Vice Dean's Message
Today we are presented with a new question driven by our mission: how to best advance health for all? Decades of health disparities, notably in Chicago, make clear the rationale for change. Our world, our society, our local communities are more interconnected now than ever before — as the recent pandemic made clear. The absence of health in any one of us affects the health of all of us.
We believe a pivot is not only necessary but quite appropriate. Our focus should be universal, as our mission to advance healthcare and improve human health holds no caveats to people or place. It is an absolute admonition.
At Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, we have evolved our mission to include a focus on health equity. This aligns with the definition of health equity as "the attainment of the best possible health for all people." The oath of Hippocrates binds us accordingly, "...whatsoever house I may enter, my visit shall be for the convenience and advantage of the patient." We are driven by a higher order.
We are at a nexus of opportunity in a city of significance.
We've built the broad shoulders necessary to address health equity.
We aspire to advance health for all by:
- Leveraging our nationally recognized areas of research expertise in fundamental and translational sciences, data science, human and pathogenetic genomics, dissemination and implementation science, public health, population health, and cell and developmental biology, all in the study of health equity.
- Enhancing our expertise in medical and graduate-level education, cross-disciplinary engines for collaborative growth in cancer (the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University), translational research (NUCATS), public health and community-engaged research (IPHAM) and the overlap of biomedical engineering and medicine.
- Growing and establishing relationships with centers, institutes, scholars and advocates for rural health, those with disabilities, health literacy and poverty.
- Establishing Feinberg interest groups that embrace new members — students, trainees, staff and faculty — regardless of demographic qualifications.
- Strengthening relationships with our clinical partners: Specifically, a notable pillar for NM 2035 is health equity and community engagement; while the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago holds a legacy of care and compassion for all. There is an unimaginable possibility of a shared focus by Feinberg and our clinical partners to address health equity and support our community at large.
We, as leaders in science and medicine, firmly assert: "This is our moment." No academic medical center is better equipped to not only address but to lead health equity science and equitable care. In partnership with our clinical affiliates, we will become pacesetters remaining true to our steadfast mission while expanding on our perspective to focus even more intensively on the health of all communities at risk.
We can make our communities, all our communities, a better place — all while having the opportunity to achieve their own pinnacle of health.
How does this happen? We evolve. The work begins anew. The strength of our research, educational, clinical and leadership collective, allows us to appropriately and thoughtfully execute this new direction. We confidently embrace this evolution and are inspired by the work to follow. The time to change has come.
Over the past 10 years, we have advanced our campus culture for good and together have created a better Northwestern. If past behavior portends future success, we are poised to once again take a leading position, adopt an aspirational goal and make a difference in our communities, our country, our lives.
We invite you to join us.
Clyde Yancy, MD, MSc
Vice Dean for Health Equity
Chief of Cardiology, Department of Medicine
Magerstadt Professor
Professor of Medicine (Cardiology) and Medical Social Sciences (Determinants of Health)