Emergency Medicine Clerkship
This clerkship consists of 13 eight-hour shifts, two to three night shifts and four to five weekend shifts. Students are expected to arrive on time and participate in sign-out. They may see any patient and will function as a sub-intern, presenting to the attending or senior EM resident, making all necessary calls and performing all necessary procedures. Absences must be excused and are at the discretion of Dr. Kontrick.
Clerkship Goals & Objectives
Find comprehensive Emergency Medicine Clerkship Objectives.
Assessment & EPAs
Required Clerkship Clinical Experiences (Clerklog) & Tools
- Download the clerkship clerklog
- Access the Clerklog online (requires NetID)
The conferences and group simulation session you will attend all have required readings. They will be provided to you at a later time.
Policies & Procedures
For Faculty & Residents
- Safe and Healthy Learning Environment
- Medical Student Supervision and Level of Responsibility Policy
- Duty Hours Policy
- Assessment and Health Providers Policy
- Non-Discrimination Statement
- Non-Retaliation Policy
- Assessment Policy for Clerkships & Electives (Phases 2 and 3)
- Visiting Resident Policy
- Phases 2 and 3 Attendance Policy and Procedure
- Patient Caregiver Preferences and Refusal of Care by Caregivers Policy
- Performing Sensitive Physical Exams Policy
- Needle Stick and Other Blood-Borne, Body Fluid and or Respiratory Pathogen Exposure Policy