Food Allergy Coloring Book
"My Food Allergy ABC's" coloring book was created by our friends at Allergy Force. As kids color, they'll learn about the top allergens, how to stay safe with food allergies, and more.
Early Childhood Food Allergy Videos
These videos address the food allergy education needs of the early childhood population under 6 years of age.

Early Childhood and Food Allergies- Song
A food allergy song to sing at daycare/preschool or home when food is on their mind!
Introducing peanut-containing foods to prevent peanut allergy
A video covering when and how to introduce peanut-containing foods to your infant to prevent allergy risk.
IREACH Training Video 1 - Summary of PPA Guidelines and tools for clinicians
This training video provides a comprehensive summary of the PPA guidelines, describes a clinical decision support tool created to support guideline adherence, and explains the different classifications of eczema in infants.

IREACH Training Video 2 - Eczema Classifications
This training video explains the importance of categorizing eczema and provides tools that can help pediatric clinicians.
IREACH Training Video 3 - Clinical Scenarios
This training video shows three clinical scenarios of a pediatric clinician counseling families on the guidelines and early peanut product introduction based on their infants’ risk status for developing peanut allergy.
Early Childhood and Food Allergies- Parent Video English
Parents: A “parent to parent” video for ALL parents of children under age 6, with and without food allergies. A friendly way to start the food allergy conversation with family and friends at home or school. Food allergy policies and rules impact ALL parents and children.
Early Childhood and Food Allergies- Parent Video Spanish
Parents (Spanish version): A “parent to parent” video for ALL parents of children under age 6, with and without food allergies. A friendly way to start the food allergy conversation with family and friends at home or school. Food allergy policies and rules impact ALL parents and children.
Early Childhood and Food Allergies- Teacher Video in English
Early Childhood Professionals: for any adults who work with children under age 6 (Daycare, Preschool, Family Child Care Providers, Park District programming, Library Staff, and Specialty Programming/Classes)
Early Childhood and Food Allergies- Teacher Video in Spanish
Early Childhood Professionals (Spanish version): for any adults who work with children under age 6 (Daycare, Preschool, Family Child Care Providers, Park District programming, Library Staff, and Specialty Programming/Classes)
Webinar Anaphylaxis-early-child
In this discussion, we’ll focus on “Navigating the Aftermath of Anaphylaxis.” The goal is to share insights on anaphylaxis and its potential impact post-reaction on the mental and emotional well-being of people with food allergies and their families by presenting CFAAR research and the lived experience of those impacted by FA. Viewers will hear from a young adult who has experienced anaphylaxis many times, a parent whose child has had numerous anaphylactic reactions, and a clinical psychologist who helps families find their way through the mental and emotional aftermath of a reaction and conducts research on the psychosocial impact of living with a FA.Podcast
In this episode, we talk with Dr. Ruchi Gupta and Sarah Valaika from the Center for Food Allergy & Asthma Research (CFAAR) about caring for children with food allergies in the early childhood classroom.