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ECMH Phase 3

Phase 3 ECMH has 2 major components, the continuation of your 4-year longitudinal experience in a primary care office as well as growing as a teacher. You will continue your bimonthly attendance at your ECMH throughout the year. The focus in Phase 3 ECMH is the continued care of patients longitudinally, focusing on moving toward independent management of patients with complex chronic medical and psychosocial issues. By focusing on time management and longitudinal patient care, students will continue to build foundational skills that are crucial during intern year.

In addition, you will participate in teaching M1s-M3s. This will consist of doing Peer Assessments on M3 students, as well as a mobile observation on an M1 or M2. There will also be one Weekly Report case conference during the year.

The goal of the clerkship is to give students the foundation of knowledge and skills necessary to care for ambulatory patients regardless of chosen specialty.


Beth Anne Scharle

Molly McCahill