Obstetrics & Gynecology Subinternship
The acting-internship rotation at Prentice Women’s Hospital is challenging and rewarding. The student is a member of the antepartum/maternal fetal medicine team at Prentice Women’s Hospital for four weeks during the course of their sub-internship. The primary responsibility is to care for the inpatients on service. However, the student will attend a number of outpatient clinics (in PAC clinic) throughout the week. Typical schedule is Monday through Friday during daytime hours. There is one weekend shift, which includes Friday overnight on Labor and Delivery with subsequent rounding on the antepartum service on the following Saturday and Sunday.
The student is expected to participate in all facets of inpatient service and outpatient clinics (high-risk obstetrics clinics, diabetes in pregnancy, infectious disease in pregnancy). Attendance is expected at all lectures, conferences and meetings which their team attends. Department conferences include morning rounds, attending rounds, grand rounds, weekly perinatal conferences and weekly journal club/teaching conferences.
Clerkship Goals & Objectives
The goal of the subinternship is to learn how to efficiently diagnose, evaluate and manage both common and unusual antepartum (maternal fetal medicine) conditions in the inpatient and outpatient setting. To assume primary patient care responsibility for all patients admitted by the sub-intern to their service.
At the end of the four-week experience, students will be able to do the following:
- Efficiently perform detailed histories and physical exams on a wide variety of patients.
- Generate appropriate differential diagnoses for ill patients.
- Recognize and treat certain conditions including preterm labor, preterm rupture of membranes, hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, diabetes in pregnancy, fetal growth restriction.
- Independently prepare care plans.
- Prioritize patient care responsibilities appropriately.
- Actively participate in patient care and attending rounds.
- Coordinate care for inpatient antepartum patients with consultants and ancillary services.
- Efficiently prepare and accept sign-outs for the patients on their service.Write organized and informative H & P's, admit orders and daily progress notes.
Find comprehensive Obstetrics-Gynecology Subinternship Goals and Objectives.
Assessment & EPAs
Northwestern student evaluations will be completed by the attending physicians, fellows and residents on the service. The students will be graded on the basis of their clinical performance, knowledge base and professionalism. The student will also be evaluated by the clerkship director on the basis of written H&P's, progress notes, oral patient presentations, and the quality of the end-of-rotation presentation. Each student will have mid-clerkship and end-of-clerkship feedback/review with the clerkship director. There will also be opportunity for the student to anonymously evaluate the rotation.
Required Clerkship Clinical Experiences (Clerklog) & Tools
- Download the subinternship clerklog
- Access the Clerklog Online (requires NetID)
Service assignment and materials will be emailed prior to the rotation start, which will include the location to report on your first day. Medical student coordinator Jamillah Collins will be in contact with you to review passwords, computer access, pagers, etc. You will receive a formal orientation from Janelle Bolden, MD, the clerkship director, on the first or second day of the rotation.
Policies & Procedures
For Faculty & Residents
- Safe and Healthy Learning Environment
- Medical Student Supervision and Level of Responsibility Policy
- Duty Hours Policy
- Assessment and Health Providers Policy
- Non-Discrimination Statement
- Non-Retaliation Policy
- Assessment Policy for Clerkships & Electives (Phases 2 and 3)
- Visiting Resident Policy
- Phases 2 and 3 Attendance Policy and Procedure
- Patient Caregiver Preferences and Refusal of Care by Caregivers Policy
- Performing Sensitive Physical Exams Policy
- Needle Stick and Other Blood-Borne, Body Fluid and or Respiratory Pathogen Exposure Policy