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Pediatric Subinternship

During this sub-internship, students will serve as members of Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago’s inpatient teams for four weeks. Students may be assigned to the general medicine, kidney diseases, gastroenterology, or the neonatal intensive care unit medical teams, depending on the time of the year and the number of students enrolling in the sub-internship.

Service assignments and materials will be emailed to students prior to the rotation start. This will include information on where (and when) you should report on your first day. On that day, you will meet with medical student coordinator Quiana Smothers in the morning to receive your ID badges. You will receive a formal orientation afterwards from Lindsay Koressel, MD, the clerkship director.

Students will work three weeks of day shifts, five contiguous overnight shifts, and one weekend day shift. Students will take calls with a senior resident and an intern, but will admit and carry their own patients throughout the month and be the primary contact person and primary provider for their patients.
Students are expected to participate in all facets of inpatient service, including attendance at all lectures and teaching sessions that their teams attend. Department conferences such as morning report, firm rounds, grand rounds and noon conference are also included in students’ schedules. A separate weekly sub-internship case conference with Dr. Koressel will be substituted for some educational conference time. In addition, there will be one pediatric acute illness simulation experience during the rotation.

This rotation should not be taken when residency interviews are planned because there are no weekdays off. The schedule is difficult to change once disseminated. Any special call requests should be made at the time the clerkship is arranged. We cannot guarantee that these special requests will be honored.

During the sub-internship, you will meet weekly as a group for case conferences and twice with the clerkship director to discuss your progress and continued growth.
