Filipp M, Shah SJ  Proving SGLT2 Inhibitor-Mediated Improvement in Cardiomyocyte Energetics: Beyond a Reasonable Doubt?  Circ Heart Fail  2024 Jun;17(6):e011646. doi:10.1161/CIRCHEARTFAILURE.124.011646
  40. Vaduganathan M, Claggett BL, Lam CSP, Pitt B, Senni M, Shah SJ, Voors AA, Zannad F, Desai AS, Jhund PS  et al.  Finerenone in patients with heart failure with mildly reduced or preserved ejection fraction: Rationale and design of the FINEARTS-HF trial.  Eur J Heart Fail  2024 Jun;26(6):1324-1333. doi:10.1002/ejhf.3253
  41. Solomon SD, Ostrominski JW, Vaduganathan M, Claggett B, Jhund PS, Desai AS, Lam CSP, Pitt B, Senni M, Shah SJ  et al.  Baseline characteristics of patients with heart failure with mildly reduced or preserved ejection fraction: The FINEARTS-HF trial.  Eur J Heart Fail  2024 Jun;26(6):1334-1346. doi:10.1002/ejhf.3266
  42. Wang X, Yue F  Hijacked enhancer-promoter and silencer-promoter loops in cancer.  Curr Opin Genet Dev  2024 Jun;86:102199. doi:10.1016/j.gde.2024.102199
  43. Pabón MA, Wang X, Lam CSP, O'Meara E, Vaduganathan M, Claggett BL, Foà A, Lu H, Langkilde AM, De Boer RA  et al.  Sex Differences in Heart Failure With Improved Ejection Fraction: The DELIVER Trial.  JACC Heart Fail  2024 Jun;12(6):1119-1122. doi:10.1016/j.jchf.2024.03.011
  44. Selvaraj S, Patel S, Sauer AJ, McGarrah RW, Jones P, Kwee LC, Windsor SL, Ilkayeva O, Muehlbauer MJ, Newgard CB  et al.  Targeted Metabolomic Profiling of Dapagliflozin in Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction: The PRESERVED-HF Trial.  JACC Heart Fail  2024 Jun;12(6):999-1011. doi:10.1016/j.jchf.2024.02.018
  45. Patel RB, Silvestry FE, Komtebedde J, Solomon SD, Hasenfuß G, Litwin SE, Borlaug BA, Price MJ, Kawash R, Hummel SL  et al.  Atrial Shunt Device Effects on Cardiac Structure and Function in Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction: The REDUCE LAP-HF II Randomized Clinical Trial.  JAMA Cardiol  2024 Jun 01;9(6):507-522. doi:10.1001/jamacardio.2024.0520
  46. Atreya MR, Bennett TD, Geva A, Faustino EVS, Rogerson CM, Lutfi R, Cvijanovich NZ, Bigham MT, Nowak J, Schwarz AJ  et al.  Biomarker Assessment of a High-Risk, Data-Driven Pediatric Sepsis Phenotype Characterized by Persistent Hypoxemia, Encephalopathy, and Shock.  Pediatr Crit Care Med  2024 Jun 01;25(6):512-517. doi:10.1097/PCC.0000000000003499
  47. Belue MJ, Harmon SA, Yang D, An JY, Gaur S, Law YM, Turkbey E, Xu Z, Tetreault J, Lay NS  et al.  Deep Learning-Based Detection and Classification of Bone Lesions on Staging Computed Tomography in Prostate Cancer: A Development Study.  Acad Radiol  2024 Jun;31(6):2424-2433. doi:10.1016/j.acra.2024.01.009
  48. Castaño A, Heitner SB, Masri A, Huda A, Calambur V, Bruno M, Schumacher J, Emir B, Isherwood C, Shah SJ  EstimATTR: A Simplified, Machine-Learning-Based Tool to Predict the Risk of Wild-Type Transthyretin Amyloid Cardiomyopathy.  J Card Fail  2024 Jun;30(6):778-787. doi:10.1016/j.cardfail.2023.11.017
  49. Bui Q, Kaufman KJ, Munsell EG, Lenze EJ, Lee JM, Mohr DC, Fong MW, Metts CL, Tomazin SE, Pham V  et al.  Smartphone assessment uncovers real-time relationships between depressed mood and daily functional behaviors after stroke.  J Telemed Telecare  2024 Jun;30(5):871-884. doi:10.1177/1357633X221100061
  50. Mihaljevic JR, Chief C, Malik M, Oshinubi K, Doerry E, Gel E, Hepp C, Lant T, Mehrotra S, Sabo S  An inaugural forum on epidemiological modeling for public health stakeholders in Arizona.  Front Public Health  2024;12:1357908. pii:1357908